Search Results
12. Lion on Pedestal
13. Two men at table
16. Cotton Picking
17. Girl
19. Anti-Japan Rally
22. houses closeup
24. Millet Plant
29. Couple seated
30. Two Men Weaving
36. Statues
37. Dragon Float
42. Two Statues
43. Ding Xian Temple
45. doorway closeup
46. Festival
50. Picking Cotton
51. Frieze on wall
52. Lion, Yenching
55. Eaves Decoration
56. Outdoor Plaque
57. Boy Scout Parade
58. Village Shrine
59. Open Theatre
60. City Gate
64. Group
65. Gate & Street
66. Plowing
68. Building & Field
72. Two Men
74. T1 Mound
76. U-shaped House
78. Three statuettes
79. Frieze on wall
81. altar
82. Leafless Tree
83. Fenyang Pagoda
84. Millet
85. Martial Arts
86. Vegetable Show
89. Pagoda
90. Making Bricks
91. Four at altar
96. Painted Frieze
97. gate closeup
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