Deed of gift for Viney, an enslaved woman, and her eighteen-month-old daughter Adelia from Hezekiah and Sarah Thompson to their daughter Adelaide Kemp, 1853 June 29 :signed manuscript.
Deed of gift for Viney, an enslaved woman, and her eighteen-month-old daughter Adelia from Hezekiah and Sarah Thompson to their daughter Adelaide Kemp, 1853 June 29 :signed manuscript.
Deed of gift for Viney, an enslaved woman, "aged 19 of black color" and her daughter Adelia, "aged 18 months of black color" from Hezekiah and Sarah Thompson to their daughter Adelaide Kemp. Viney and Adelia are valued at the "sum of eight hundred dollars".
Title devised by cataloger.
Formerly known as: Transfer of slaves Viney and her daughter of 18 mos., Adelia, from Hezakiah and Sarah Thompson to their daughter, Adelaide Kemp, St. Helen's Parish, La.
Recorded and signed by Shepherd B. Draughon.
Signed by Hezekiah Thompson, Sarah Thompson, and Adelaide Kemp.