About the Digital Collection »
As part of their work on the expansion of East Campus and the construction of West Campus, the Duke Construction Company was charged with taking professional photographs of the construction’s progress every few weeks. The resulting “progress pictures” (166 of East Campus and 439 of West Campus) systematically capture the stages of the vast construction project, then the largest construction project ever undertaken in the South. In addition to providing a timeline for the construction of many of Duke University’s best-known buildings and landscapes, the progress pictures frequently capture the workers responsible for Duke’s construction, many of whom remain unidentified.
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Source Collection
This digital collection comprises selected materials from the following archival collection at Duke University Archives:
Duke University Progress Pictures collection 1925-1932
Collection #UA.01.15.0012 | 3.5 Linear Feet; approximately 1000 Items
These photographs were taken during the initial construction of Duke University, 1925-1932. There is one set of pictures for East Campus and two sets for West, and modern copy prints and copy negatives of some images. The collection includes approximately 1000 mounted images in two bound sets (copy 1 and copy 2), along several file folders of mounted and unmounted prints.
From Our Blog
A Digital Exhibits Epic Saga: Game of Stones
by Molly Bragg over 10 years ago
The preservation of the Duke University Libraries Digital Collections and the Duke Digital Repository programs are supported in part by the Lowell and Eileen Aptman Digital Preservation Fund