Interview with Kou Shucan
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Item Info
- Title:
- Interview with Kou Shucan
- Date:
- February 5, 2012
- Interviewer:
- Interviewee:
- Description:
Kou Shucan(b. 1945) is a resident of Zhoubei Village, Linying County, Luohe City, Henan Province. When people started to eat at eating halls, Kou was going to a middle school away from home. Every four days, he brought food from home for three and a half days and survived by drinking salty water. Kou had seven brothers and sisters. When his elder brothers and sister went away working, he took care of his younger brothers and sister. Kou worked outside the village from the 1960s to 70s. He transported coal for twelve hours per day to make money to build a house for his family. For his family, he has always remained single.
寇书灿(1945年生)是河南省临颍县大郭乡纣北村村民。吃食堂时,老人在陈策村上初中,离家远住校,带的干粮只够吃三天半,剩下的一天半靠喝盐水熬过。 老人家兄弟姐妹共八人,两个哥哥和一个姐姐都去了外地打工,靠他一个人照顾两个弟弟和一个妹妹。老人从60年代到70年代都在外面打工,曾经每天拉煤十二个小时,赚钱给家里盖房子。 为了照顾家庭,老人一辈子单身。
Transcripts for this interview and more may be available under the ‘Documents’ link above. 采访抄录和相关内容,请点击查看上面的’Documents’链接。
- Location:
- Subject:
- Format:
- interviews
- Language:
- Chinese
- Digital Collection:
- The Memory Project
- Catalog Record:
- Source Collection:
- The Memory Project Oral History collection | 民间记忆计划口述史, 2009-2016
- Rights:
- Limited Re-UseCC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Rights Note:
- Rights in these materials are owned by their creators and are licensed for reuse under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License (English: Chinese: For reuses beyond the scope of that license or for other questions about rights, please see:
- Identifier:
- RL10171mpg0100
- 559e1ea0ac367ebbff8a6897ce3e0ad5
- 009127403
- memoryproject
- koushucan
- ark:/87924/r4df6s23d
- 2a032559-11dc-4228-ae19-e3ab1485e087
- Permalink:
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