Twa Flè Lespwa, asasinay twa timoun Gonayiv nan 1985. J.J. Dominique ak Venel Remarais
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Item Info
- Title:
- Twa Flè Lespwa, asasinay twa timoun Gonayiv nan 1985. J.J. Dominique ak Venel Remarais
- Alternative Title:
- Twa Flè Lespwa, assassinat de trois jeunes aux Gonaïves en 1985. J.J. Dominique et Venel Remarais
- Twa Flè Lespwa, three children killed in Gonaïves in 1985. J.J. Dominique an Venel Remarais
- Speaker:
- Date:
- November 28, 1986
- Description:
J.J Dominique s'interroge sur les événements du 28 novembre 1980 et plus particulièrement sur l'assassinat des « Twa Flè Lespwa » aux Gonaïves. Elle analyse les événements et leur signification avec Venel Remarais de Radio Soleil. La tuerie d'enfants innocents par la dictature servit de catalyseur pour la résistance contre le régime de Duvalier.
J.J. Dominique reflechi sou evènman 28 novanm 1985, sitou sou asasinay twa timoun, Twa Flè Lespwa yo nan Gonayiv. Li pale avèk Venel Remarais, jounalis Radyo Solèy, sou evènman ak siyifikasyon dat sa a. Lò rejim nan touye timoun inosan, sa te bay rezistans lan jarèt.
J.J. Dominique reflects on the events of November 28, 1985, particularly the killing of the "Twa Flè Lespwa" in Gonaïves, and speaks with Venel Remarais of Radio Soleil about the events and significance of that day. The fact that the regime killed innocent children catalyzed resistance to the dictatorship.
- Program Type:
- Subject:
- Location:
- Language:
- Haitian; Haitian Creole
- Tape ID:
- RL10059RR0502
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- This recording may contain material that was not originally created by Radio Haiti and therefore not covered by the Creative Commons license indicated here. For more information see
- Digital Collection:
- Radio Haiti Archive
- Source Collection:
- Radio Haiti audio recordings, 1957-2003
- Identifier:
- 7d52f7bbe32a52b6e8f5e8d681d1bcd0
- radiohaiti
- duke:447279
- RL10059-RR-0502_01
- ark:/87924/r41836017
- ab56bb1e-e789-406e-9d86-7589f93a66c6
- Permalink:
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