- Great Wall of China (China)33
- 长城33
- Jie tai si (Beijing, China)28
- Wofo si (Beijing, China)28
- 卧佛寺28
- 戒台寺28
- Tan zhe si (Beijing, China)26
- Tangshan Shi (China)26
- 唐山26
- 潭柘寺26
- Kong miao (Beijing, China)24
- Western Qing Tombs (China)24
- 孔庙24
- 清西陵24
- Beidaihe (China)22
- 北戴河22
- Yong he gong (Beijing, China)21
- 雍和宫21
- Western Hills (Beijing, China)19
- Yuquan (Beijing, China)19
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