Samuel W. Williams - "Will God Succeed with Man?" (January 11, 1970)
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(bright piano music) | 0:03 | |
(choir singing in foreign language) | 1:14 | |
- | Let us offer unto God, | 2:04 |
our unison prayer of confession, | 2:06 | |
and for pardon. | 2:10 | |
Let us pray. | 2:13 | |
Almighty God, | 2:15 | |
we humbly acknowledged before thee, | 2:17 | |
that we have sinned, | 2:20 | |
in thought, word and deed. | 2:22 | |
By our fault, our own fault, | 2:25 | |
our own most grievous fault. | 2:29 | |
Merciful Lord, we confess our sins, | 2:32 | |
have mercy upon us and help us. | 2:36 | |
Blot out our many sins and offenses. | 2:40 | |
Pardon and deliver us | 2:44 | |
and give grace of amendment to us | 2:46 | |
and to all thy faithful people. | 2:49 | |
Make us worthy to offer onto thee glory and Thanksgiving. | 2:53 | |
Wash away oh Lord, | 2:59 | |
the foul pollution of our souls | 3:01 | |
and cleanse us with the water of life | 3:05 | |
that in all purity and holiness, | 3:08 | |
we may be accounted worthy to enter thy presence | 3:11 | |
through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen. | 3:16 | |
Hear these words of the assurance of pardon, | 3:23 | |
as they are found in the 103rd Psalms. | 3:28 | |
As the heaven is high above the earth, | 3:33 | |
so great is God's mercy | 3:38 | |
toward them that fear Him. | 3:42 | |
As far as the east is from the west, | 3:46 | |
so far have God removed our transgressions from us. | 3:51 | |
Like as a father pitieth his children, | 3:58 | |
so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. | 4:02 | |
Therefore, if we confess our sins, | 4:07 | |
God is faithful and just | 4:11 | |
to forgive us our sins | 4:15 | |
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. | 4:18 | |
Be of good courage. | 4:25 | |
(bright piano music) | 4:32 | |
(choir singing in foreign language) | 5:08 | |
- | The scripture is taken from Genesis 6:1-8, | 8:27 |
"When men began to multiply on the face of the earth | 8:32 | |
and daughters were born to them. | 8:36 | |
The sons of God saw that | 8:39 | |
the daughters of men were attractive | 8:40 | |
and they married such of them as they chose. | 8:42 | |
Then the Lord said, | 8:46 | |
'My spirit will not abide in man forever | 8:47 | |
for he is flesh, | 8:50 | |
but his lifespan shall be 120 years.' | 8:53 | |
There were giants on the earth in those days. | 8:58 | |
And also afterward. | 9:00 | |
When the sons of God had relations | 9:02 | |
with the daughters of men, | 9:04 | |
they bore children to them. | 9:06 | |
These were the mighty men of old, | 9:09 | |
the men of renown. | 9:11 | |
And God saw that the wickedness of man, | 9:14 | |
was great in the earth. | 9:16 | |
And that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart | 9:19 | |
was only evil continually. | 9:21 | |
And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth | 9:25 | |
and it grieved Him to His heart." | 9:28 | |
(bright piano music) | 9:35 | |
(choir singing in foreign language) | 9:43 | |
- | The Lord be with you. | 10:17 |
- | And with your spirit. | 10:19 |
- | Let us pray. | 10:20 |
Let us offer a prayer of Thanksgiving. | 10:28 | |
Oh God who has commanded us in everything | 10:33 | |
to give thanks. | 10:38 | |
We praise thy name for all thy goodness and mercy unto us. | 10:40 | |
For the way by which thou has led us | 10:46 | |
and the gifts thou has bestowed. | 10:50 | |
For the joy thou made us to abound to us | 10:55 | |
and for the sorrows and trials thou did overrule for good. | 10:59 | |
We give the thanks. | 11:06 | |
For the measure of success thou has granted our labors | 11:10 | |
and the guidance thou has given us | 11:15 | |
in every path of duty. | 11:18 | |
We praise thee. | 11:21 | |
And chiefly at this season we thank thee | 11:24 | |
for the good gift of Jesus, | 11:28 | |
the Christ, thy son, our Lord. | 11:30 | |
Grant that we show our thanks | 11:37 | |
by walking in his ways, | 11:39 | |
all the days of our life | 11:42 | |
for His name's sake. | 11:45 | |
And let us offer two prayers of intercession. | 11:49 | |
First for all who need us. | 11:54 | |
Oh God, who has formed us for fellowship with one another. | 12:00 | |
We pray for all who need us. | 12:06 | |
For all who are underfed, starving. | 12:11 | |
For all refugees. | 12:17 | |
For the victims of oppression, | 12:21 | |
injustice, cruelty, and racial prejudice. | 12:24 | |
For all who are frustrated. | 12:33 | |
For the sorely tempted | 12:37 | |
and for those who fall. | 12:40 | |
For little children and youth who are neglected | 12:45 | |
and have never known what it is to be cared for and loved. | 12:51 | |
Lord, hear our prayer. | 12:59 | |
And let us pray for the church. | 13:05 | |
Oh God, who has built thy church | 13:09 | |
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. | 13:11 | |
Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone. | 13:16 | |
Saved the community of life. | 13:22 | |
People from cowardly surrender to the world. | 13:24 | |
From rendering unto Caesar, | 13:29 | |
what belongs to thee. | 13:32 | |
From forgetting the eternal gospel, | 13:35 | |
amid the temporal pressures of our trouble days. | 13:39 | |
We pray for the unity of the church. | 13:44 | |
For her fellowship | 13:48 | |
across embittered lines of race and nation. | 13:50 | |
For her growth in grace. | 13:56 | |
For her building in love. | 13:58 | |
For her enlargement in service. | 14:01 | |
For her increase in wisdom, | 14:04 | |
faith, charity, and power. | 14:07 | |
In the spirit of Jesus, the Christ, | 14:14 | |
whose church it is. | 14:18 | |
And let us offer a prayer of supplication for ourselves. | 14:22 | |
Almighty God, God of our fathers and our God. | 14:28 | |
We pray thee graciously to lead us | 14:37 | |
through the uncertainties of this new year | 14:39 | |
of our roughly pilgrimage. | 14:43 | |
Protect us from the dangers of the way. | 14:47 | |
Prepare us for the duties, | 14:52 | |
the trials, the joys and sorrows | 14:55 | |
that awaiting us. | 15:00 | |
And grant that each change the year brings with it, | 15:04 | |
may bring us nearer to thy self. | 15:08 | |
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. | 15:14 | |
And now as our savior, Christ has taught us, | 15:19 | |
we humbly pray together saying: | 15:21 | |
Our father who art in heaven, | 15:25 | |
hallowed be thy name, | 15:28 | |
thy kingdom come. | 15:31 | |
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. | 15:33 | |
Give us this day our daily bread | 15:38 | |
and forgive us our trespasses. | 15:41 | |
As we forgive those who trespass against us. | 15:44 | |
And lead us not into temptation | 15:48 | |
but deliver us from evil. | 15:51 | |
For thine is the kingdom | 15:53 | |
and the power and the glory forever. | 15:55 | |
Amen. | 16:00 | |
- | I think I'm properly adjusted now. | 16:25 |
I have certain some limitations this morning. | 16:29 | |
First of all, | 16:33 | |
I was given some couple instruction, | 16:34 | |
yesterday evening on how to get harnessed up here. | 16:36 | |
The second limitation is I'm fenced in, in this pulpit. | 16:42 | |
The Baptist preacher has to have more room, so. | 16:47 | |
(congregation laughs) | 16:50 | |
If I happen to break out of these harnesses, | 16:53 | |
you understand that the spirit has me. | 16:55 | |
(congregation laughs) | 16:57 | |
It is a joy | 17:00 | |
and a pleasure for me to worship with you this morning. | 17:04 | |
I have many friends in Durham. | 17:11 | |
One of my very close and dear friend, | 17:15 | |
a former student, Dr. Samuel DuBois Cook, | 17:20 | |
and I regret very much that he cannot be with us today. | 17:25 | |
Will you bow your heads for just a moment. | 17:32 | |
Dropped thy still dews of quietness | 17:41 | |
until all our striving cease | 17:45 | |
and take from our souls the strain and stress. | 17:49 | |
And let our ordered lives confess, | 17:54 | |
the beauty of thy peace, our father, Amen. | 17:58 | |
Will God succeed with man? | 18:08 | |
Man is a problem. | 18:20 | |
He's a problem both to himself and for God. | 18:25 | |
God created man and freedom. | 18:32 | |
Freedom is of the essence of man. | 18:37 | |
I think it was Tolstoy who suggested that | 18:42 | |
if a man is not free, he is not a man. | 18:46 | |
The divine expectation is that, | 18:52 | |
this creature man made in freedom, | 18:55 | |
would use that freedom responsibly. | 19:00 | |
And I would like to suggest this morning | 19:05 | |
that God has been disappointed in this. | 19:07 | |
Man has not yet learned to use freedom responsibly. | 19:11 | |
And I'm not so sure that he ever will. | 19:18 | |
I would suspect that God has discovered | 19:22 | |
that His greatest era in creation | 19:28 | |
was to make man and the freedom. | 19:31 | |
Now to act responsibly, | 19:38 | |
first one needs to know, | 19:41 | |
how to way and to consider alternatives | 19:45 | |
and then to decide to make up his mind. | 19:47 | |
It was Paul Tillich, I think who said that, | 19:51 | |
the three dimensions of freedom are: | 19:54 | |
deciding or deliberating | 19:56 | |
and deciding and answering. | 19:58 | |
This business of deciding is tremendously important. | 20:04 | |
I like sometimes to use an illustration such as this, | 20:09 | |
a courting young man. | 20:12 | |
And I suppose some of you young fellows do some of that. | 20:13 | |
While you are in the stage of, | 20:18 | |
the early stages of courting, | 20:21 | |
you are up against the problem of considering. | 20:24 | |
There is Yvonne and Yvette and Mary and Susie and Karen. | 20:29 | |
Now under our system you can't marry all of those, | 20:36 | |
but you have them under consideration. | 20:43 | |
And you've got to look at them and weigh them. | 20:47 | |
The word deliberate, | 20:51 | |
the Latin root means to weigh, to balance. | 20:52 | |
Now the real problem comes | 20:57 | |
when you get to the point | 21:00 | |
that you've got to decide among those five | 21:03 | |
and the word decide the Latin root means to cut off | 21:09 | |
and brethren, that's an awful moment, isn't it? | 21:14 | |
When you've got to start eliminating. | 21:17 | |
And that's the hard time. | 21:21 | |
I recall when I got married, | 21:23 | |
everything was all right | 21:25 | |
until the day I placed the engagement ring on her finger. | 21:26 | |
And frankly my friend, brethren especially, | 21:33 | |
I got nervous and shaky and it was just terrible | 21:36 | |
because when I put that ring on her finger, | 21:39 | |
I realized I cut off all the others. | 21:44 | |
And there it was, I was stuck. | 21:50 | |
(congregation laughs) | 21:53 | |
Some of you know Howard Thurman | 21:57 | |
and I'll give you Howard Thurman's definition of hell. | 22:00 | |
He says, hell is something like this. | 22:04 | |
If you were at a dance party | 22:06 | |
and you had to dance throughout eternity | 22:10 | |
with one uninteresting sister. | 22:15 | |
Just think what that would be. | 22:19 | |
Having to dance throughout eternity with one lady | 22:21 | |
that's not interesting. | 22:24 | |
That's hell. | 22:25 | |
So there I was having made that decision. | 22:28 | |
Now, once the decision has been made, | 22:30 | |
the next thing comes, | 22:32 | |
and this too is really rough | 22:33 | |
because you now must and so for having made that decision. | 22:39 | |
You are responsible. | 22:44 | |
There is a song that Negroes sing, | 22:48 | |
Jesus walked that lonesome valley. | 22:51 | |
Had to walk it by Himself. | 22:53 | |
There was nobody else who can walk it for Him. | 22:55 | |
Deciding leads us to having to answer. | 22:57 | |
Now I'm suggesting that God made man, | 23:01 | |
hoping that he would know how to do these things, | 23:04 | |
or we even learn. | 23:06 | |
But I declare he hasn't done much with it. | 23:08 | |
Now all responsible action involves the doing of justice. | 23:12 | |
He has shown the old man, | 23:17 | |
what you should do, | 23:18 | |
love mercy and do justly and walk humbly with God. | 23:19 | |
Only free men can do justice. | 23:22 | |
And if justice is not done, | 23:25 | |
freedom is impossible. | 23:26 | |
What is it that must be done? | 23:32 | |
And by whom such that man will become good and kind | 23:34 | |
and loving and just? | 23:38 | |
We all know that man is not loving. | 23:42 | |
He's not kind, he's not good. | 23:44 | |
And he's not just. | 23:46 | |
Now whether or not man can become good | 23:48 | |
and kind and loving and just is another question. | 23:51 | |
If we seek to answer the question, we are raising, | 23:56 | |
we must first understand | 23:58 | |
that we are not raising an ordinary question. | 23:59 | |
In asking this question, | 24:04 | |
can man become good and just and kind and loving. | 24:06 | |
In asking that we are inquiring into the very nature of man. | 24:10 | |
In a sense, we are trying to find out ourselves. | 24:15 | |
Something about who we are. | 24:17 | |
It is a search for our real, our true self. | 24:20 | |
In a word, the search for our identity. | 24:24 | |
Perhaps we can get a start on our inquiry. | 24:28 | |
We begin first with what the Bible has to say. | 24:32 | |
In the book of Genesis, | 24:35 | |
we noticed one account of a man to be the following. | 24:36 | |
God created man in His own image. | 24:42 | |
Without struggling too hard with the idea of image, | 24:46 | |
I think it is reasonably safe to suggest | 24:49 | |
that the image is something good. | 24:53 | |
And Genesis 1:31, we read, | 24:58 | |
"God looked at everything that he had made | 25:00 | |
and found it very pleasing." | 25:03 | |
Yay, very good. | 25:05 | |
But when we move away | 25:08 | |
from this initial satisfaction on God's part | 25:09 | |
with His own hand to work, | 25:13 | |
that is when God had a chance to see man acting on his own. | 25:16 | |
God then expressed regret | 25:21 | |
of having created man. | 25:24 | |
He became very sorry that He did it. | 25:27 | |
The experiment was not, or is not working out. | 25:30 | |
All of the, not all, | 25:35 | |
but most of the theologians were the contrary, | 25:36 | |
not withstanding, | 25:39 | |
I wish to contend that God created man was an experiment. | 25:40 | |
God's creation of man was an experiment. | 25:43 | |
And I would like to suggest | 25:47 | |
that the experiment is not working out so well. | 25:48 | |
The Bible gives as the cause. | 25:54 | |
That is the reason for God's being disappointed with man, | 25:56 | |
is man's wickedness. | 26:01 | |
When God saw how great was man's wickedness on the earth | 26:03 | |
and how every scheme that his mind devised | 26:07 | |
was nothing but evil all the time. | 26:11 | |
God was sorry | 26:14 | |
that he had made man on the earth. | 26:16 | |
And there was sorrow in God's heart. | 26:19 | |
The meaning is clear. | 26:23 | |
God did not create man to sin i.e. to do wickedly. | 26:26 | |
It was not God's intention to create a doer of wicked deeds. | 26:33 | |
God had in mind something higher for man. | 26:39 | |
God expected man to be the doer of good thing. | 26:42 | |
One who would take fine actions. | 26:49 | |
Man however is not found doing this. | 26:52 | |
Every scheme God said, | 26:56 | |
man comes up with is evil all the time. | 26:59 | |
God thought man would fulfill God's expectation for Him | 27:03 | |
if He created him free. | 27:08 | |
That experiment has not yet established the truth | 27:11 | |
of that assumption. | 27:14 | |
One psychoanalyst has dared to suggest | 27:16 | |
that man is a disease in the air. | 27:19 | |
I've never delivered a sermon on that. | 27:25 | |
I've been tempted to. | 27:28 | |
And every time I read the book | 27:29 | |
in which this idea is expressed, | 27:32 | |
I can never move beyond that chapter. | 27:34 | |
Man is a disease in the air. | 27:37 | |
And so far as I can see, | 27:44 | |
God has not yet been able to | 27:45 | |
come up with an effective antibiotic for man's disease. | 27:47 | |
They told me I had just a certain amount of time up here. | 27:54 | |
So I'm gonna have to leave off some of the things, | 27:56 | |
the Holy Spirit telling me to say, but, | 27:59 | |
God hasn't been able to find | 28:03 | |
an effective antibiotic for man's disease. | 28:05 | |
I should like to deal with the notion that Jesus | 28:08 | |
is that effective antibiotic | 28:11 | |
but I'm not so sure that He is. | 28:13 | |
A lot of Christian theologians wish to suggest that He is. | 28:19 | |
But I do not see that Jesus had done very much | 28:21 | |
to curing man of this disease. | 28:25 | |
And particularly has he not done very much | 28:31 | |
to church Christians. | 28:34 | |
I just saw in Atlanta on Thursday, | 28:40 | |
an exhibition of a failure | 28:43 | |
and the moral insipidness of church Christians. | 28:45 | |
The Atlanta Christian Council, | 28:49 | |
confronted now with the kinds of problems we face | 28:52 | |
with all over the country, | 28:55 | |
on school desegregation came up with an innocuous, | 28:56 | |
morally insipid resolution. | 29:00 | |
And I wish to God, | 29:03 | |
churches will stop passing resolutions. | 29:04 | |
If they can't do any more than pass resolution | 29:09 | |
they ought to stop, shut up. | 29:11 | |
But they did good Christians in Atlanta. | 29:15 | |
Sorry to waste time with passing resolution. | 29:16 | |
And you know, what they asked for? | 29:22 | |
They want the church of today to pray. | 29:24 | |
And what do they want to pray for? | 29:27 | |
That the Lord would help them find | 29:29 | |
a solution to our problem. | 29:31 | |
Well, they don't need to pray | 29:35 | |
to find that solution, | 29:37 | |
is right before them? | 29:38 | |
It's just clear as the news on our faces, | 29:39 | |
but yet they wanna pray. | 29:42 | |
Then the resolution is that they want the pastors | 29:44 | |
to offer pastoral counseling to the children. | 29:46 | |
And our governor gave them pastoral counseling | 29:51 | |
the other day. | 29:53 | |
He said, violate the law. | 29:54 | |
There's been, I don't think any cure for man's disease. | 30:00 | |
Now let me try quickly | 30:05 | |
to say a word about man's evil action. | 30:07 | |
And I should like to mention three big problems, | 30:10 | |
which confront us. | 30:14 | |
And all three of them are the results, | 30:17 | |
the consequence of man's evil behavior. | 30:19 | |
Well, I stopped for a moment and think, | 30:24 | |
how can anybody justify war as a civilized action? | 30:35 | |
How can anybody justify war as a civilized action? | 30:46 | |
Let me put this another way. | 30:50 | |
Can you make a case | 30:53 | |
for civilized human beings making war upon themselves? | 30:57 | |
Since my high school days, | 31:08 | |
I have not committed any poems to memory, | 31:10 | |
but I wish to goodness, | 31:12 | |
I could remember this one about the monkey, | 31:13 | |
have you ever heard that one, | 31:16 | |
about the monkey saying that, | 31:17 | |
people call him cousin to man or something like that? | 31:20 | |
And when the monkeys got to thinking about that, | 31:24 | |
he said, "Oh, but God, that's a terrible slam on us | 31:26 | |
to say that we are related to man | 31:31 | |
because we don't do any of the dirty things, | 31:33 | |
men do to each other. | 31:36 | |
And one is we don't go around using our intellects | 31:38 | |
to try to devise means to exterminate monkeys." | 31:42 | |
And this is precisely what men do. | 31:46 | |
I grew up in Arkansas | 31:49 | |
and there was a dirty statement, | 31:51 | |
we would make about one another. | 31:52 | |
We would say you are a low down dirty dog. | 31:54 | |
You ever heard that one? | 31:57 | |
We would call people that when were really mad at them. | 31:58 | |
Call them a low down dirty dog. | 32:00 | |
Well, that's an insult to the dog. | 32:02 | |
(congregation murmurs) | 32:05 | |
Because it is absolutely impossible | 32:07 | |
for a dog to be as low down and as dirty as a man. | 32:10 | |
He doesn't have the brains to be. | 32:15 | |
It takes an extraordinary set of brains | 32:19 | |
to be able to devise the cruelty, | 32:23 | |
the inhumanity, the meanness, | 32:26 | |
the cussedness that man can do. | 32:28 | |
And I've had a lot of dogs | 32:30 | |
and not one has ever did anything like that. | 32:32 | |
Matter of fact, I had one dog that I was so, | 32:36 | |
I loved Jim. | 32:38 | |
My daddy wanted to whip me one day. | 32:40 | |
And Jim thought that was not a good thing my dad to do. | 32:44 | |
So he bit him. | 32:46 | |
(congregation murmurs) | 32:47 | |
And that was a great bite too, | 32:48 | |
because my daddy turned on Jim | 32:51 | |
and rather than getting on me, you see. | 32:53 | |
And my dog stayed mad two weeks about that. | 32:55 | |
Couldn't anybody go to him but me. | 32:57 | |
Man is a disease in this earth. | 33:02 | |
And was one expression of that disease. | 33:05 | |
I need not talk about economic and social oppression, | 33:08 | |
institutionalized poverty | 33:13 | |
and pollution of the total environment, | 33:15 | |
are expressions of man's disease. | 33:17 | |
Racism is the other one. | 33:25 | |
It was Kierkegaard who said that, | 33:31 | |
the big job in this century | 33:34 | |
is to try to make Christians out of Christians. | 33:36 | |
I wish to goodness we could. | 33:39 | |
In my moments of deep despair and pessimism, | 33:41 | |
I even dare to suggest | 33:45 | |
if we could just eliminate Christians out of the world, | 33:46 | |
we could probably build a good world. | 33:48 | |
Did you ever thought that the worst wars, | 33:56 | |
the meanest kinds of institutions | 33:59 | |
that mankind have suffered in the world, | 34:01 | |
have been built by Christians? | 34:02 | |
Did you ever stop to think about that. | 34:05 | |
The meanest things we are now doing to mankind | 34:08 | |
are been done by Christians. | 34:10 | |
And I suppose the worst thing in the world, | 34:17 | |
is that we got a lot of good folks around. | 34:19 | |
If we could just eliminate the world of good people, | 34:21 | |
we might be able to do something. | 34:23 | |
Good people are so good they're good for nothing. | 34:25 | |
Some sociologists have said | 34:32 | |
that the 20th century has confronted our society | 34:32 | |
with unprecedented progress | 34:36 | |
and unprecedented problems. | 34:38 | |
Economic and scientific and technological advances | 34:39 | |
have brought material abundance, | 34:42 | |
improved health standards | 34:44 | |
and the phenomenal ability to control nature | 34:46 | |
and turn it to mans uses. | 34:48 | |
Existing however alongside all of this wealth | 34:52 | |
and mastery over nature | 34:55 | |
are continuing states of international warfare and tension, | 34:58 | |
persistent poverty and despair among millions | 35:03 | |
and the growing in ability of many to control | 35:08 | |
the social and political processes | 35:11 | |
that so significantly affect their lives. | 35:14 | |
What a contradiction. | 35:18 | |
I'm convinced that we shall never find, | 35:21 | |
solution to our problems | 35:24 | |
until we are willing to reexamine | 35:25 | |
and remodel our existing values and institutions. | 35:29 | |
This is one of the usefulness of these young radicals. | 35:37 | |
I'm not so sure they gonna succeed, | 35:46 | |
but at least they are challenging us and making us see, | 35:49 | |
that we need to re-examine | 35:52 | |
and remodel our existing values and institutions. | 35:54 | |
It is this I fear that man is unwilling to do. | 36:02 | |
I do not think that we are prepared to replace profit | 36:06 | |
as the supreme value with persons as the highest value. | 36:10 | |
We do everything with the view to profits. | 36:16 | |
Persons are important in so far only | 36:20 | |
as they are useful in profit-making. | 36:23 | |
Our society is schizophrenic at this point. | 36:28 | |
But on the one hand, | 36:33 | |
we talk so glibly about human dignity | 36:34 | |
and the democratic process, | 36:36 | |
yet our actions belie, all our talk. | 36:38 | |
I was visiting in Virginia one summer near Norfolk. | 36:44 | |
There was a wreck on the highway. | 36:49 | |
An automobile ran into a man riding a mule. | 36:51 | |
When the state patrol came to investigate the accident, | 36:57 | |
they charged the driver | 37:01 | |
with destroying private property | 37:04 | |
because he killed the mule. | 37:06 | |
The man was badly injured, | 37:08 | |
but there was no charge | 37:12 | |
about anything wrong happening to the man. | 37:14 | |
They were concerned | 37:18 | |
that private property had been destroyed. | 37:19 | |
And one of my visits back home, | 37:22 | |
when I was in college, | 37:26 | |
I lived in Arkansas in the Delta area, | 37:27 | |
and I would take the train | 37:31 | |
from Memphis down to McGee Oakland. | 37:33 | |
So on that took us through a good section | 37:35 | |
of the Mississippi Delta. | 37:38 | |
And on one of these trips I said to one of the train men, | 37:41 | |
as I looked out on a plantation and saw, | 37:44 | |
a barn with electric lights in it. | 37:47 | |
I understood what was out there, | 37:50 | |
but I wanted to see how he would react. | 37:51 | |
So I said to him, | 37:52 | |
what house is that out there | 37:54 | |
with the electric lights in it | 37:56 | |
and it's painted and has a good tin roof on it? | 37:57 | |
He said, that's the barn where they keep the mules. | 38:00 | |
I said, "Oh, keep mules in that house? | 38:03 | |
That's fine for the mules." | 38:05 | |
I said, "Well now tell me, I see a rundown shack, | 38:07 | |
just a little distance from the barn | 38:10 | |
which is lighted with electricity. | 38:12 | |
What's kept there hay or something? | 38:14 | |
He said, "Oh no, that's where the farm workers live." | 38:16 | |
I said, this is strange to me. | 38:22 | |
I don't understand why the mules have a better house | 38:23 | |
than the people have. | 38:26 | |
He said, "Oh, that's easy. | 38:28 | |
A good team of mules will cost you $500, | 38:31 | |
but you can get a field hand for $1.5 a day." | 38:35 | |
This is our society. | 38:40 | |
Man is a disease in the earth. | 38:47 | |
Let me say a word about racism | 38:53 | |
and I will not burden you with that | 38:56 | |
because I suppose in this university center | 38:59 | |
and in this chapel great preaching and goes on | 39:03 | |
on that subject. | 39:07 | |
And I do not need to inform you further on that. | 39:08 | |
But I was awfully dismayed | 39:14 | |
when I left the city of Atlanta yesterday. | 39:15 | |
It was after 16 years, | 39:20 | |
the federal courts have said to our city and to the state | 39:22 | |
that you've got now to do what the law says. | 39:27 | |
You've gotta obey the constitution. | 39:29 | |
Some of us have been pleading with our school board | 39:32 | |
to go ahead and do this. | 39:34 | |
It is much better to make the decision yourself | 39:37 | |
than to be forced to do it. | 39:39 | |
But they wouldn't do it. | 39:41 | |
Now that they are being required by the courts to do it, | 39:43 | |
everybody's nervous and frustrated. | 39:47 | |
And we hear arguments like this, | 39:53 | |
which I don't understand. | 39:54 | |
We need a little more time. | 39:57 | |
Let us work this out. | 39:58 | |
But my God, the courts told you 16 years ago to work it out. | 40:01 | |
The human situation said to you 300 years ago, work it out. | 40:07 | |
And now after all of this time, you begin to say, | 40:11 | |
let us work it out. | 40:14 | |
Now that the truth is that nothing | 40:16 | |
in terms of human dignity has been done by this nation | 40:18 | |
vis-à-vis the Negroes except by force. | 40:22 | |
The institution of slavery as damnably as it was, | 40:25 | |
the Christians in this country could not resolve the problem | 40:29 | |
until we had to find a wall over it. | 40:32 | |
And that was a shame. | 40:33 | |
And then we instituted segregation as another way | 40:37 | |
to try to maintain the status quo | 40:39 | |
and now we're saying, | 40:41 | |
you must do away with that. | 40:41 | |
And there are those who are say, | 40:42 | |
let us have time and we will work it out, | 40:44 | |
which means we shall never do it. | 40:46 | |
Will God succeed with man? I doubt it. | 40:51 | |
Well what about young folks? | 40:54 | |
The newer radical. | 40:55 | |
I just bought a book the other day on the new radicals | 40:57 | |
of Stokely Carmichael and a whole a lot of other folks. | 41:00 | |
Well, the reason that I doubt them is | 41:04 | |
that they're gonna keep on getting old. | 41:10 | |
Now they are radical because they are not yet 30 | 41:14 | |
but by the time they get to be 30 and then get a job, | 41:18 | |
they're gonna become establishment oriented to. | 41:23 | |
So they don't get this job done in the next five years, | 41:27 | |
we'll have to look to a new group | 41:31 | |
and then they will do the same thing. | 41:33 | |
The Negroes have a spiritual, which they sing, | 41:38 | |
and I'm sure you heard it. | 41:40 | |
My Lord is gonna move this wicked race | 41:42 | |
and raise him up a nation that will obey. | 41:46 | |
Now if you look at history a little bit, | 41:51 | |
you will see that God has been doing that. | 41:55 | |
Moving, destroying, | 41:58 | |
having crumbled civilization after civilization. | 42:02 | |
The history of man on this earth | 42:08 | |
is strong with wrecked civilizations. | 42:09 | |
And every one of them is wrecked on the moral question. | 42:13 | |
This one is going to wreck itself on the moral question. | 42:20 | |
And the question is still open. | 42:28 | |
Whether or not this being who calls himself homo-sapien, | 42:30 | |
is ever going to be able to on this earth, | 42:36 | |
to build what God expected him to build, | 42:39 | |
namely the Kingdom of God. | 42:42 | |
And God looked and saw that everything man did was evil. | 42:47 | |
Every scheme he came up | 42:54 | |
and God repented that he had made man. | 42:57 | |
I think God is gonna have to decide after a while | 43:03 | |
that His kingdom, His kingdom, | 43:08 | |
can never come on this earth | 43:12 | |
with this creature, man. | 43:16 | |
God is gonna have a look around in this universe | 43:19 | |
and try to find another instrument | 43:23 | |
to do His will. | 43:28 | |
You prayed before I got up to preach. | 43:32 | |
Our father who art in heaven, | 43:35 | |
hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come. | 43:37 | |
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. | 43:40 | |
You are to always stop, | 43:49 | |
when you get there with this prayer | 43:52 | |
because there is no commitment of mans part | 43:57 | |
to have the will of God done in this earth. | 44:06 | |
Let me tell the story that's old, | 44:13 | |
but it makes the point I wanna make now. | 44:15 | |
The hawk and the hen, | 44:20 | |
run down the street one morning early | 44:22 | |
and they saw a restaurant | 44:26 | |
which offered ham and eggs for breakfast. | 44:27 | |
And the hen said to the hawk, | 44:30 | |
let's go in and make our contribution to this breakfast. | 44:31 | |
And the hawk said to the hen, | 44:36 | |
"That's easy for you to say. | 44:37 | |
The cost for you it is only the commitment." | 44:40 | |
I'm sorry, "It's only a contribution | 44:45 | |
but for me, the hawk, it's total commitment." | 44:46 | |
I would like to suggest to you as I close now | 44:52 | |
that man, if he ever is going to do the will of God in earth | 44:55 | |
has to be like the hawk. | 45:03 | |
It must be it's total commitment. | 45:08 | |
All we've got now is the hen. | 45:12 | |
We make our little contribution, | 45:17 | |
here and there. | 45:19 | |
I wish I had time to talk to you | 45:23 | |
about the insipid, contribution we make. | 45:25 | |
We have the Baptist, | 45:28 | |
some sort of National Baptist Youth something, | 45:30 | |
another to come to Atlanta the other day, | 45:33 | |
whites and Negroes together. | 45:36 | |
They had a great time, those Baptist did. | 45:37 | |
And you know what they thought they would do | 45:40 | |
to prove that, | 45:42 | |
to make that witness to Jesus. | 45:44 | |
They went over into one of the slum areas of our city | 45:46 | |
and racked up some trash and painted a few fences. | 45:49 | |
And they went back and had a good inner feeling, | 45:53 | |
that we really cleansed our spirits. | 45:57 | |
Well, that was a really an insult and a disgrace. | 46:00 | |
What in the world all these young people to be doing | 46:05 | |
instead of running around on the slump sweeping up trash. | 46:06 | |
Seeing to it that the system reproduces slums are changed. | 46:10 | |
They ought to be trying to change | 46:15 | |
the value orientation of the society | 46:16 | |
so that people whom we call to, | 46:19 | |
will not be pulled to force the common deed | 46:21 | |
to here undo the total economic process of this nation. | 46:23 | |
And here they are running around raking up trash. | 46:26 | |
And so many of you in this room | 46:31 | |
feel that you are doing God's service | 46:33 | |
when you send some clothes over some place | 46:35 | |
or move into a community and paint some fences | 46:38 | |
and pack up a one or two fillings on a fence. | 46:40 | |
This is insulting and nauseating to God, Almighty. | 46:45 | |
No wonder God said, I'm sorry | 46:50 | |
that I ever made man | 46:53 | |
and told him loose up on the earth. | 46:55 | |
My God, it's going to move this wicked race. | 46:59 | |
And raise Him up a nation that will obey. | 47:06 | |
That's another one that I close with, this one. | 47:09 | |
If men, says another spiritual, | 47:13 | |
do not praise God and do His will, | 47:17 | |
He's going to make the rocks cry out and sing His praises. | 47:21 | |
God, if He can't make it with us, | 47:29 | |
will turn. | 47:36 | |
Find some other instrument | 47:38 | |
to do His will in the earth. | 47:41 | |
Let us pray. | 47:42 | |
Forgive us our father for our sins. | 47:47 | |
For our pride and severed will. | 47:52 | |
Our stubbornness, our unwillingness | 47:55 | |
to commit ourselves to the doing of thy will in this earth. | 47:59 | |
Hear our prayer. | 48:05 | |
Well, we pray in the name of Jesus | 48:07 | |
who tried to show us the way, Amen. | 48:11 | |
(bright piano music) | 48:18 | |
(choir singing in foreign language) | 49:10 |
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