Interview with Zou Quantang
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- MP4
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- Document
- ZOU Quantang_email_cn.docx
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- 253-ZOU Quantang-2012_blog_cn.docx
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- 253-ZOU Quantang-2012 translation.docx
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Item Info
- Title:
- Interview with Zou Quantang
- Date:
- January 20, 2012
- Interviewer:
- Interviewee:
- Description:
Zou Quantang (b.1955) was born in Zoujia Village, Shangdian Town, Binzhou City, Shandong Province. He is Zou Ailing's younger brother. In this interview, Zou recalls his experiences during the Great Famine. In 1958, four-year-old Zou Quantang was given one bun per day; he would have starved to death if his sister did not save food for him. When he had dumplings for a New Year, he almost died of overload on that day.
Transcripts for this interview and more may be available under the ‘Documents’ link above. 采访抄录和相关内容,请点击查看上面的’Documents’链接。
- Location:
- Subject:
- Format:
- interviews
- Language:
- Chinese
- Digital Collection:
- The Memory Project
- Catalog Record:
- Source Collection:
- The Memory Project Oral History collection | 民间记忆计划口述史, 2009-2016
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- Rights in these materials are owned by their creators and are licensed for reuse under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (English: Chinese: For reuses beyond the scope of that license or for other questions about rights, please see:
- Identifier:
- RL10171mpg0516
- 8d2a6ea410f621a23119d33dac760a3e
- 009127403
- memoryproject
- duke:615509
- zouquantang
- ark:/87924/r4bk1bk43
- 44a73bf2-3d92-4057-b421-c7dc061d6152
- Permalink:
- Sponsor:
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