
Search Results

102. Some things love me

103. Southern right's march

104. Spirit rappings

105. The Syanna schottisch

106. The Yankee Quilting Party; Comic song

107. The hazel dell

108. The old sexton

109. They've sold me down the river; The Negro father's lament

110. Union polka

111. Universal medley

112. We miss thee at home

113. Welcome home; Companion to Do they miss me at home

114. Wild ash deer

115. Woman's rights

116. Womans right; A right good ballad rightly illustrating womans rights

117. Arkansas traveller with variations; Opus 415

118. Bell Brandon

119. Cockade City quick-step

121. Favorite; Op. 200

122. Good news from home

123. Good news from home

124. Hazel dell

125. I cannot call her Mother

126. It is enough; Elijah

127. Lucrezia; Lucrezia Borgia

128. Rainbow schottisch

129. Si la stanchezza m'opprime; Here let me rest now; Il Travatore; Si la stanchezza

130. Solitude sweetened; Lady mine! lady mine!; Op. 419

131. Tony Pastor's medley The cottage by the sea

132. What is home without a mother

134. Hirondelle et le prisonnier; Prisoner and the swallow; Op. 58; Caprice de genre

135. Norma; Op. 42

136. Star spangled banner

137. Ah! che la morte ognori; Trovatore

138. All aboard

139. Barnum's baby show polka

140. Bayadere

141. Belisario

142. Blandina; Polka brilliante

143. Bohemian girl

144. Brightest eyes galop

145. Crow out Shanghai; A song for the times

146. Cuba plantation dance

147. Engagement polka

148. Fairy's burial

149. Giselle schottische quadrille; Gizelle schottische quadrille

150. Juanita; Spanish ballad

151. Lament of the guardian angel

152. Les bords du Danube

153. Martha

154. Orphan; Ballad

155. Osgood waltz; I have something sweet to tell you

156. Poor Charlie; Old slave who ran away & was carried back to his master

157. Rosalie the prairie flower

159. The banjo; Grotesque fantasie

160. The dying Californian; Brother's request

161. Twinkling stars are laughing, love

162. Virginian's song of home

163. We all wear cloaks

164. Wild-rose schottisch; Op. 22; Wild rose schottisch

165. Woodburn polka

166. Zinnia waltz; When other friends are round thee

167. Andante; Op. 32

168. Bessie polka; Op. 18

169. Buchanan Schottisch; Op. 30

170. Cottage by the sea

171. Crystal wedding schottisch

172. Darling Nelly Gray

173. Deliciosa, or Leonore polka

174. Elfen waltz

175. Fairy Schottisch

176. Family cottillions first sett

177. Gentle Annie

178. Gipsy countess with brilliant variations; Op. 690

179. Hiawatha polka

180. Il trovatore fantaisie elegante

181. Listen to the mocking bird quick step

182. Marche de nuit

183. Never court but one; I have finished it, the letter that tells him he is free

184. Old fashioned cottillions with appropriate figures

185. Smile once again my Hattie dear

186. Solo profugo rejetto; From the time of earliest childhood

187. Souvenir de Trovatore de Verdi

188. The Rover's grave

189. The winds that waft my sighs to thee

190. Plantation galop; Billy Paterson; Peter Gray

191. Wine, wife and song; Wein, Weib und Gesang

192. Moonlight on the ocean

193. Annie Laurie schottisch

194. Annie Law

195. Berkeley Springs schottisch

196. Birds are gone to rest; Traviata

197. Fille du regiment

198. Gentle Nettie Moore

199. Heavenly land alone to me is home sweet home; Dearest spot on earth to me is home

200. Home! sweet home!; Air anglais varie pour le piano; Op. 72