Medicine and Madison Avenue

About 600 advertising items and publications dating from 1850 to 1920, illustrating the rise of consumer culture and the birth of a professionalized advertising industry in the United States. More »

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"I'm glad I'm working in America" MM0567
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For Their Protection Mercurochrome MM0189
View the highlight item: An old family friend in a new form --...
An old family friend in a new form --... MM0169
View the highlight item: When a young lad dreams of manhood...
When a young lad dreams of manhood... MM0462
View the highlight item: Listerine-your "second best" friend when Sore...
Listerine-your "second best" friend when Sore... MM0617
View the highlight item: This can't be Lifebuoy...
This can't be Lifebuoy... MM0298

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This collection explores the complex relationships between modern medicine and modern advertising, or "Madison Avenue," as the latter is colloquially termed. It presents images and information for approximately 600 health-related advertisements printed in newspapers and magazines. These ads illustrate the variety and evolution of marketing images from the 1910s through the 1950s. The collection represents a wide range of products such as cough and cold remedies, laxatives and indigestion aids, and vitamins and tonics, among others. The majority of images in MMA are from the "Competitive Advertisements Collection" (Pre-1955 files) within the J. Walter Thompson Company Archives.

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Adopted by Tim McGeary in honor of Barbara McGeary

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A New Dimension for Duke’s Digital Collections

by Molly Bragg almost 11 years ago

As our long-term readers of Bitstreams will attest, the Duke Digital Collections program has an established and well-earned reputation as a trailblazer when it comes to introducing new technologies, improved user interfaces, high definition imaging, and other features that deliver digital images with a beauty and verisimilitude true to the originals held by the David…