Interview with Wu Tingyi
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- RL10171-DOC-0169_WU Tingqia and WU Tingyi_email_01_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0168_WU Tingqia and WU Tingyi_email_02_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0172_WU Tingqia and WU Tingyi_email_03_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0176_WU Tingqia and WU Tingyi_email_04_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0177_WU Tingqia and WU Tingyi_email_05_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0171_222-WU Tingyi-2013_blog_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0185_1005-WU Tingyi-2013_blog_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0186_1131-WU Tingyi-2013_blog_cn.docx
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- RL10171-DOC-0170_1362-WU Tingyi-2013_blog_cn.docx
- Document
- 1131-WU Tingyi-2013 Translation.docx
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Item Info
- Title:
- Interview with Wu Tingyi
- Date:
- February 11, 2013
- Interviewer:
- Interviewee:
- Description:
Wu Tingyi (b. 1937) was born in Longju Village, Baimi Town, Hejiang County, Sichuan Province. As a son from a landlord's family, Wu's life has been strongly influenced by his class background. In this interview, he recollects about the struggles of poor peasants against landlords. He also recalls his experience during the Great Leap Forward after the village started the People's Commune in 1957. He talks about all kinds of food people ate during the Great Famine, and the struggle against village cadres during the Cultural Revolution.
吴廷易1937年出生于四川省合江市白米乡龙聚村。他的一生被地主子女的阶级背景深深影响。 在这段口述中,吴老人回忆了土改时贫下中农斗地主,大跃进时他(1957年)加入人民公社后的所见所闻,大饥荒期间人们吃的各种东西,还有文革时对村里干部的批斗。
Transcripts for this interview and more may be available under the ‘Documents’ link above. 采访抄录和相关内容,请点击查看上面的’Documents’链接。
- Location:
- Subject:
- Format:
- interviews
- Language:
- Chinese
- Digital Collection:
- The Memory Project
- Catalog Record:
- Source Collection:
- The Memory Project Oral History collection | 民间记忆计划口述史, 2009-2016
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- Rights in these materials are owned by their creators and are licensed for reuse under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (English: Chinese: For reuses beyond the scope of that license or for other questions about rights, please see:
- Identifier:
- RL10171mpg0500
- f7a7db4c004f597e26e172e08b51c315
- 009127403
- memoryproject
- duke:615110
- wutingyi
- ark:/87924/r40k2b71f
- 74027bf7-ceb5-4eba-abe4-d6c54334383f
- Permalink:
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