Willard B. Golovin papers, 1882-1974 and undated

Source Collection

This digital collection comprises selected materials from the following archival collection at David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library:

Willard B. Golovin papers 1882-1974 and undated

Collection #RL.00463 | 15 Linear Feet; 10,500 Items

Artist, advertising executive (Willard B. Golovin Co.) and director of an art gallery (Bayer Gallery) in New York, N.Y. Collection spans the years 1882-1974 and includes correspondence, tear sheets, clippings, printed material and original artwork that document Golovin's careers running the Willard B. Golovin agency and the Bayer Gallery. Clients include Aberle, Frances Denney, Glen Guard clothiers, and Harry Winston jewelers. There are also files relating to support efforts during World War II and a series of posters addressing absenteeism in war work industries. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.Cataloged from inventory.

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