Interview with Wang Gai
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- 213-Wang Gai-2012 translation.docx
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Item Info
- Title:
- Interview with Wang Gai
- Date:
- February 3, 2012
- Interviewer:
- Interviewee:
- Description:
Wang Gai (b. 1920) is a resident of Daguo Village, Linying County, Luohe City, Henan Province. Wang and her sisters were all sold to be child brides. In 1958, Wang worked day and night, which made her body ache. She carried feces in the morning to gain more work points. During the Famine, Wang tried every kind of tree leaves. Date leaves were too bitter for her. Wang had 4 children with her first husband and 1 child with her second husband. All her children died before maturity. Her youngest daughter was starved at the period of communal canteens.
王改(1920年生)是河南省临颍县大郭乡大郭村村民。王老人和她的姐妹小时候都做过童养媳。1958年,老人日夜劳动,浑身酸痛。老人清早去拉粪,以换取更多工分。饥荒期间,老人吃了所有种类能吃的树叶,只不再吃太苦的枣树叶。王老人和第一个丈夫生了四个孩子,和第二个丈夫生了一个孩子,但孩子们都没长大就去世了。 老人的小女儿在食堂期间被饿死。
Transcripts for this interview and more may be available under the ‘Documents’ link above. 采访抄录和相关内容,请点击查看上面的’Documents’链接。
- Location:
- Subject:
- Format:
- interviews
- Language:
- Chinese
- Digital Collection:
- The Memory Project
- Catalog Record:
- Source Collection:
- The Memory Project Oral History collection | 民间记忆计划口述史, 2009-2016
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- Rights in these materials are owned by their creators and are licensed for reuse under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (English: Chinese: For reuses beyond the scope of that license or for other questions about rights, please see:
- Identifier:
- 313196967068dc71b721e80ea2ce4720
- 009127403
- memoryproject
- wanggai
- ark:/87924/r4cc11s49
- 278a77b9-dd9b-4c1c-b97c-3f39649b3519
- Permalink:
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