Leslie Manigat, candidat à la présidence. Interview Jean L. Dominique (1)
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Item Info
- Title:
- Leslie Manigat, candidat à la présidence. Interview Jean L. Dominique (1)
- Alternative Title:
- Leslie Manigat, kandida pou prezidan. Entèvyou Jean L. Dominique (1)
- Leslie Manigat, presidential candidate. Interview Jean L. Dominique (1)
- Speaker:
- Date:
- November 4, 1987
- Description:
Nan premye emisyon pwogram "Objektif 7 Fevriye" a, Jean Dominique entèvyouve kandida pou prezidan Leslie Manigat, ki se chèf pati RNDP a. Yo pale sou pwogram Manigat konsènan agrikilti avèk refòm agrè, ki gen ladan l kesyon modènizasyon pwodiksyon agrikòl epi pwoblèm diri Miyami (diri kontrebann) k ap anvayi peyi a epi kraze pwodiksyon nasyonal. Oditè Radyo Ayiti rele pou poze Manigat kesyon konsènan rimè k ap sikile ke Manigat se yon patizan Duvalier li ye (dapre Manigat, se Sylvio Claude ki kreye rimè sa yo, epi misye "iresponsab"), sous finansman kanpay li, opinyon li sou Atik 291 Konstitisyon an ki bare ansyen divalyeris pou yo pa pran pouvwa ankò, epi lavni peyizan d Ayiti yo. Sa se premye fwa oditè Radyo Ayiti te ka rele pou yo patisipe nan brase-lide a.
Durant la première émission « Objectif 7 février », Jean Dominique rencontre le candidat à la présidence du RDNP, Leslie Manigat. Ils discutent du programme de Manigat concernant l’agriculture et la réforme agraire, avec la modernisation de la production agricole et le problème de la contrebande de riz (riz de Miami) qui détruit la production nationale. Les auditeurs de Radio Haïti appellent. Manigat est interrogé sur une rumeur selon laquelle il était un partisan de Duvalier, sur le financement de sa campagne, sur son opinion de l’article 291 de la constitution qui barre la route aux anciens duvaliéristes, et enfin sur l’avenir de la paysannerie haïtienne. C’était la première fois que des auditeurs de Radio Haïti pouvaient intervenir lors d’une rencontre.
In the first broadcast of the "Objectif 7 Février" program, Jean Dominique interviews presidential candidate Leslie Manigat of the RDNP. They discuss Manigat's platform concerning agriculture and agrarian reform, including the modernization of Haiti's agricultural production and the problem of contraband "Miami rice" undercutting Haitian domestic production. Radio Haiti listeners call in with questions concerning rumors of Manigat's Duvalierist sympathies (which Manigat says were spread by "irresponsible" Sylvio Claude), the sources of his campaign funding, his opinions of Article 291 of the Constitution which bars former Duvalierists from power, and the future of Haiti's rural farmers. This is the first call-in program Radio Haiti ever aired.
- Program Type:
- Subject:
- Location:
- Language:
- Tape ID:
- RL10059CS0924
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- This recording may contain material that was not originally created by Radio Haiti and therefore not covered by the Creative Commons license indicated here. For more information see https://repository.duke.edu/dc/radiohaiti/about#copyright.
- Digital Collection:
- Radio Haiti Archive
- Source Collection:
- Radio Haiti audio recordings, 1957-2003
- Related Resources:
- See below
- Identifier:
- d44db7ee2b05d36a3efd77513695142a
- radiohaiti
- duke:623856
- RL10059-CS-0924_01
- ark:/87924/r4zg6m68v
- d3f40c28-1278-4ebe-aab6-4f4edec76a5d
- Permalink:
- https://idn.duke.edu/ark:/87924/r4zg6m68v
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