About the Digital Collection »
The Radio Haiti Archive digital collection was made possible through two grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
1,960 audiocassettes, 1,663 open-reel audio tapes, 5 digital audio tapes, and 37 VHS video tapes from Radio Haiti-Inter, documenting Haitian politics, society and culture from 1957 to 2003 (bulk 1972-2003). Under the leadership of station directors Jean Dominique and Michèle Montas, Radio Haiti was a voice of social change and democracy, speaking out against oppression and impunity while advocating for human rights and celebrating Haitian culture and heritage.
1 960 kasèt odyo, 1 663 tep sou woulo, 5 tep dijital, ak 37 kasèt VHS Radyo Ayiti-Entè, ki reprezante politik, sosyete ak kilti Ayiti a soti nan 1957 rive nan 2003 (pi fò se 1972-2003 yo soti). Anba direksyon Jean Dominique ak Michèle Montas, Radyo Ayiti te yon vwa chanjman sosyal ak demokrasi, ki te denonse tout kalite opresyon ak enpinite pandan li te defande dwa moun epi valorize kilti ak eritaj ayisyen.
1 960 cassettes audio, 1 663 bandes magnétiques, 5 bandes audionumériques, et 37 cassettes VHS de Radio Haïti-Inter, documentant la politique, la société et la culture haïtienne de 1957 à 2003 (majorité 1972-2003). Sous la direction de Jean Dominique et Michèle Montas, Radio Haïti fut une voix du changement social et de la démocratie, dénonçant l’oppression et l’impunité tout en défendant les droits humains et célébrant la culture et le patrimoine d’Haïti.
Some materials and descriptions may include offensive content. More info
Source Collection
This digital collection comprises selected materials from the following archival collection at David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library:
Radio Haiti audio recordings 1957-2003
Collection #RL.10059 | 100 Linear Feet
Audio recordings from Radio Haiti-Inter, documenting Haitian politics and culture from 1957 to 2003 (bulk 1972-2003). Under the leadership of station directors Jean Dominique and Michèle Montas, Radio Haiti was a voice of social change and democracy, speaking out against oppression and impunity while advocating for human rights and celebrating Haitian culture and heritage.
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The preservation of the Duke University Libraries Digital Collections and the Duke Digital Repository programs are supported in part by the Lowell and Eileen Aptman Digital Preservation Fund