William H. Willimon - "Who Is in Charge Here?" (November 19, 1989)
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(organ music) | 0:00 | |
(lively organ music) | 0:32 | |
- | Good morning. | 1:47 |
And welcome to this service of worship here at | 1:47 | |
Duke University Chapel on this 27th Sunday after Pentecost. | 1:49 | |
We are delighted to see each of you here. | 1:54 | |
We welcome our many visitors and especially those of you | 1:56 | |
in our radio and television audiences. | 1:59 | |
Our preacher for this morning's service is the | 2:02 | |
Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, | 2:04 | |
Minister to the University, or rather, Dean of the Chapel, | 2:06 | |
and his services are printed and distributed each week | 2:09 | |
at the conclusion of the service. | 2:12 | |
You will find them in the north ex | 2:14 | |
as you leave the chapel. | 2:15 | |
We also thank our lecturer, Dr. Stanley Hauerwas, | 2:17 | |
who is professor of Theological Ethics | 2:20 | |
at Duke Divinity School. | 2:22 | |
Please note the remaining announcements as they are | 2:24 | |
printed in your bulletins. | 2:26 | |
And now, let us continue our worship. | 2:28 | |
(organ music) | 2:34 | |
(congregation singing) | 3:37 | |
(congregation singing) | 4:45 | |
(congregation singing) | 5:20 | |
(organ music) | 6:47 | |
Blessed Lord, who caused all Holy Scriptures to be written | 8:38 | |
for our learning, grant so us to hear them, | 8:40 | |
to read, to learn, and inwardly digest them, | 8:45 | |
that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed | 8:49 | |
hope of eternal life, which you have given us in our | 8:52 | |
Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you | 8:55 | |
and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. | 8:59 | |
Amen. | 9:03 | |
- | Will you pray with me? | 9:22 |
Open our hearts and minds, oh God, | 9:25 | |
by the power of your Holy Spirit, so that as the Word | 9:28 | |
is read and proclaimed, we might hear with joy | 9:32 | |
what you say to us this day. | 9:36 | |
Amen. | 9:39 | |
From the book of Malachi comes this Word of God. | 9:45 | |
For behold the day comes burning like an oven, | 9:50 | |
when all the arrogant, and all the evil doers | 9:53 | |
will be stubble. | 9:56 | |
The day that comes shall burn them up says the God of Hosts, | 9:58 | |
so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. | 10:02 | |
But for you who fear my name, the Son of Righteousness | 10:08 | |
shall rise with healing in its wings. | 10:11 | |
You shall go forth leaping like calves from the stall, | 10:14 | |
and you shall tread down the wicked, | 10:18 | |
for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, | 10:20 | |
on the day when I act says the God of Hosts. | 10:24 | |
Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes | 10:28 | |
and ordinances that I commanded him | 10:32 | |
at Horeb for all Israel. | 10:34 | |
Behold before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes, | 10:37 | |
I will send Elijah the prophet and he will turn the hearts | 10:42 | |
of the parents to their children, and the hearts | 10:46 | |
of children to their parents, | 10:49 | |
lest I come and smite the land with a curse. | 10:51 | |
The Word of God for the people of God. | 10:55 | |
(choir singing) | 11:30 | |
(choir singing) | 13:19 | |
(choir singing) | 14:03 | |
- | Please stand for the Responsive Reading of the Soldier. | 17:28 |
God is seated at the Divine Council, | 17:42 | |
and in the midst of the gods holds judgment. | 17:45 | |
Congregation | How long will you judge unjustly | 17:49 |
and show partiality to the wicked? | 17:51 | |
- | Give justice to the weak and the orphan, | 17:54 |
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. | 17:57 | |
Congregation | Rescue the weak and the needy, | 18:01 |
deliver them from the hand of the wicked. | 18:03 | |
- | They have neither knowledge nor understanding. | 18:06 |
They walk about in darkness. | 18:09 | |
All the foundations of the Earth are shaken. | 18:11 | |
Congregation | By sin, were gods not like offspring | 18:14 |
all hopeful. | 18:19 | |
- | [Associate Dean Of The Chapel] Nevertheless, you shall die | 18:20 |
like mortals, and fall like any prince. | 18:22 | |
- | Rise, oh God, judge the Earth, for to you | 18:26 |
belongs all nations. | 18:29 | |
(organ music) | 18:33 | |
- | The Epistle lesson comes | 19:38 |
from the book of Thessalonians. | 19:39 | |
Now we command you friends in the name of our Lord | 19:44 | |
Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any | 19:47 | |
brother or sister who is living in idleness, | 19:49 | |
and not in accord with tradition | 19:52 | |
that you receive from us. | 19:54 | |
For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us. | 19:56 | |
We were not idle when we were with you. | 19:59 | |
We did not eat anyone's bread without paying, | 20:02 | |
but would toil and labor. | 20:05 | |
We worked night and day that we | 20:06 | |
might not burden any of you. | 20:09 | |
It was not because we have not the right, | 20:12 | |
but to give you in our conduct an example to imitate. | 20:14 | |
For even when we were with you, we gave you this command, | 20:18 | |
whoever will not work, let them not eat. | 20:22 | |
For we hear that some of you are living in idleness, | 20:26 | |
mere busybodies, not doing any work. | 20:30 | |
Now such persons we command and exhort in the | 20:34 | |
Lord Jesus Christ to do their work in quietness | 20:37 | |
and to earn their own living. | 20:40 | |
Friends, do not be weary in well doing. | 20:43 | |
Will you please stand for the Gospel? | 20:49 | |
From the 21st Book of Luke, we read. | 20:59 | |
And as some spoke of a temple, how it was adorned | 21:04 | |
with noble stones and offerings, Jesus said, | 21:07 | |
"As for these things which you see the days will come | 21:12 | |
when there shall not be left here one stone upon another | 21:15 | |
that will not be thrown down." | 21:19 | |
And they asked, "Teacher, when will all this be? | 21:22 | |
And what will be the sign when this is about to take place?" | 21:26 | |
And Jesus said, "Take heed that you are not led astray | 21:31 | |
for many will come in my name saying I am the One, | 21:35 | |
and the time is at hand. | 21:39 | |
Do not go after them. | 21:41 | |
And when you hear of wars and tumults, do not be terrified, | 21:43 | |
for this must first take place, | 21:48 | |
but the end will not be at once. | 21:50 | |
Then Jesus said to them, "Nations will rise against | 21:54 | |
nation, and kingdom against kingdom. | 21:57 | |
There will be great earthquakes and in various places | 22:01 | |
famines and pestilence. | 22:04 | |
And there will be terrors and great signs from Heaven. | 22:07 | |
But before all this they will lay their hands on you | 22:10 | |
and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues | 22:14 | |
and prisons, and you will be brought before kings | 22:18 | |
and governors for my name's sake. | 22:21 | |
This will be a time for you to bear testimony. | 22:24 | |
Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate | 22:28 | |
beforehand how to answer. | 22:31 | |
For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, | 22:33 | |
which none of your adversaries will be able to | 22:36 | |
withstand or contradict. | 22:38 | |
You will be delivered up even by parents, and brothers, | 22:40 | |
and sisters, and relatives, and friends, | 22:43 | |
and some of you they will put to death. | 22:46 | |
You will be hated for all by my name's sake. | 22:50 | |
But not a hair of your head will perish. | 22:53 | |
By your endurance you will gain your lives. | 22:56 | |
The Gospel of Jesus Christ. | 23:00 | |
- | Our new hymnal | 23:22 |
is somewhat unusual among the hymnals | 23:26 | |
of the church in that it contains all 150 | 23:29 | |
Psalms of Israel. | 23:35 | |
This seems to me to be a good thing, and yet I am haunted | 23:38 | |
by the results of a survey which we did here a few years | 23:41 | |
ago in which we asked you which aspects of chapel worship | 23:45 | |
you liked the best, and which ones you liked least. | 23:49 | |
And at the bottom of the list were the Psalms. | 23:53 | |
And I suppose that's natural, because when we enter | 23:58 | |
the Psalms, we have the impression that we | 24:02 | |
are in a world that we know not. | 24:04 | |
Many of them are strange. | 24:09 | |
And the Bible, which is old already, the Psalms are some | 24:12 | |
of the oldest parts of the old Bible. | 24:17 | |
The Psalms were the hymn book of ancient Israel. | 24:21 | |
But most of us are not poets. | 24:25 | |
The Psalms invite us to enter an unaccustomed world, | 24:28 | |
to walk paths we do not usually tread. | 24:32 | |
And of all the old Psalms, | 24:39 | |
could any seem more old, | 24:42 | |
and therefore more unfamiliar than today's Psalm, Psalm 82. | 24:45 | |
When we hear this Psalm we wander amidst its stanzas | 24:52 | |
looking for a familiar face. | 24:55 | |
In other Psalms we find a reassuring I, I, I. | 24:58 | |
I would rather be a door keeper in the house of the Lord, | 25:03 | |
than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. | 25:06 | |
Psalm 84. | 25:08 | |
The Lord is my shepherd, whom shall I fear? | 25:10 | |
But in this Psalm, we find no such | 25:16 | |
point of familiar contact. | 25:19 | |
Neither the familiar troubled heart of the Psalms. | 25:22 | |
As a heart longs for flowing streams, | 25:26 | |
so longs my soul for Thee. | 25:30 | |
Psalm 42. | 25:32 | |
Nor the exuberant shout of praise. | 25:34 | |
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? | 25:37 | |
Psalm 82 we wander, grope for point of contact. | 25:43 | |
But did you notice as we were repeating this Psalm, | 25:51 | |
we were in a world that we do not know? | 25:55 | |
We have found ourselves in a divine council, | 25:59 | |
a great heavenly assembly, a congress of gods, | 26:02 | |
in which all the gods are seated about. | 26:06 | |
Can you picture it? | 26:10 | |
It's a strange world, one of the oldest parts of the Bible, | 26:12 | |
we think. | 26:15 | |
Back to a day when there were still many gods, | 26:18 | |
and the world was run by a consortium of divine beings. | 26:20 | |
Thus in this Psalm 82, we have reached back, way back, | 26:26 | |
to our dim past, before monotheism, before one God. | 26:30 | |
When there was still a God for agriculture, | 26:35 | |
and then there was another God for health, | 26:38 | |
a God who lived in one part of the world, | 26:41 | |
and a God who lived in another, | 26:43 | |
a God of one nation, and a God of another nation. | 26:45 | |
And periodically, these gods would all get together | 26:49 | |
for a great council of the gods. | 26:52 | |
And that's where we come in. | 26:55 | |
We're talking in Psalm 82 about the day when our God, | 26:59 | |
Yahweh, is his proper name, translated in our Bibles, | 27:04 | |
the Lord. | 27:09 | |
When Yahweh got up and indicted | 27:10 | |
all of the other gods for misconduct. | 27:12 | |
How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality | 27:16 | |
to the wicked, Yahweh wants to know. | 27:19 | |
What kind of gods are you anyway? | 27:22 | |
You take bribes from the rich. | 27:25 | |
You divvy out favors and life on the basis | 27:29 | |
of how much a person has. | 27:31 | |
You take the side of the wealthy against the poor. | 27:34 | |
And in this Psalm, Yahweh attacks them | 27:38 | |
and accuses them of having neither | 27:40 | |
knowledge nor understanding. | 27:44 | |
You walk in darkness, the foundations | 27:46 | |
of the world are shaken. | 27:48 | |
In another place, Isaiah, made fun of these idols | 27:53 | |
which we create for ourselves. | 27:57 | |
They know not, they do not discern, God has shut their eyes. | 28:00 | |
They have minds, but they cannot understand. | 28:05 | |
Shall I fall down before a block of wood? | 28:07 | |
These so called gods, blind as bats, stupid, impotent. | 28:11 | |
But we ask ourselves, why then must we sing this song? | 28:18 | |
We are modern, more sophisticated people. | 28:23 | |
We have no heavenly assembly in the sky, | 28:27 | |
no convention of the gods. | 28:30 | |
Why should we be made to sing Psalm 82? | 28:32 | |
All the foundations of the Earth are shaken, says the Psalm. | 28:40 | |
The foundations of the whole world are shaking. | 28:46 | |
Does that sound more modern? | 28:50 | |
And why shouldn't the foundations of the world shake, | 28:53 | |
says the Psalmist. | 28:56 | |
With a bunch of incompetent, bribe-taking, unjust gods | 28:57 | |
trying to run things, no wonder the whole Earth | 29:01 | |
is toppling on its foundations. | 29:04 | |
What do you expect anyway, | 29:06 | |
from such a bunch of divine nincompoops? | 29:08 | |
My mother, upon her return from the Soviet Union | 29:13 | |
a number of years ago, told her bridge club that she | 29:17 | |
had stopped worrying about the Russian's desire to | 29:21 | |
take over the world, after experiencing their | 29:23 | |
inability even to run a hotel. | 29:26 | |
These fake gods, as crime in the streets, | 29:31 | |
the oppressed are being victimized by the very | 29:36 | |
governments that claim to be protecting them. | 29:39 | |
The whole world is trembling at the foundations, | 29:42 | |
due to these silly, incompetent, inept gods. | 29:45 | |
And it was right here that our God, Yahweh, the Lord, | 29:50 | |
strides in and accuses and condemns them. | 29:55 | |
You shall die. | 30:00 | |
You shall fall like any prince. | 30:04 | |
So much for you gods. | 30:08 | |
You shall perish just like you were mortals. | 30:11 | |
Dying in your own corruption, like some petty politician, | 30:15 | |
choking to death on the smoke of his own cigar. | 30:19 | |
By the time the Psalm ends, by the time this great | 30:24 | |
convention of the gods ends, there's only one God | 30:27 | |
left standing in the great heavenly assembly, | 30:32 | |
Yahweh, the Lord, standing there alone, | 30:35 | |
amidst the people's great acclamation. | 30:41 | |
Arise, oh God, judge the Earth, | 30:44 | |
because to Thee belong all the nations. | 30:47 | |
The Psalm, you see, is making a claim about governance. | 30:52 | |
The Psalm, for all of its primitive, mythopoetic images | 30:58 | |
is a very sophisticated assertion | 31:03 | |
about who is in charge here. | 31:05 | |
The Psalm is old and primordial, which is to say deep | 31:10 | |
and true and real. | 31:14 | |
It is an old attempt to talk about what is now | 31:18 | |
deep and primordial and primitive within us. | 31:23 | |
Namely our continuing innate polytheism. | 31:26 | |
We're all born polytheists, assuming that the world | 31:32 | |
consists of many gods, rival deities squabbling over | 31:36 | |
their own turf, rather than one God over all, | 31:40 | |
above all, for all. | 31:44 | |
We are born polytheists. | 31:46 | |
Monotheism, on the other hand, you've got to be taught. | 31:48 | |
So, we think of Sunday morning as a day together | 31:55 | |
and give Yahweh his due. | 32:01 | |
Sunday morning is a time to get together and to say | 32:03 | |
some good things about the Lord. | 32:06 | |
But on whose altar will we lay ourselves on Monday morning? | 32:09 | |
Are you an expert on foreign policy? | 32:17 | |
He asked me after the sermon. | 32:20 | |
Well, gee, no, I. | 32:22 | |
Well, all right then. | 32:24 | |
Would you stick to religion and stay out of politics? | 32:25 | |
You've got your God called religion. | 32:31 | |
Then there's the God called politics. | 32:34 | |
The world is subdivided into these | 32:38 | |
realms of competing deities. | 32:40 | |
You read a news magazine like Time, and | 32:45 | |
you got a current event section, and a art section, | 32:48 | |
and a sex section, and then way back on the last page, | 32:52 | |
they got two columns for the religion section. | 32:55 | |
And if you count up the columns, you can learn | 32:58 | |
a lot about our gods. | 33:00 | |
"We've got the chapel for those people | 33:05 | |
who want to be religious", she said. | 33:07 | |
"What are those people doing over in the Bryan Center | 33:10 | |
handing out pamphlets?" | 33:12 | |
See, I'm suggesting that we really haven't outgrown | 33:16 | |
the mythology attacked in Psalm 82, | 33:20 | |
with its assault on the heavenly council of gods. | 33:25 | |
I'm suggesting that the religion of Israel, | 33:29 | |
and therefore Jesus, is always a debate about | 33:32 | |
the number of gods. | 33:36 | |
Just how many gods are there? | 33:37 | |
Sunday morning is a battleground between the God | 33:41 | |
and all the other gods. | 33:45 | |
The Psalm says that in the great assembly of all the gods | 33:51 | |
one day the Lord rose up and condemned them to death. | 33:55 | |
This whole allegedly divine world, with its powers, | 34:01 | |
and its principalities, and its gods, and its rival deities | 34:05 | |
was rendered in one stroke, impotent. | 34:10 | |
Psalm 82 is an account of deicide. | 34:14 | |
We enter this Psalm in the world of many gods, | 34:19 | |
but by the time we're finished singing this song, | 34:23 | |
we have left forever the world of the gods. | 34:27 | |
Now when we bow down, we can worship in only one direction. | 34:32 | |
Now human life can have only one referent, one aim. | 34:38 | |
Now our ultimate loyalties can have only one object. | 34:43 | |
Now the people of the world have only one protector, | 34:48 | |
belong to only one family. | 34:53 | |
The universe got rearranged. | 34:58 | |
Human life is no longer split, divided, torn asunder | 35:01 | |
by claims of conflicting deities. | 35:06 | |
Reality now has integrity. | 35:08 | |
Hear oh Israel, Yahweh, your God is one. | 35:12 | |
So, you see after Psalm 82, I can't stand up before you and | 35:20 | |
after the death of the gods at the hand of Yahweh, | 35:27 | |
I cannot stand up before you and speak about the economic | 35:32 | |
sphere, or the issue of race, or claim | 35:36 | |
that this is a purely political matter. | 35:42 | |
We can no longer slice up reality in the manner | 35:46 | |
of the Duke curriculum. | 35:49 | |
We can no longer structure the universe in the way | 35:52 | |
that the Duke campus is arranged. | 35:54 | |
Over there is the kingdom of the God of business, | 35:58 | |
and then over there is this world of law and justice, | 36:01 | |
and then back there beyond the pines, | 36:04 | |
is the realm of science. | 36:06 | |
No, hear oh Israel, the Lord your God is one. | 36:09 | |
And you've got to worship this one God with all your | 36:12 | |
heart, soul, and mind, and strength, | 36:14 | |
and everything you've got. | 36:15 | |
Remembering that day long ago, | 36:18 | |
when your God rose up and killed all the others. | 36:22 | |
Our God, this one that answers to the name of Yahweh, | 36:29 | |
this Lord, as the commandments say, is a jealous God. | 36:34 | |
A jealous God, there were gods that wanted | 36:40 | |
only a part of you. | 36:43 | |
There were gods that wanted to be the God | 36:46 | |
of just one little nation. | 36:48 | |
The praise of just one race. | 36:50 | |
But here is a jealous God that tolerates no rival lovers. | 36:54 | |
And yet, that is not at the heart of it, really. | 37:01 | |
That is not the motivation for God's killing | 37:03 | |
of the other gods in this Psalm. | 37:08 | |
If you will note in the Psalm 82, the gods are condemned | 37:13 | |
to death, and note this, because it'll be on the exam, | 37:16 | |
the gods are condemned to death because of their | 37:21 | |
inability to create justice in the world. | 37:25 | |
They, for all of their claims of divinity, cannot | 37:30 | |
"Give justice to the weak and the orphan. | 37:35 | |
"They cannot maintain the right of the afflicted | 37:39 | |
"and the destitute. | 37:42 | |
"They cannot rescue the weak and the needy, | 37:44 | |
"and deliver them from the hand of the wicked." | 37:47 | |
Now there were gods who were really into nature. | 37:55 | |
Like to go out in trees, and roll in the grass, | 37:59 | |
and be nature. | 38:02 | |
And there were other gods who were really | 38:04 | |
into sex and fertility | 38:06 | |
and the exuberant rhythms of life. | 38:09 | |
There were gods that just got all excited | 38:14 | |
about beauty and aesthetics. | 38:16 | |
But you see, Yahweh is into justice. | 38:20 | |
He's a God who gets all excited over the treatment | 38:26 | |
of those on the bottom of society. | 38:32 | |
That's Yahweh's thing. | 38:34 | |
And for those on the bottom, who've got no power, | 38:39 | |
and no voice, and no means of helping themselves, | 38:44 | |
they've got no hope, | 38:50 | |
other than a God who is just. | 38:53 | |
When they go to the grocery store, or when they're | 38:58 | |
dragged before a judge, they tremble. | 39:03 | |
They tremble before those with wealth and power. | 39:07 | |
Who shall intercede for them? | 39:11 | |
What lawyer would take their case? | 39:15 | |
The gods of economics, the gods of the legal system, | 39:19 | |
of politics, of education, these gods that were | 39:23 | |
supposed to be protecting and looking | 39:26 | |
out for them have failed. | 39:28 | |
Justice is perverted. | 39:30 | |
The world's foundations are shaken. | 39:32 | |
Debt piles up. | 39:36 | |
The rich become richer, and the poor perish from | 39:37 | |
lack of life's bare necessities. | 39:40 | |
And therefore, Yahweh strides into the divine council | 39:44 | |
and just sweeps them away. | 39:48 | |
Now the Lord is going to take the cause of the weak. | 39:52 | |
Now the Lord is going to go in and plead the case | 39:56 | |
of the orphan, and the afflicted, and the destitute. | 39:59 | |
The Psalm suggests that whenever the foundations of | 40:05 | |
your world or your life shake, and don't they seem | 40:08 | |
to be shaking, it's just real good to know who's in charge. | 40:13 | |
The implied claim of the Psalm is that justice cannot | 40:22 | |
be the sole creation of governments, or empires, | 40:25 | |
or economics, or universities, or other systems | 40:29 | |
whereby we work out our continuing idolatry. | 40:33 | |
No false God can do that. | 40:37 | |
It takes a real God to take charge | 40:41 | |
and steady the Earth's foundations. | 40:45 | |
A God whose claim is over all the nations. | 40:48 | |
To take charge and show us the justice we cannot | 40:53 | |
create for ourselves. | 40:56 | |
The assertion is that we cannot worship this God | 41:00 | |
without also caring about the matters that concern this God. | 41:05 | |
There are gods that don't give a rip about the weak, | 41:11 | |
or the orphan, the rights of the afflicted, | 41:15 | |
or the destitute. | 41:18 | |
And those gods died. | 41:19 | |
And now, there's only one God left, the real one, | 41:23 | |
who cares enough about human justice to make the cause | 41:27 | |
of the oppressed his own. | 41:30 | |
And we cannot gather here on Sunday morning | 41:33 | |
and sing songs to the real God without going | 41:36 | |
out of here on Monday and sharing in his judgment | 41:39 | |
upon injustice, and inequality, | 41:44 | |
and suffering, and oppression. | 41:48 | |
So, it takes a lot to sing a Psalm like 82. | 41:51 | |
'Cause everybody already knows how to sing | 41:56 | |
the alma maters, and the national anthems, and | 41:58 | |
the praise of false, dead gods. | 42:02 | |
Remember, we're all polytheists quite naturally, | 42:05 | |
but you've got to be trained to sing a song for Yahweh, | 42:09 | |
the one true living God to whom belong all the nations. | 42:14 | |
And that's why we have to get you here on Sunday morning, | 42:19 | |
and we have to teach you to sing a monotheistic medley. | 42:23 | |
Going over it again and again, for what may be 3,000 years, | 42:26 | |
until you can sing it by heart, until the justice | 42:31 | |
that we demand from God is the justice we learn | 42:34 | |
to embody in our own lives. | 42:37 | |
In a forthcoming book on the preaching | 42:42 | |
of Martin Luther King, | 42:43 | |
Richard Lischer says that King was attempting to transfer | 42:45 | |
the congregation's Sunday morning experience of God's | 42:49 | |
victory into the political realm. | 42:52 | |
And that's not a bad definition of good preaching. | 42:57 | |
If we could get you to sing about one God, | 43:02 | |
one just God here on Sunday morning, you might find | 43:05 | |
yourself humming the same tune on Monday morning. | 43:08 | |
Well, the last thing that was said to me | 43:16 | |
before I left my office on Thursday afternoon | 43:18 | |
was said to me by a first year Divinity School student, | 43:21 | |
who said, "I can't believe you're gonna | 43:24 | |
try to preach on Psalm 82." | 43:27 | |
I got cold feet. | 43:30 | |
I went home thinking, "I wonder if the | 43:31 | |
bulletin's been printed yet. | 43:33 | |
I wonder could we change this? | 43:35 | |
What am I doing? | 43:37 | |
Nobody wants to hear about Psalm 82." | 43:41 | |
I turned on the car radio. | 43:46 | |
The news report was that six priests and two women | 43:52 | |
had been murdered and mutilated in El Salvador. | 43:59 | |
Probably, it is thought, at the hands of a government | 44:04 | |
that our administration has just asked another | 44:08 | |
$52 million to help support. | 44:11 | |
And I found myself, despite myself, humming | 44:20 | |
an old Gospel song. | 44:24 | |
Arise oh God, and judge the Earth, | 44:29 | |
because to you belong the nations. | 44:34 | |
Amen. | 44:40 | |
(organ music) | 44:44 | |
(congregation singing "My Jesus, I Love Thee") | 45:16 | |
("My Jesus, I Love Thee") | 45:55 | |
- | Let us pray. | 47:06 |
Almighty God, you've breathed into us the breath of life, | 47:20 | |
and called us to be your people. | 47:25 | |
As men and women of different races, traditions, | 47:28 | |
cultures, and experiences, we come together as the church | 47:31 | |
to form one body to the glory of Christ on Earth. | 47:36 | |
Help us to be what you have called us to be. | 47:41 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 47:44 | |
God of all, you give us wealth and the Earth, | 47:49 | |
and in the seas, air to breath, water to drink, | 47:52 | |
and all that is needful for human life. | 47:57 | |
We pray for those who know little of your bounty, | 48:00 | |
for whom the Earth is a cruel desert, | 48:04 | |
and existence a constant struggle. | 48:07 | |
We acknowledge that their burdens should be our burdens. | 48:10 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 48:14 | |
Gracious God, you have called us to love one another, | 48:19 | |
but because we do not know how to do so, | 48:22 | |
you tell us to start with a sister or brother at our side. | 48:25 | |
We pray for any from whom we are estranged. | 48:30 | |
Bless them, and bless us in our future | 48:33 | |
relationships with them. | 48:37 | |
We pray for our families, our friends, and all | 48:39 | |
whom we meet day by day, and their particular needs, | 48:43 | |
we ask You to bless them. | 48:48 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 48:51 | |
Creating God, You are present in every part of | 48:54 | |
human experience. | 48:57 | |
We hold before you the infant cuddled in a parent's arms, | 48:59 | |
young men and women struggling to make life decisions, | 49:04 | |
the sick and infirm, battling with | 49:08 | |
weakness and incapacity, | 49:10 | |
the dying, soon to experience your new creation. | 49:13 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 49:18 | |
Redeeming God, we pray for those lands where | 49:22 | |
brother and sister fight sister and brother, | 49:25 | |
divided by arbitrary borders, ideology, or religion. | 49:29 | |
We pray for those lands where extremes of wealth and poverty | 49:34 | |
are bitterly divisive. | 49:38 | |
We pray for those innocent victims who fall prey | 49:41 | |
to senseless violence, especially for the people | 49:44 | |
of El Salvador in their hour of suffering. | 49:48 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 49:52 | |
Sustaining God, we pray for all who have grown weary | 49:57 | |
in the race of life. | 50:00 | |
For those who weep, and those who can no longer weep, | 50:02 | |
for those who feel the anguish, and for those who | 50:07 | |
have lost the capacity to feel, | 50:09 | |
for those who live in homes full of strife, | 50:12 | |
and for those who have no home. | 50:16 | |
Oh Lord, renew us by your Spirit. | 50:19 | |
Oh living Lord, we pray for the whole human family. | 50:23 | |
You alone, can give victory over the violence of the world | 50:26 | |
and of our hearts. | 50:30 | |
Save us, oh Lord, give us the will and | 50:31 | |
the power to share in your victory. | 50:35 | |
For it is in your Holy Name we pray. | 50:38 | |
Amen. | 50:42 | |
In the spirit of Thanksgiving for the mighty acts of God, | 50:46 | |
let us offer our gifts and ourselves unto God. | 50:49 | |
(organ music) | 50:58 | |
(choir singing) | 52:47 | |
(choir singing) | 54:27 | |
(organ music) | 58:56 | |
(congregation singing) | 59:47 | |
Oh kind and gracious God whose love is unfailing and | 1:00:45 | |
whose mercies are new every day, | 1:00:48 | |
diverse that we are in age and outlook, | 1:00:51 | |
we are one in our desire to voice our gratitude unto Thee. | 1:00:54 | |
We thank Thee for everything that speaks to us and Thee. | 1:00:58 | |
For the splendor of this house of worship, | 1:01:02 | |
for the affection and constancy of our friends, | 1:01:05 | |
for the inspiration of great art and natural beauty, | 1:01:09 | |
and most especially for the revelation of Thy self | 1:01:12 | |
in Jesus Christ, and for the sending of His Spirit | 1:01:15 | |
into our hearts. | 1:01:19 | |
Give us such an awareness of this all-encompassing love. | 1:01:21 | |
That in all times and in all places, we may sing | 1:01:24 | |
Thy praise forevermore. | 1:01:28 | |
This we pray in the name of the One who taught us | 1:01:30 | |
to pray with kindness. | 1:01:32 | |
All | Our Father, who art in Heaven, | 1:01:34 |
hallowed be Thy name, | 1:01:37 | |
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, | 1:01:39 | |
on Earth as it is in Heaven. | 1:01:42 | |
Give us this day, our daily bread, | 1:01:43 | |
and forgive us our trespasses, | 1:01:46 | |
as we forgive those who trespass against us. | 1:01:49 | |
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. | 1:01:52 | |
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, | 1:01:55 | |
and the glory forever. | 1:01:59 | |
Amen. | 1:02:01 | |
- | And now go forth in peace, and be of good courage. | 1:02:04 |
Hold fast that which is good, rejoicing in the power | 1:02:08 | |
of the Holy Spirit. | 1:02:12 | |
And may the blessings of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit | 1:02:14 | |
be with you all, now and forevermore. | 1:02:17 | |
Amen. | 1:02:21 | |
(choir singing) | 1:02:27 | |
(organ music) | 1:04:10 | |
(congregation singing) | 1:04:51 | |
(congregation singing) | 1:06:13 | |
(organ music) | 1:07:49 | |
(organ music) | 1:08:58 |
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