Duke Student Government records, 1960-2019

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Source Collection

This digital collection comprises selected materials from the following archival collection at Duke University Archives:

Duke Student Government records 1960-2019

Collection #UA.31.02.0002 | 31 Linear Feet; 0.44 Gigabytes

The Duke Student Government (DSG) replaced the existing student government, Associated Students of Duke University (ASDU), in 1993. DSG is the governing body of Duke undergraduate students and acts as the principal liaison between them and the University administration. It presents students' views on the affairs of the University community, appoints students to University and Board of Trustees committees, and oversees and allocates funds to student clubs and organizations. The Duke Student Government Records contain materials of both the DSG its organizational predecessor, Associated Students of Duke University (ASDU). Records consist of correspondence, legislation, minutes, reports, printed matter, judicial decisions, charters, memoranda, speeches, receipts, vouchers, and other materials, and document student governance and political activity, organizations, events planning, housing, and interaction with Duke University administration and the Board of Trustees.

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