Apèl pwovens: Gonayiv, Leyogàn, Jeremi
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Item Info
- Title:
- Apèl pwovens: Gonayiv, Leyogàn, Jeremi
- Alternative Title:
- Appels des provinces: Gonaïves, Léogâne, Jérémie
- Reports from the provinces: Gonaïves, Léogâne, Jérémie
- Speaker:
- Date:
- November 13, 1986
- Description:
Apèl korespondan nan Gonayiv, Leyogàn, epi Jeremi. Nan Gonayiv, lame te tire sou moun ki te rasanble sou Plas Raboto pou remèt zam yo. Lidè lokal Jean Tatoune ak Kolonèl Renaud Monpoint pale. Nan Latibonit tou, kiltivatè diri te mete barikad pou bare wout diri Miyami pou l pa ka rive Pòtoprens soti nan Gonayiv. Repòtaj Jean Laurent Nelson. Nan Leyogàn, popilasyon an ap manifeste kont KNG epi kont pati makout la, PREN. Lame ap fè patwouy nan zòn nan. Nan Jeremi, ti gwoup moun ap rasanble pou eksprime mekontantman yo sou diskou Jeneral Namphy a.
Correspondants de Gonaïves, Léogâne et Jérémie. À Gonaïves, l’armée a tiré sur gens rassemblés sur la Place de Raboteau pour remettre leurs armes. Le leader local, Jean Tatoune et le colonel Renaud Monpoint parlent. Dans l’Artibonite, les riziculteurs ont dressé des barricades pour empêcher le transport du riz de Miami vers Port-au-Prince. Reportage de Jean Laurent Nelson. À Léogâne, la population manifeste contre le CNG et contre le parti macoute, PREN. L’armée patrouille la région. À Jérémie, des petits groupes se rassemblent pour exprimer leur mécontentement après le discours du général Namphy.
Correspondents from Gonaïves, Léogâne, and Jérémie call in with reports. In Gonaïves, the army fired upon people who had come to relinquish their firearms on Place Raboteau. Local leader Jean Tatoune and Colonel Renaud Monpoint speak. Also in the Artibonite, rice farmers in L'Estère set up barricades to prevent "Miami rice" from reaching Port-au-Prince from Gonaïves. Report by Jean Laurent Nelson. In Léogâne, the population is demonstrating against the CNG and the neo-Duvalierist party PREN, and the army is patrolling. In Jérémie, small groups are coming together to express their discontent with General Namphy's speech.
- Program Type:
- Reportage
- Subject:
- Location:
- Language:
- Haitian; Haitian Creole
- Tape ID:
- RL10059RR0227
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- This recording may contain material that was not originally created by Radio Haiti and therefore not covered by the Creative Commons license indicated here. For more information see https://repository.duke.edu/dc/radiohaiti/about#copyright.
- Digital Collection:
- Radio Haiti Archive
- Source Collection:
- Radio Haiti audio recordings, 1957-2003
- Identifier:
- 21a1bcdd01cdf487091f919742f06491
- radiohaiti
- duke:623302
- RL10059-RR-0227_01
- ark:/87924/r43t9j58d
- a17af1e2-38c9-4dfd-aae4-475bab2c8a72
- Permalink:
- https://idn.duke.edu/ark:/87924/r43t9j58d
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