Radyo Ayiti an egzil sou WNYE; Lè Ayisyen sou asasina Firmin Joseph
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Item Info
- Title:
- Radyo Ayiti an egzil sou WNYE; Lè Ayisyen sou asasina Firmin Joseph
- Alternative Title:
- Radio Haiti in exile, on WNYE; L'Heure Haïtienne on the murder of Firmin Joseph
- Radio Haïti sur WNYE ; L'Heure Haïtienne à propos du meurtre de Firmin Joseph
- Program Name:
- Radyo Ayiti nan Nouyòk
- Speaker:
- Date:
- September 23, 1983
- Description:
(00:00:22) Radyo Ayiti an egzil, sou WNYE, Nouyòk. Anons kominotè sou papye imigrasyon ak dokiman konsènan sityasyon aktyèl an Ayiti. Entèvyou avèk Joe Etienne, responsab Haitian Centers Council, sou desizyon yon kou apèl fè nan Miyami sou kesyon depòtasyon refijye ayisyen. Li di moun yo poko dwe panike paske desizsyon an poko final. Nan landemen 24 septanm pral genyen yon mach devan Downstate Medical Center òganize pa Komite Ayisyen Kont Pwopagann AIDS (KAPAIDS) pou manifeste kont pwopagann anti-ayisyen pa rapò ak SIDA. Jean Dominique dekri konfli ant jounal Petit Samedi Soir, ki soti yon edisyon espesyal sou kesyon siksesyon prezidansyèl, ak jounal divalyeris Panorama anba direksyon Paul Blanchet. Kokenn pete nan lari Pòtoprens aprè edisyon an soti. Anrejistreman an koupe, men w ap jwenn lòt repòtaj sou sa nan RL10059CS0809_01 nan 00:40:02 1983-09-23 (00:14:07) Repòtaj Lè Ayisyen sou Firmin Joseph, yon redaktè jounal ayisyen, ke yo asasine 21 septanm 1983 nan Brooklyn 1983-09-23
(00:00:22) Radio Haiti in exile, on WNYE, New York. Specific community announcements concerning immigration paperwork and documents about the current situation in Haiti. Interview with Joe Etienne of the Haitian Centers Council on the decision of an appeals court in Miami regarding the deportation Haitian refugees. He says that people should not panic, because the decision is not final yet. There will be a march tomorrow, September 24, at Downstate Medical Center organized by the Komite Ayisyen Kont Pwopagann AIDS (KAPAIDS), protesting anti-Haitian propaganda around AIDS. Jean Dominique describes conflict between Petit Samedi Soir, and its special issue on the question of presidential succession, and Duvalierist newspaper Panorama under Paul Blanchet. The special issue caused much noise on the street of Port-au-Prince Recording cuts off; more about this can be found on RL10059CS0809)02 at 00:40:02 1983-09-23 (00:14:07) L'Heure Haïtienne's report on the September 21, 1983 shooting death of Haitian newspaper editor Firmin Joseph in Brooklyn 1983-09-23
(00:00:22) Radio Haïti en exil sur WNYE à New York. Annonces spécifiques pour la communauté au sujet des papiers d'immigration et des documents concernant la situation actuelle en Haïti. Interview de Joe Etienne du Haitian Centers Council à propos de la décision de la court d'appel de Miami sur la question de la déportation des réfugiés haïtiens. Etienne demande aux gens de ne pas paniquer, parce que la décision n'est pas encore finale. Une marche est organisée par le Komite Ayisyen Kont Pwopagann AIDS (KAPAIDS) le lendemain (le 24 septembre) au Downstate Medical Center pour manifester contre la propagande anti-haïtienne vis-à-vis du SIDA. Jean Dominique explique le conflit entre l'édition spéciale du journal Le Petit Samedi Soir, dédiée à la question de la succession présidentielle, et le journal duvaliériste Panorama dirigé par Paul Blanchet. L'édition spéciale fit grand bruit dans les rues de Port-au-Prince ; pour des informations complémentaires, voir RL10059CS0809_02 à partir de 00:40:02 1983-09-23 (00:14:07) Reportage de L'Heure Haïtienne sur la mort du rédacteur en chef haïtien Firmin Joseph, tué par balle à Brooklyn le 21 Septembre 1983 1983-09-23
- Program Type:
- Subject:
- Refugees
- Refijye
- Réfugiés
- Haitian diaspora
- Dyaspora ayisyen
- Diaspora haïtienne
- Murder
- Asasina
- Meurtre
- Deportation
- Depòtasyon
- Déportation
- AIDS (Disease)
- Exile
- Egzil
- Exil
- Le Petit Samedi Soir
- Panorama
- Duvalierism
- Divalyeris
- Duvaliérisme
- Journalism
- Jounalis
- Journalisme
- Joseph, Firmin
- L’Heure Haïtienne
- Martineau Koralen, Jean Claude
- Komite Ayisyen Kont Pwopagann AIDS
- TiCorn
- Blanchet, Paul
- New York (N.Y.)
- Location:
- Language:
- Haitian; Haitian Creole
- Tape ID:
- RL10059CS0809
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- This recording may contain material that was not originally created by Radio Haiti and therefore not covered by the Creative Commons license indicated here. For more information see https://repository.duke.edu/dc/radiohaiti/about#copyright.
- Digital Collection:
- Radio Haiti Archive
- Source Collection:
- Radio Haiti audio recordings, 1957-2003
- Identifier:
- 45efcb746681907d57d7543fc553311e
- radiohaiti
- duke:479706
- RL10059-CS-0809_02
- ark:/87924/r4vm4574p
- f76e28a5-beb1-4c84-bdff-bca13ca78065
- Permalink:
- https://idn.duke.edu/ark:/87924/r4vm4574p
- Sponsor:
- Sponsor this Digital Collection
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