Debra K. Brazzel - "Unexpected Company" (November 29, 1992)
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(joyful brass band music) | 0:00 | |
Like to welcome you to Duke Chapel | 1:16 | |
on this first Sunday of Advent. | 1:18 | |
Lemme call a couple of announcements to your attention. | 1:21 | |
This coming weekend will be a big weekend | 1:24 | |
for us here at Duke Chapel | 1:26 | |
with our annual performances of "The Messiah" | 1:28 | |
on December the fourth at 7:30, | 1:31 | |
December the fifth at two p.m., | 1:34 | |
and December the sixth at three p.m.. | 1:36 | |
Tickets are on sale at Page Auditorium Box Office | 1:39 | |
for those performances. | 1:43 | |
We'd also like to call to your attention | 1:45 | |
an opportunity to be involved in service | 1:47 | |
during this time of the year. | 1:49 | |
Project Share provides opportunities | 1:51 | |
for you to share your Christmas | 1:54 | |
with those who are less fortunate. | 1:56 | |
Let me also call to your attention the Advent calendar | 1:58 | |
listed on the back of your bulletin. | 2:02 | |
It lists the full series of activities | 2:04 | |
that will be happening at Duke Chapel | 2:07 | |
during this busy and joyful season of the year. | 2:09 | |
Please stand now as we continue our worship | 2:12 | |
with the greeting. | 2:15 | |
Now is the time of watching and waiting. | 2:23 | |
(audience murmuring) | 2:27 | |
Now is the season of hope unfolding. | 2:31 | |
(audience murmuring) | 2:34 | |
Let us come before God with receptive and willing spirits. | 2:39 | |
(audience murmuring) | 2:44 | |
Rejoice, God comes to bring the birthday of life and hope. | 2:51 | |
(organ music) | 2:58 | |
- | May we remain standing for our opening prayer. | 5:30 |
In the Advent season, | 5:35 | |
when the past has fled unasked away, | 5:38 | |
and there is nothing left to do but wait, | 5:43 | |
God shelter us. | 5:48 | |
Be our surrounding darkness. | 5:52 | |
Be the fertile soil out of which hope springs in due time | 5:55 | |
and uncertain times. | 6:02 | |
Help us to great the dawn and labor on, | 6:05 | |
love on in faith, awaiting your purpose hid in you. | 6:10 | |
Waiting to be born in due time. | 6:17 | |
Amen. | 6:21 | |
Please be seated. | 6:23 | |
- | Let us pray the prayer for illumination. | 6:32 |
Open our hearts and minds, oh God, | 6:37 | |
by the power of your Holy Spirit | 6:40 | |
so that as the word is read and proclaimed, | 6:43 | |
we might be prepared for your advent among us. | 6:46 | |
Amen. | 6:50 | |
The first reading is taken from the words | 6:53 | |
of the prophet Isaiah, the second chapter, | 6:55 | |
starting with the first verse. | 6:59 | |
The word that Isaiah son of Amos saw concerning | 7:01 | |
Judah and Jerusalem. | 7:05 | |
In the days to come the mountain of the Lord's house | 7:08 | |
shall be established as the highest of the mountains | 7:10 | |
and shall be raised above the hills. | 7:14 | |
All the nations shall stream to it. | 7:16 | |
Many peoples shall come and say, | 7:19 | |
"Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, | 7:22 | |
"to the house of the God of Jacob, | 7:25 | |
"that he may teach us his ways, | 7:28 | |
"and that we may walk in his path." | 7:30 | |
For out of Zion should go forth instruction | 7:33 | |
in the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. | 7:37 | |
He shall judge between the nations | 7:40 | |
and shall arbitrate for many peoples. | 7:43 | |
They shall beat their swords into plow shares | 7:46 | |
and their spears into pruning hooks. | 7:49 | |
Nations shall not lift up sword against nation. | 7:52 | |
Neither shall they learn war anymore. | 7:55 | |
Oh house of Jacob, come, let us walk | 7:59 | |
in the light of the Lord. | 8:02 | |
This is the word of the lord. | 8:04 | |
(audience murmuring) | 8:07 | |
- | Please stand for the reading of the psalter. | 8:14 |
Our psalter this morning is Psalm 122 | 8:21 | |
which is on page 845, | 8:24 | |
845 in your hymnal. | 8:29 | |
Praise to the Lord's anointed. | 8:36 | |
Great David's greater son. | 8:38 | |
I was glad when they said to me, | 8:42 | |
"Let us go to the house of the Lord." | 8:45 | |
(audience murmuring) | 8:49 | |
Jerusalem is built as a city | 8:53 | |
and is firmly bound together, | 8:57 | |
to which the tribes go up. | 9:00 | |
The tribes of the Lord, to give thanks | 9:02 | |
to the name of the Lord, as was decreed for Israel. | 9:06 | |
(audience murmuring) | 9:11 | |
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. | 9:17 | |
(audience murmuring) | 9:21 | |
For the sake of my relatives and friends, | 9:29 | |
I will say peace be within you. | 9:32 | |
(audience murmuring) | 9:37 | |
(organ music) | 9:44 | |
- | This reading is taken from the 13th chapter | 10:50 |
of Paul's letter to the Romans. | 10:53 | |
Starting with the 11th verse. | 10:55 | |
Besides this, you know what time it is. | 10:58 | |
How it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. | 11:02 | |
For salvation is nearer to us now | 11:06 | |
than when we became believers. | 11:08 | |
The night is far gone and the day is near. | 11:10 | |
Let us then lay aside the works of darkness | 11:15 | |
and put on the armor of light. | 11:18 | |
Let us live honorably as in the day. | 11:21 | |
Not in reveling and drunkenness, | 11:24 | |
not in debauchery and licentiousness, | 11:26 | |
not in quarreling and jealousy. | 11:29 | |
Instead, put on the Lord Jesus Christ | 11:32 | |
and make no provision for the flesh to gratify its desires. | 11:35 | |
This is the word of the Lord. | 11:40 | |
(audience murmuring) | 11:43 | |
(joyful brass band music) | 11:54 | |
- | Our gospel text is from the book of Matthew | 14:27 |
chapter 24 beginning with verse 36. | 14:30 | |
But about that day and hour no one knows. | 14:35 | |
Neither the angels of heaven, nor the son, | 14:39 | |
but only the father. | 14:43 | |
For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming | 14:45 | |
of the son of man. | 14:49 | |
For as in those days before the flood, | 14:51 | |
they were eating and drinking, | 14:54 | |
marrying and giving in marriage. | 14:56 | |
Until the day Noah entered the ark | 14:59 | |
and they knew nothing until the flood came | 15:02 | |
and swept them all away. | 15:06 | |
So too will be the coming of the son of man. | 15:08 | |
Then two will be in the field, one will be taken | 15:12 | |
and one will be left. | 15:16 | |
Two women will be grinding meal together. | 15:18 | |
One will be taken and one will be left. | 15:22 | |
Keep awake therefore, for you do not know | 15:26 | |
on what day your Lord is coming. | 15:29 | |
But understand this, if the owner of the house | 15:32 | |
had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, | 15:35 | |
he would have stayed awake and he would not | 15:39 | |
have let his house be broken into. | 15:42 | |
Therefore you also must be ready. | 15:46 | |
For the son of man is coming at an unexpected hour. | 15:49 | |
This is the word of the Lord. | 15:56 | |
Thanks be to God. | 15:59 | |
Today is the first Sunday of Advent. | 16:03 | |
That annual time of the Christian year | 16:06 | |
that marks both an ending and the beginning. | 16:09 | |
The ending of the calendar year, | 16:14 | |
the beginning of the church year. | 16:16 | |
A time of looking back over the year's accomplishments | 16:19 | |
and failures, successes and disappointments. | 16:23 | |
A time of looking forward to the future, | 16:28 | |
a time of anxiety and anticipation. | 16:31 | |
A time of fear and hope. | 16:35 | |
It's appropriate that Advent comes in winter | 16:39 | |
for winter reflects the ambiguities of this season | 16:42 | |
of the church year. | 16:46 | |
The increasing darkness that makes us long for the light. | 16:48 | |
The barrenness of the land that yet carries within it | 16:52 | |
the seeds of new life. | 16:56 | |
The cold that threatens us with death, | 16:59 | |
but encourages us to huddle closer for warmth. | 17:02 | |
It is a season pregnant with unspoken expectations | 17:07 | |
and yearnings, uneasy yet hopeful. | 17:11 | |
During Advent the Christian community resembles | 17:16 | |
the Greek mythological god Janus | 17:19 | |
who simultaneously looks backward and forward. | 17:22 | |
As a faith community we look back to remember | 17:27 | |
past Advents, the times throughout human history | 17:30 | |
when God has come among us. | 17:35 | |
And we look forward with anticipation and hope | 17:38 | |
to that day when God will come again. | 17:41 | |
Our scriptures tell us of a God who's continually reached | 17:45 | |
toward us to bridge the gap between the divine | 17:49 | |
and the human. | 17:53 | |
Ours is not an indifferent god, holy and distant. | 17:54 | |
But a God who desires to be in relationship with us | 17:58 | |
even as a father with his children. | 18:02 | |
We remember with gratitude many signs of God's | 18:06 | |
self revelation and love that have nourished our faith. | 18:09 | |
God's covenant promise to Abraham | 18:14 | |
to build a nation from Sarah's barrenness. | 18:17 | |
God's gift of the law to Moses on the mountain top | 18:21 | |
to teach the proper orderings of human existence. | 18:24 | |
God's deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt. | 18:28 | |
And God's ultimate act of self giving love | 18:33 | |
through the birth, death and resurrection | 18:36 | |
of his only son, Jesus Christ, | 18:40 | |
who became fully human that we might be fully redeemed. | 18:43 | |
We look back and remember these faith stories | 18:48 | |
that have shaped our identity and self understanding | 18:51 | |
as a Christian community | 18:54 | |
and they give us hope to face an unknown future. | 18:56 | |
We can face the future with confidence | 19:00 | |
because of what God has already done for us. | 19:02 | |
Advent is the time when we as a people of faith | 19:06 | |
look at our church and our world and our history | 19:09 | |
and say yes, no matter what else has happened, | 19:12 | |
God has been with us. | 19:16 | |
Even though millions have died of starvation this year | 19:20 | |
in Somalia and countless Muslims have been driven | 19:24 | |
from their homes in Bosnia, | 19:27 | |
God has been with us. | 19:30 | |
Even though millions are homeless on the streets | 19:34 | |
of the United States, and winter's cold | 19:37 | |
and darkness is descending upon them, God has been with us. | 19:40 | |
Even though ours is the most violent industrial country | 19:46 | |
in the world, God has been with us. | 19:50 | |
During Advent the Christian church looks squarely | 19:55 | |
at the growing darkness and proclaims with confidence | 19:59 | |
that the light of Christ has come into the world | 20:03 | |
and that the darkness has not | 20:06 | |
and shall not overcome the light. | 20:09 | |
The season of Advent also invites us to look back | 20:14 | |
and reflect upon our own lives, | 20:16 | |
our hopes and disappointments, successes and failures, | 20:19 | |
our faithfulness and sinfulness. | 20:23 | |
It's a time to look back and listen. | 20:26 | |
Where has God been present in your life in the past year? | 20:29 | |
How have you responded to God's presence? | 20:34 | |
Are you prepared for God to come into your life once again? | 20:38 | |
Most of you have known times when you've felt | 20:44 | |
especially close to God. | 20:46 | |
Perhaps it was during a lonely night | 20:49 | |
when you felt empty and lost and God's love found you, | 20:51 | |
and filled you. | 20:55 | |
Perhaps you discovered the love of Christ | 20:57 | |
through a friend who reached out to you | 21:00 | |
in just the way that you needed to be loved. | 21:02 | |
Or maybe you experienced God's love reaching for you | 21:07 | |
in the same moment that you reached out in compassion | 21:10 | |
to someone else. | 21:13 | |
Mother Theresa says that she never hurries | 21:15 | |
as she goes among the dying children in Calcutta. | 21:18 | |
She says I don't want to hastily pass by even one person. | 21:21 | |
That the eyes of these children I'm looking at | 21:26 | |
might be the eyes of Jesus Christ. | 21:29 | |
Sometimes as we reach out in love to someone who's hurting | 21:33 | |
we're startled to find God's love reaching | 21:37 | |
for us through them. | 21:40 | |
God's Advent usually takes us by surprise. | 21:43 | |
We may be preoccupied with our own lives or pain | 21:48 | |
and suddenly experience the in-breaking | 21:51 | |
of that holy other seeking us. | 21:54 | |
In that moment we know with certainty | 21:57 | |
that whatever else may be happening, | 22:00 | |
God is with us. | 22:02 | |
The experience of God's holiness is awe-filled, | 22:06 | |
unexpected and decisive. | 22:11 | |
We can't encounter God and walk away unaffected | 22:14 | |
by the experience of God's unconditional love. | 22:18 | |
When we experience God's love reaching out | 22:22 | |
toward us it always demands a response | 22:25 | |
of obedient love from us. | 22:29 | |
Perhaps it means forgiving someone | 22:32 | |
we've harbored resentment toward for a past hurt. | 22:34 | |
Perhaps it means making some sacrifice | 22:38 | |
that we've been resisting. | 22:41 | |
Perhaps it means reordering our priorities. | 22:43 | |
It might even mean a total change of life direction. | 22:46 | |
One night when I felt especially down about my work, | 22:52 | |
I prayed for a sense of guidance. | 22:55 | |
For greater motivation, to be better at my job, | 22:58 | |
for better use of my time. | 23:01 | |
Suddenly I felt a powerful sense of God's presence with me. | 23:04 | |
I knew that Christ was with me | 23:09 | |
and I felt that my prayer, my whole being | 23:11 | |
was accepted by God in that moment. | 23:14 | |
I can't describe the sense of joy | 23:17 | |
and peace that that gave me. | 23:20 | |
But the outcome of this encounter wasn't exactly | 23:23 | |
what I had planned. | 23:26 | |
Within six months I had left a lucrative sales position | 23:27 | |
to respond to God's call to attend seminary | 23:31 | |
and prepare for the ministry. | 23:34 | |
God's Advent can definitely be life changing. | 23:37 | |
Whenever we unexpectedly encounter the holy in our lives, | 23:42 | |
it is always an experience of both judgment and grace. | 23:47 | |
Judgment because we suddenly see ourselves | 23:52 | |
as God sees us, selfish, manipulative, prideful, | 23:54 | |
greedy, judgmental, whatever our sin may be, | 23:59 | |
it becomes clear in the presence of God's light. | 24:05 | |
But the encounter with God is never an experience | 24:09 | |
of judgment alone. | 24:11 | |
God came to us through Jesus Christ in order | 24:13 | |
to free us from the power of sin, | 24:16 | |
exposure to the light of Christ reveals our sin, | 24:18 | |
but also God's profound love for us. | 24:22 | |
Like parents who discipline their children | 24:26 | |
because they love them and want the best for them, | 24:28 | |
the encounter with God's love in Jesus Christ | 24:31 | |
both disciplines us and transforms us | 24:34 | |
through the power of God's spirit at work in our lives. | 24:38 | |
God loves us just as we are, | 24:42 | |
but God doesn't leave us as we are. | 24:46 | |
For most of us there are also times | 24:51 | |
when we feel distant from God. | 24:53 | |
During these times it's hard to trust our past | 24:57 | |
experiences of God's presence and grace. | 25:00 | |
We begin to doubt ourselves and God. | 25:03 | |
It may seem that we are regressing in our faith | 25:06 | |
and that nothing is happening. | 25:08 | |
But like the seeds that are dormant in winter, | 25:11 | |
these are often the times when God is working within us, | 25:14 | |
preparing us for some new advent, | 25:18 | |
some new work that God wants to accomplish through us. | 25:21 | |
The times of drought make us appreciative | 25:26 | |
of the rain when it finally comes. | 25:28 | |
The dry barren times are crucial to our spiritual renewal, | 25:31 | |
for these are the times when we must wait | 25:35 | |
to see what God wants to do with us. | 25:38 | |
God often chooses the times when we have no confidence | 25:42 | |
in our own ability and our own power and creativity | 25:45 | |
to do something much bigger, much greater in our lives | 25:50 | |
than we could ever have imagined. | 25:53 | |
God's power is made perfect in our weakness. | 25:56 | |
The son of God was born of a virgin. | 26:00 | |
Death was conquered on the cross. | 26:04 | |
As we enter this season of Advent, | 26:09 | |
let us watch and wait attentively for God's coming. | 26:12 | |
We may discover our lives transformed in wholly new ways | 26:16 | |
by God's ever-seeking love. | 26:22 | |
But as Christians we also look forward during Advent | 26:25 | |
to God's final coming and triumph through Jesus Christ. | 26:28 | |
Both the Romans and the Matthew passages | 26:34 | |
in today's scripture readings point to the eschaton, | 26:36 | |
the end time when Jesus Christ will come again in glory | 26:39 | |
and all of creation will be judged and redeemed through him. | 26:44 | |
We're not especially comfortable with apocalyptic | 26:49 | |
scriptures, we much prefer to reflect upon the babe | 26:51 | |
in the manger, or even the adult Jesus on the cross. | 26:55 | |
But to acknowledge that everything we know | 26:59 | |
will cease to exist in the way that it does now, | 27:02 | |
that history, the Earth, the galaxy, | 27:06 | |
everything that exists will come to its final end | 27:08 | |
in Jesus Christ, is difficult for us to imagine, | 27:12 | |
much less affirm. | 27:17 | |
Yet as Christians we do proclaim | 27:20 | |
that there will be an end to the world as we know it | 27:22 | |
and that that end belongs ultimately to God. | 27:25 | |
Many people throughout the centuries have gotten | 27:32 | |
sidetracked by predictions of the date of the apocalypse. | 27:34 | |
Even Paul expected it to come soon. | 27:38 | |
But as the years passed, the Christian understanding | 27:42 | |
of the Parousia, the second coming of Christ, changed. | 27:45 | |
They began to understand that their hope in the future | 27:50 | |
must be based upon their confidence in the ultimate destiny | 27:53 | |
of all existence in Jesus Christ. | 27:57 | |
That God determines what happens in the end | 28:01 | |
in God's own time. | 28:04 | |
The Matthew text leads us away from obsession | 28:07 | |
with predicting when Jesus will come again. | 28:10 | |
He says that even the son doesn't know, | 28:13 | |
that only the father knows how or when | 28:16 | |
that unexpected day will come. | 28:18 | |
But in that day of ultimate destiny, | 28:21 | |
when all things will meet God's end, | 28:24 | |
Jesus will come again in power to judge | 28:27 | |
and redeem all creation and usher in a new reign | 28:30 | |
of God's kingdom of holiness and peace and justice. | 28:34 | |
As frightening as images of the end may seem to us, | 28:39 | |
it is not a threat, but a call to hope. | 28:43 | |
Not a frivolous hope that denies the pain | 28:47 | |
of human existence, but a hope that can stand | 28:49 | |
in the face of all the darkness of human sinfulness. | 28:53 | |
A hope big enough to confront injustice and cruelty, | 28:57 | |
pain and suffering, death and destruction | 29:00 | |
in all their forms. | 29:03 | |
It is a hope big enough to proclaim | 29:06 | |
that God's love has the final word. | 29:08 | |
It is a hope that says God is ultimately in charge | 29:13 | |
and that God will redeem the whole created order | 29:17 | |
through Jesus Christ. | 29:20 | |
Not one child of God in Somalia or Bosnia | 29:22 | |
or Calcutta or Los Angeles or Durham will be lost | 29:27 | |
to God's redeeming love in Christ. | 29:32 | |
Yet we feel so vulnerable, so small, | 29:37 | |
so afraid to stand and face such a God as this. | 29:40 | |
For as all of existence will be judged, | 29:45 | |
we too must accept the reality of God's judgment. | 29:48 | |
Matthew tells us that one person will be left | 29:52 | |
and the other taken. | 29:54 | |
What we do in life matters to God. | 29:57 | |
And we must ultimately give an accounting | 30:01 | |
for how we've lived our lives, | 30:03 | |
for what we've given our lives to. | 30:06 | |
Doesn't mean we should live our life in constant fear | 30:09 | |
of God's final judgment for God has already judged us | 30:12 | |
through Jesus Christ in order to forgive and redeem us. | 30:16 | |
What it does mean is that we must live now | 30:20 | |
as a people oriented to God's future. | 30:24 | |
We must live now as a people who love | 30:27 | |
because we've first been loved by God. | 30:30 | |
We must live now as a people who are a part | 30:32 | |
of God's plan of reconciliation through Jesus Christ. | 30:35 | |
We must walk in the light of Christ now, | 30:40 | |
believing that the darkness will not overcome the light | 30:43 | |
even in death. | 30:46 | |
I had the opportunity to participate | 30:50 | |
in two very different memorial services recently. | 30:52 | |
The first service was for a man | 30:57 | |
who had lived a long, full life. | 30:58 | |
He had a wife and children. | 31:02 | |
He'd been a success in his career. | 31:04 | |
His friends and colleagues held him in high esteem. | 31:06 | |
Can any of us hope for more than that? | 31:10 | |
As we were planning the service, | 31:15 | |
it very quickly became clear that he was not a believer | 31:17 | |
and that any faith references at his memorial services | 31:21 | |
would be inappropriate. | 31:25 | |
After further discussion with those planning the service | 31:28 | |
about why a Christian minister should be involved | 31:30 | |
in the memorial service at all, | 31:33 | |
it was decided that I would some faith statements | 31:36 | |
for the people of faith in attendance, | 31:38 | |
but that no belief would be attributed | 31:41 | |
to the man being memorialized. | 31:43 | |
The second memorial service was for Amy Geisinger, | 31:47 | |
a first year student and a member of the Duke Chapel Choir | 31:50 | |
who died tragically in a bus accident on campus recently. | 31:54 | |
She was at the beginning of her life. | 31:59 | |
A person who had barely begun to realize her potential. | 32:02 | |
Her life and death were cruel | 32:06 | |
by anyone's standards. | 32:10 | |
As we were planning her service it very quickly became | 32:13 | |
evident that both she and her family | 32:16 | |
were people of strong Christian faith. | 32:19 | |
Even in the midst of their overwhelming grief, | 32:23 | |
Amy's family comforted and strengthened all who met them | 32:27 | |
with their unwavering faith and hope. | 32:31 | |
The chapel was full for that memorial service | 32:35 | |
with students and staff alike trying to make sense | 32:38 | |
out of a senseless death. | 32:42 | |
While the service fully embraced our sadness | 32:44 | |
and grief at Amy's death, it also affirmed our confidence | 32:47 | |
in her eternal life through Jesus Christ. | 32:52 | |
The light of hope shined through clearly | 32:56 | |
in the midst of the sadness and darkness. | 32:59 | |
It was an unexpected advent. | 33:02 | |
God coming among us with the death of one so young. | 33:05 | |
We felt the comfort of the reality of God's presence | 33:10 | |
with us and the hope of God's power | 33:13 | |
to bring life from death. | 33:16 | |
Amy's memorial service proclaimed that God, | 33:20 | |
not death, has the final word. | 33:24 | |
These two services stand in stark contrast for me. | 33:29 | |
In the first, a full life, fully lived, | 33:33 | |
fully over with death, with only the hope | 33:37 | |
of a lingering impact upon life. | 33:40 | |
In the second, a life cut short, fully embraced, | 33:44 | |
fully realized in the life of God, | 33:48 | |
with the hope of eternal life and unimaginable significance | 33:52 | |
in Jesus Christ. | 33:57 | |
The season of Advent reminds us to live now | 34:00 | |
as people who are prepared to die. | 34:04 | |
Whether we face our individual end, | 34:07 | |
or the end of the world as we know it | 34:10 | |
through the coming of Christ. | 34:12 | |
It is a call to live with anticipation | 34:15 | |
and receptivity to God's unexpected advents into our lives. | 34:18 | |
It's an invitation to receive God's unconditional love, | 34:23 | |
God's acts of self-giving and allow ourselves | 34:27 | |
to be transformed by them. | 34:31 | |
It's a reminder that we can face the future, | 34:34 | |
whatever future is out there for us, | 34:36 | |
because we have hope in the trustworthiness | 34:40 | |
of God's love and power revealed in Jesus Christ. | 34:43 | |
In the end, God is in charge. | 34:49 | |
Christ has died. | 34:53 | |
Christ has risen. | 34:55 | |
Christ will come again. | 34:58 | |
Are you ready to receive him? | 35:01 | |
(brass band music) | 35:24 | |
("Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying" by Philipp Nicolai) | 37:02 | |
♪ The watchmen on the heights are crying ♪ | 37:13 | |
♪ Awake, Jerusalem, arise ♪ | 37:24 | |
♪ Midnight hears the welcome voices ♪ | 37:34 | |
♪ And at the thrilling cry rejoices ♪ | 37:45 | |
(words drowned out by music) | 37:56 | |
♪ And all her heart with joy is springing ♪ | 39:01 | |
♪ She wakes, she rises from her gloom ♪ | 39:11 | |
♪ For her Lord comes down all-glorious ♪ | 39:21 | |
♪ The strong in grace, in truth victorious ♪ | 39:31 | |
♪ Her star is risen ♪ | 39:42 | |
(words drowned out by music) | 39:46 | |
♪ Now come, thou blessed one ♪ | 39:51 | |
♪ The Lord (words drowned out by music) ♪ | 39:58 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 40:06 | |
(words drowned out by music) | 40:11 | |
- | The Lord be with you. | 42:20 |
Audience | And also with you. | 42:23 |
- | Let us pray. | 42:24 |
Please be seated. | 42:26 | |
As we pray at appropriate times I will say, | 42:35 | |
"Together we pray", please respond, come Lord Jesus. | 42:38 | |
Most gracious God, receive these our prayers. | 42:46 | |
We admit that it is difficult to be silent | 42:52 | |
and to focus, especially during this season. | 42:57 | |
For we want too much and we want to do so much. | 43:03 | |
You already know how our expectations exceed reality | 43:10 | |
and how our hopes and desires surpass possibility. | 43:16 | |
Yet, even as we confess this, | 43:23 | |
we celebrate this season filled with hope and expectation | 43:27 | |
of that beyond our most creative imagination. | 43:33 | |
Oh God, we thank you for this time. | 43:39 | |
And for the gift of Advent, which stirs and excites us. | 43:43 | |
Together we pray. | 43:50 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 43:53 |
- | We pray for the light and the gift of more light. | 43:56 |
That we celebrate at Advent. | 44:02 | |
We do need light oh God, for we are people | 44:06 | |
who walk in darkness. | 44:10 | |
Living by trial and error, | 44:13 | |
bouncing from one obstacle to another, | 44:15 | |
stumbling, groping, hoping, failing, falling. | 44:18 | |
Sometimes we even walk in circles | 44:23 | |
to avoid the unfamiliar which we fear as darkness. | 44:26 | |
Together we pray. | 44:32 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 44:34 |
- | We have tried to generate our own light | 44:38 |
using our minds and our best resources | 44:42 | |
to make sense out of life. | 44:45 | |
We have written laws to protect it and us. | 44:48 | |
We've called councils and composed creeds | 44:52 | |
to uphold it and we've lived by following our own ways. | 44:55 | |
But, hard as it is to admit, | 45:01 | |
our light is not enough. | 45:05 | |
We still have wars and people are hungry and hurt, | 45:10 | |
afraid and running alone and unhappy | 45:15 | |
with the darkness closing in. | 45:18 | |
Together we pray. | 45:22 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 45:25 |
- | God, | 45:28 |
God forgive us. | 45:30 | |
Turn us on to the light of life, the light of the world, | 45:33 | |
whose coming we celebrate as the gift of Christmas. | 45:37 | |
Let us receive it. | 45:41 | |
Together we pray. | 45:44 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 45:47 |
- | We pray also for the gift of love. | 45:50 |
Love is what we need oh God, for we are people | 45:54 | |
who are starving for love. | 45:58 | |
We live as if love can be made or controlled. | 46:01 | |
Or as if we don't need it at all. | 46:06 | |
And then we wonder why we feel so empty, | 46:10 | |
so tired and so alone. | 46:14 | |
Together we pray. | 46:18 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 46:20 |
- | God forgive us. | 46:24 |
Help us to be open to your love, | 46:26 | |
the love which we celebrate as Advent and look forward to | 46:30 | |
in Christmas as that which empowers and frees, | 46:34 | |
forgives and renews, heals and comes to us regardless. | 46:38 | |
God, let us receive it. | 46:45 | |
Together we pray. | 46:49 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 46:52 |
- | Because we need to and because we trust your gifts | 46:55 |
we also lift up these our prayers not only for ourselves, | 47:00 | |
but also for others in this one world. | 47:05 | |
For those who are anxious and afraid. | 47:11 | |
Together we pray. | 47:15 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 47:18 |
- | For those who are ill, together we pray. | 47:21 |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 47:27 |
- | For those who are facing difficult decisions, | 47:29 |
together we pray. | 47:34 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 47:37 |
- | For those who are feeling left out and are alone, | 47:39 |
together we pray. | 47:44 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 47:47 |
- | For those who are mourning losses, especially those | 47:49 |
who are feeling deeply because of seasons past, | 47:54 | |
together we pray. | 47:59 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 48:02 |
- | And those who are feeling especially grateful | 48:04 |
and for those who are filled with joy | 48:08 | |
because of new news, together we pray. | 48:11 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 48:16 |
- | Gentle God you know us and all about us. | 48:19 |
Help us to know you and all about you in new ways | 48:25 | |
that will assure us and free us to life gratefully | 48:29 | |
and hopefully, today, tomorrow and every day | 48:33 | |
and every morrow. | 48:38 | |
In the name of Jesus, together we pray. | 48:40 | |
All | Come Lord Jesus. | 48:45 |
- | Amen. | 48:47 |
In response to the promise of God's coming to us, | 48:55 | |
we are challenged to give both our resources | 49:00 | |
and ourselves knowing that it is in our giving | 49:04 | |
that we are most like Jesus Christ. | 49:09 | |
(brass band music) | 49:26 | |
(organ music) | 55:00 | |
♪ Praise God, from whom all blessings flow ♪ | 55:53 | |
♪ Praise Him, all creatures here below ♪ | 56:00 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:06 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:09 | |
♪ Praise Him above, ye heavenly host ♪ | 56:13 | |
♪ Praise father, son and holy ghost ♪ | 56:19 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:26 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:29 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:32 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:36 | |
♪ Hallelujah ♪ | 56:39 | |
- | In this season when we hear so much about giving, | 56:53 |
enable us to recognize oh God that you are the source | 56:58 | |
of both our ability and our motivation to give. | 57:03 | |
We are grateful for the richness with which you | 57:09 | |
have blessed our lives and for the humbling privilege | 57:12 | |
of being channels of your continued giving | 57:18 | |
to this needy world. | 57:22 | |
May we join together in the prayer that Jesus | 57:26 | |
taught the first disciples. | 57:29 | |
Our father, who art in heaven, | 57:32 | |
hallowed be thy name. | 57:36 | |
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done | 57:38 | |
on earth as it is in heaven. | 57:41 | |
Give us this day, our daily bread | 57:45 | |
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those | 57:48 | |
who trespass against us, | 57:52 | |
and lead us not into temptation, | 57:55 | |
but deliver us from evil. | 57:58 | |
For thine is the kingdom and the power | 58:00 | |
and the glory forever. | 58:04 | |
Amen. | 58:06 | |
(organ music) | 58:10 | |
♪ O God of every nation ♪ | 58:48 | |
♪ Of every race and land ♪ | 58:52 | |
♪ Redeem the whole creation ♪ | 58:57 | |
♪ With your almighty hand ♪ | 59:02 | |
♪ Where hate and fear divide us ♪ | 59:07 | |
♪ And bitter threats are hurled ♪ | 59:11 | |
♪ In love and mercy guide us ♪ | 59:16 | |
♪ And heal our strife-torn world ♪ | 59:21 | |
♪ From search for wealth and power ♪ | 59:28 | |
♪ And scorn of truth and right, ♪ | 59:33 | |
♪ From trust in bombs that shower ♪ | 59:38 | |
♪ Destruction through the night ♪ | 59:42 | |
♪ From pride of race and station ♪ | 59:47 | |
♪ And blindness to your way ♪ | 59:53 | |
♪ Deliver every nation ♪ | 59:58 | |
♪ Eternal God, we pray ♪ | 1:00:03 | |
♪ Lord, strengthen all who labor ♪ | 1:00:10 | |
♪ That all may find release ♪ | 1:00:15 | |
♪ From fear of rattling saber ♪ | 1:00:20 | |
♪ From dread of war's increase ♪ | 1:00:25 | |
♪ When hope and courage falter ♪ | 1:00:30 | |
♪ Lord, let your voice be heard ♪ | 1:00:35 | |
♪ With faith that none can alter ♪ | 1:00:40 | |
♪ Your servants undergird ♪ | 1:00:45 | |
♪ Keep bright in us the vision ♪ | 1:00:52 | |
♪ Of days when war shall cease ♪ | 1:00:57 | |
♪ When hatred and division ♪ | 1:01:01 | |
♪ Give way to love and peace ♪ | 1:01:06 | |
♪ Till dawns the morning glorious ♪ | 1:01:11 | |
♪ When truth and justice reign ♪ | 1:01:16 | |
♪ And Christ shall rule victorious ♪ | 1:01:21 | |
♪ O'er all the world's domain ♪ | 1:01:26 | |
- | Bear witness to the love of God in this world | 1:01:37 |
so that those to whom love is a stranger | 1:01:40 | |
will find in your generous friends | 1:01:42 | |
and discover the light of Christ. | 1:01:45 | |
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ | 1:01:48 | |
and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit | 1:01:50 | |
be with you all and keep you now and forever. | 1:01:53 | |
Amen. | 1:01:58 | |
(organ music) | 1:02:01 |
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