Helen G. Crotwell - "No More and Not Yet" (June 2, 1974)
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Transcripts may contain inaccuracies.
- | O God of peace, | 0:02 |
you who have taught us | 0:05 | |
that in returning and rest we shall be renewed, | 0:07 | |
that in quietness and confidence we shall find strength. | 0:11 | |
Prepare our hearts and minds now to worship you, | 0:16 | |
and by the power of your Spirit, lift us to your presence, | 0:21 | |
where we may be still and know that you are God. | 0:25 | |
Be among us now, O God, and make us one with you | 0:31 | |
through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen. | 0:35 | |
(gentle organ music) | 0:41 | |
♪ Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire ♪ | 0:46 | |
♪ And lighten with celestial fire ♪ | 0:54 | |
♪ Thou the anointing Spirit art ♪ | 1:02 | |
♪ Who dost thy seven-fold gifts impart ♪ | 1:11 | |
♪ Praise to thine eternal merit ♪ | 1:19 | |
♪ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ♪ | 1:27 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 1:37 | |
(stately organ music) | 1:45 | |
♪ Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire ♪ | 2:16 | |
♪ And lighten with celestial fire ♪ | 2:23 | |
♪ Thou the anointing Spirit art ♪ | 2:31 | |
♪ Who dost thy seven-fold gifts impart ♪ | 2:38 | |
♪ Thy blessed unction from above ♪ | 2:49 | |
♪ Is comfort, life, and fire of love ♪ | 2:56 | |
♪ Enable with perpetual light ♪ | 3:03 | |
♪ The dullness of our mortal sight ♪ | 3:11 | |
♪ Anoint and cheer our soiled face ♪ | 3:21 | |
♪ With the abundance of thy grace ♪ | 3:29 | |
♪ Keep far our foes, give peace at home ♪ | 3:36 | |
♪ Where thou art guide no ill can come ♪ | 3:44 | |
♪ Teach us to know the Father, Son ♪ | 3:54 | |
♪ And thee, of both, to be but one ♪ | 4:02 | |
♪ That through the ages all along ♪ | 4:09 | |
♪ This may be our endless song ♪ | 4:17 | |
♪ Praise to thine eternal merit ♪ | 4:26 | |
♪ Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ♪ | 4:35 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 4:44 | |
- | You may be seated. | 4:53 |
- | Dear friends in Christ, | 5:03 |
let us humbly confess our sin, | 5:05 | |
individually and in unison, | 5:09 | |
as we acknowledge who we are | 5:12 | |
and whose we are, | 5:15 | |
in the presence of Almighty God. | 5:18 | |
Let us pray. | 5:21 | |
O God, we are not alive. | 5:24 | |
We only exist. | 5:27 | |
We do not love, we only pretend. | 5:29 | |
Therefore, our so-called living is pretending. | 5:34 | |
We talk about being reborn, of changing, | 5:38 | |
of maturing, but how much of our talk is hollow? | 5:42 | |
Play is work for us, and work is boredom. | 5:47 | |
Our believing is swallowed up in doubt, | 5:51 | |
but we will not confess our doubt. | 5:54 | |
What creativity we are capable of, | 5:58 | |
we repress in conformity. | 6:01 | |
Destruction, suffering, and death seem to be our lords. | 6:04 | |
Where can we turn for help? | 6:09 | |
Lord, can you forgive and remake us for Christ's sake, amen. | 6:12 | |
In silent prayer now, let each one continue | 6:20 | |
in prayer with our loving and merciful Father. | 6:23 | |
Grant, we ask of you, O merciful Lord, | 6:55 | |
to your faithful people, pardon and peace | 6:59 | |
that we may be cleansed from all our sin | 7:05 | |
and serve you with a quiet mind and an obedient life | 7:09 | |
through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen. | 7:15 | |
(gentle organ music) | 7:24 | |
(singing in foreign language) | 8:04 | |
Let us hear the word of God. | 9:38 | |
When the day of Pentecost had come, | 9:43 | |
they were all together in one place, | 9:46 | |
and suddenly, a sound came from heaven | 9:50 | |
like the rush of a mighty wind, | 9:52 | |
and it filled all the house where they were sitting. | 9:54 | |
And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, | 9:58 | |
distributed and resting on each one of them. | 10:01 | |
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit | 10:05 | |
and began to speak in other tongues | 10:08 | |
as the Spirit gave them utterance. | 10:11 | |
Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, | 10:14 | |
devout men from every nation under heaven. | 10:18 | |
And at this sound, the multitude came together | 10:22 | |
and they were bewildered, | 10:24 | |
because each one heard them speaking, | 10:26 | |
each in his own language. | 10:29 | |
And they were amazed and wondered, saying, | 10:32 | |
are not all these who are speaking Galileans? | 10:34 | |
And how is it that we hear, each of us, | 10:38 | |
in his own native language? | 10:41 | |
And all were amazed and perplexed, | 10:45 | |
saying to one another, "What does this mean?" | 10:48 | |
But others, mocking, said, "They are filled with new wine." | 10:51 | |
But Peter, standing with the 11, | 10:58 | |
lifted up his voice and addressed them. | 11:01 | |
"Men of Judea, and all who dwell in Jerusalem, | 11:04 | |
"let this be known to you and give ear to my words. | 11:07 | |
"For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, | 11:11 | |
"since it is only the third hour of the day, | 11:15 | |
"but this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel, | 11:18 | |
"and in the last days, it shall be, God declares, | 11:22 | |
"that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, | 11:26 | |
"and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, | 11:31 | |
"and your young men shall see visions, | 11:34 | |
"and your old men shall dream dreams. | 11:36 | |
"Yea, and on my manservants and my maidservants | 11:40 | |
"in those days, I will pour out my Spirit | 11:43 | |
"and they shall prophesy. | 11:46 | |
"And I will show wonders in the heaven above | 11:49 | |
"and signs on the earth beneath, | 11:51 | |
"blood and fire and vapor of smoke. | 11:54 | |
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, | 11:58 | |
"and the moon into blood, before the day of the Lord comes, | 12:00 | |
"the great and manifest day. | 12:04 | |
"And it shall be that whoever calls | 12:07 | |
"on the name of the Lord shall be saved." | 12:09 | |
Thus ends the reading of the epistle lesson | 12:14 | |
for Pentecost Sunday. | 12:17 | |
Will you stand for the reading of the gospel lesson? | 12:19 | |
"If you love me, you will keep my commandments, | 12:29 | |
"and I will pray to the Father, | 12:36 | |
"and he will give you another counselor | 12:38 | |
"to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, | 12:40 | |
"whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him | 12:46 | |
"nor knows him, but you know him, | 12:50 | |
"for he dwells with you and will be in you. | 12:55 | |
"These things I have spoken to you | 13:02 | |
"while I am still with you, | 13:05 | |
"but the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, | 13:07 | |
"whom the Father will send in my name, | 13:11 | |
"he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance | 13:15 | |
"all that I have said to you. | 13:19 | |
"Peace I leave with you. | 13:22 | |
"My peace I give to you. | 13:25 | |
"Not as the world gives do I give to you, | 13:28 | |
"let not your hearts be troubled. | 13:32 | |
"Neither let them be afraid." | 13:36 | |
May God's mercy give to you and me | 13:41 | |
a message from these words from his holy word, amen. | 13:45 | |
(lofty organ music) | 13:52 | |
♪ Glory to the Father ♪ | 14:01 | |
♪ And to the Son ♪ | 14:06 | |
♪ And to the Holy Ghost ♪ | 14:08 | |
♪ As it was in the beginning ♪ | 14:14 | |
♪ Is now and ever shall be ♪ | 14:18 | |
♪ World without end ♪ | 14:23 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 14:27 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 14:29 | |
- | Let us together affirm our faith. | 14:37 |
All | We are not alone. | 14:40 |
We live in God's world. | 14:42 | |
We believe in God, who has created and is creating, | 14:45 | |
who has come in the true man Jesus, | 14:50 | |
to reconcile and make new, | 14:52 | |
who works in us and others by his Spirit. | 14:55 | |
We trust him. | 14:59 | |
He calls us to be in his church, | 15:01 | |
to celebrate his presence, | 15:04 | |
to love and serve others, | 15:06 | |
to seek justice and resist evil, | 15:09 | |
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, | 15:12 | |
our judge and our hope. | 15:15 | |
In life, in death, in life beyond death, | 15:18 | |
God is with us. | 15:22 | |
We are not alone. | 15:24 | |
Thanks be to God. | 15:26 | |
- | The Lord be with you. | 15:30 |
- | And with your spirit. | |
- | Let us pray. | 15:33 |
O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, | 15:44 | |
Creator, Redeemer, and Comforter, | 15:49 | |
on this holy Sunday when we remember | 15:53 | |
the coming of your Holy Spirit to the early church | 15:56 | |
with power and with love, | 15:58 | |
we give thanks for the gift of the Spirit | 16:01 | |
and for the love we know through this same Spirit. | 16:04 | |
For those sad and lonely times | 16:10 | |
when our hearts have been comforted, | 16:12 | |
for those hurting and angry times | 16:15 | |
when our spirits have been calmed, | 16:17 | |
for those valleys of the shadow of death | 16:20 | |
when light and hope have come, | 16:22 | |
for those times when we have wanted and needed to be alone, | 16:25 | |
the Spirit has cared. | 16:30 | |
For those times when we have become selfish | 16:34 | |
and the Spirit has called us to love others, | 16:37 | |
for those times of doubt and confusion | 16:41 | |
when faith has faltered and the Spirit has given us a vision | 16:44 | |
and an experience to confirm and clarify our faith again, | 16:49 | |
O God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, | 16:56 | |
we praise your eternal and everlasting name | 17:00 | |
for the ever-present gift of the Counselor, | 17:03 | |
the Comforter, the Sustainer, the Spirit. | 17:07 | |
Even the Spirit of truth and peace, | 17:13 | |
which the world cannot give | 17:16 | |
because the world knows the Spirit not. | 17:18 | |
Give to us this day | 17:23 | |
a new and renewed sense of the power, | 17:26 | |
the presence, and the purpose of your Holy Spirit among us | 17:30 | |
and for each of us. | 17:35 | |
But O God, on this day, we pray not only for ourselves, | 17:40 | |
but for all of the human family to which we belong. | 17:44 | |
We pray for all of our friends and our fellow workers | 17:48 | |
and colleagues and fellow students, | 17:51 | |
asking you to include them, O God, | 17:54 | |
in your fatherly concern. | 17:57 | |
Yes, we pray also for all who today or tonight | 18:01 | |
will be faced by some great decision, | 18:06 | |
for all who this day and tomorrow | 18:11 | |
will be engaged in settling affairs of moment | 18:13 | |
in the lives of nations. | 18:17 | |
For all, O God, who this day | 18:20 | |
are molding public opinion for us all, | 18:23 | |
for all who write what others of us read, | 18:28 | |
for all who are holding aloft the lamp of truth | 18:32 | |
in a time of ignorance and of sin, | 18:37 | |
for all whose hands and bodies are worn with too much labor, | 18:42 | |
and for those who have no labor, | 18:49 | |
whose hands today are idle, | 18:52 | |
for those, O Father, who have no real home, | 18:56 | |
indeed, no place to lay their head, | 19:01 | |
for these and others for whom it is both our duty | 19:06 | |
and our privilege to pray, O God, | 19:10 | |
we offer these words. | 19:15 | |
We pour out our hearts, | 19:18 | |
but help us, O God, to pray but not to pray | 19:20 | |
for anything for which we are not also willing to work. | 19:26 | |
O God, with thanksgiving in our hearts, | 19:33 | |
we rejoice with those peoples in the Middle East | 19:36 | |
who this week have seen quiet and peace | 19:39 | |
and the laying down of arms, | 19:44 | |
and the coming home of prisoners of war. | 19:46 | |
O God, continue to bring peace to our world, | 19:50 | |
and continue with each of us now, | 19:55 | |
young, middle-aged, or elderly, | 19:58 | |
continue with each of us to bring peace | 20:02 | |
to our individual lives. | 20:07 | |
Hear our prayer, | 20:12 | |
hear our feelings which we lift before thee, | 20:14 | |
in the name of Christ our Lord, | 20:19 | |
who has taught us to pray, | 20:21 | |
our Father, who art in heaven, | 20:23 | |
hallowed be thy name. | 20:26 | |
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done | 20:29 | |
on earth as it is in heaven. | 20:33 | |
Give us this day our daily bread | 20:36 | |
and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those | 20:39 | |
who trespass against us. | 20:43 | |
And lead us not into temptation, | 20:46 | |
but deliver us from evil, | 20:48 | |
for thine is the kingdom | 20:51 | |
and the power and the glory forever, amen. | 20:52 | |
- | Greetings in the name of God our Creator, | 21:10 |
our Redeemer, and our Sustainer, amen. | 21:13 | |
Last Sunday and this Sunday are the times | 21:18 | |
in the liturgical year in which we celebrate | 21:21 | |
the ascension of Jesus last Sunday | 21:25 | |
and the coming of his Spirit to his followers this Sunday. | 21:27 | |
The intertestamental period, | 21:33 | |
the time between the closing of the Old Testament canon | 21:35 | |
and the beginning of the New Testament | 21:38 | |
was seen as a time in which the Spirit of God | 21:40 | |
was absent in the world. | 21:44 | |
There was no one who could speak, thus saith the Lord. | 21:46 | |
There were no prophets. | 21:50 | |
People could interpret and teach, | 21:52 | |
but no one had the authority to speak for God. | 21:56 | |
They expected the Spirit to return. | 22:01 | |
They looked forward to this, | 22:03 | |
and they expected when the Spirit returned, | 22:07 | |
it would come not just to a few people, | 22:09 | |
but it would be given to many people. | 22:11 | |
Such expectation is reflected in the quotation | 22:15 | |
from Joel that Peter used when he was trying | 22:18 | |
to convince his fellow Jews that these people | 22:21 | |
at Pentecost were not drunk, | 22:25 | |
simply because it was too early in the morning, | 22:27 | |
but that they had received the gift of the Spirit, | 22:29 | |
and that the Old Testament prophecy was being fulfilled. | 22:32 | |
So he quoted from Joel. | 22:36 | |
I will pour out upon everyone a portion of my Spirit, | 22:40 | |
and young men will see visions | 22:44 | |
and old men will dream dreams. | 22:46 | |
And then he described what would be the signs | 22:48 | |
of the end of the time, for not only did the people expect | 22:51 | |
that the Spirit would come to many people, | 22:54 | |
but it would usher in the kingdom of God. | 22:57 | |
John the Baptist announced that the time was at hand | 23:01 | |
when the people would be baptized not just with water | 23:05 | |
but with the Holy Spirit. | 23:10 | |
The Holy Spirit is associated with Jesus | 23:12 | |
from his birth, his baptism, temptation, | 23:15 | |
and through his ministry of healing and teaching, | 23:19 | |
and at the conclusion of his ministry, | 23:22 | |
he promised to his followers that they would receive | 23:24 | |
the Holy Spirit, so that they would have the power | 23:28 | |
to continue his work and his ministry. | 23:31 | |
Now, can you imagine what it must have been like | 23:35 | |
for these disciples? | 23:37 | |
And it's the time that is symbolized between last Sunday, | 23:38 | |
the ascension, and this Sunday, the coming of the Spirit | 23:42 | |
to all his followers. | 23:46 | |
These people had given up much to cast their lot | 23:49 | |
with this man who offered much promise and much hope | 23:52 | |
for a new life, and then he was killed, crucified. | 23:55 | |
It's hard for us to view this from the vantage point | 24:00 | |
of the church, and the crucifixion, resurrection faith, | 24:03 | |
to understand how this probably | 24:07 | |
was a real dilemma for these people. | 24:09 | |
Here they were giving their lives | 24:12 | |
to something they thought was goin' bring in a new life | 24:14 | |
and then the man was killed. Was this the end? | 24:19 | |
Had they given themselves to something that was no more | 24:21 | |
than just a cause like many other causes that was passing? | 24:24 | |
And so they were living between the no more | 24:29 | |
of the awareness of his presence | 24:32 | |
and the not yet of the coming of his Spirit. | 24:34 | |
And then when his Spirit came, | 24:37 | |
it didn't come quite as they expected it. | 24:39 | |
It came to many people, but it did not bring | 24:42 | |
the kingdom of God in its fullness, | 24:46 | |
and so this was a dilemma that the early Christians | 24:48 | |
had to live with and had to understand | 24:52 | |
how they were goin' live with it. | 24:54 | |
And so we hear Paul talk about the first fruits | 24:56 | |
of the kingdom, the down payment, | 24:59 | |
the earnest, the guarantee. | 25:02 | |
The Spirit had brought the kingdom in part, | 25:05 | |
but not in its fullness. | 25:09 | |
God was at work again among the people of God, | 25:11 | |
but we still have to live | 25:17 | |
with the limitations of our humanity. | 25:19 | |
The Spirit has come, but we still live | 25:22 | |
with our ambiguity, our uncertainty, | 25:26 | |
and the mistakes of our humanity. | 25:29 | |
The coming of the Spirit did not eliminate the limits | 25:32 | |
of our finitude, we are still finite creatures. | 25:37 | |
Now, the place that Jesus' followers found themselves, | 25:42 | |
between the no more of his presence | 25:45 | |
and the not yet of the coming of his Spirit | 25:49 | |
can be seen as symbolic. | 25:52 | |
It's where most of us live out our lives, | 25:54 | |
between the no mores and the not yets. | 25:57 | |
Does this make sense to how you see yourself, | 26:02 | |
as always moving between the no mores and the not yets? | 26:03 | |
Some of you have left childhood, | 26:08 | |
but have not yet moved in to the full maturity of adulthood. | 26:12 | |
You have left the certainty and the surety of the home, | 26:18 | |
the beauty and the magic of childhood, | 26:22 | |
but you've not yet moved into the confidence | 26:24 | |
and certainty of adult decisions and responsibility. | 26:27 | |
And so you can be frightened, and you want to move back | 26:31 | |
into the no more of childhood. | 26:34 | |
And nothing may be more tragic | 26:37 | |
than for parents to try to hold children | 26:39 | |
into the security and the protection of childhood | 26:42 | |
rather than let them risk moving into the no more | 26:45 | |
of adulthood where they take responsibility | 26:50 | |
for their decisions. | 26:53 | |
And the blacks know what it means | 26:55 | |
to move from the no more of a segregated society | 26:56 | |
in which there are two classes of citizens, | 27:01 | |
first class and second class, | 27:04 | |
and move into a society in which all persons | 27:06 | |
can develop to the fullness of their potential | 27:09 | |
with the complete support of all dimensions of our society. | 27:12 | |
We didn't need to be reminded, but we were reminded, | 27:17 | |
as the news media visited some of the schools | 27:20 | |
commemorating the 20th anniversary of the decision | 27:24 | |
that separate but equal was not a possibility. | 27:26 | |
And we saw again that we are not | 27:30 | |
where we thought we would be in 20 years. | 27:32 | |
So the not yet is still in the future. | 27:35 | |
And the women are moving in a pattern similar | 27:39 | |
to the blacks, and we are frightened, | 27:41 | |
for we know some of the problems | 27:45 | |
and some of the chasms that we are moving over, | 27:47 | |
but we don't know all. | 27:50 | |
The church has been helpful in leading the work | 27:53 | |
for liberation of all peoples, | 27:55 | |
but the church has often been the place | 27:57 | |
where you still find segregated societies. | 28:00 | |
You still find two classes of people. | 28:05 | |
And this has made it difficult for some blacks | 28:08 | |
to work in the church, and some women face the same dilemma. | 28:10 | |
But there's a subtle distortion and dilemma | 28:16 | |
that we face who work within the church | 28:18 | |
because one of the basic tenets of the church | 28:21 | |
can be subtly distorted and can hold us women | 28:24 | |
back in the no more, and that is the distortion | 28:28 | |
of the suffering servant image. | 28:31 | |
And we are frightened because we don't know where we are | 28:35 | |
as we move between the no more and the not yet. | 28:37 | |
We are not completely sure what the not yet means. | 28:41 | |
We do know that one of the dangers we face | 28:44 | |
is that as we become liberated, | 28:47 | |
and in the process of being liberated, | 28:51 | |
we could become the oppressors and not the oppressed, | 28:54 | |
and we know that if this happens, we will still, | 28:59 | |
as a matter of fact, be oppressed. | 29:02 | |
Now one last example of moving from the no more | 29:05 | |
to the not yet, those who have been working | 29:08 | |
for social change have moved from the no more, | 29:10 | |
which is symbolized in the demonstration and marches, | 29:13 | |
and are moving to another way | 29:17 | |
of bringing about social change. | 29:19 | |
And we are frightened | 29:22 | |
because we don't know what this way is. | 29:24 | |
We have no clear vision yet of what this will be, | 29:27 | |
and we are afraid that we don't have the intelligence | 29:30 | |
or the energy or the dedication to work for social change | 29:35 | |
in a way that will bring about a better world, | 29:38 | |
and so we are tempted to move back to the no more | 29:42 | |
of the demonstration and the marches. | 29:46 | |
Now, the fear of the unknown, this not yet, | 29:49 | |
is great and terrible, and some persons choose | 29:52 | |
to live their lives in the no more, | 29:56 | |
no matter how destructive and how dehumanizing | 29:59 | |
the no more is, rather than take the risk | 30:03 | |
of moving into the not yet of the unknown, | 30:05 | |
and we all feel tempted at some time to do this. | 30:09 | |
We would all rather stay in the no more, | 30:12 | |
for it's comfortable, and it's secure, and it's certain. | 30:14 | |
And yet, even when we feel most drawn to stay | 30:19 | |
in the no more, we know this is not an option. | 30:22 | |
This is not a choice. | 30:26 | |
For when we decide to accept responsibility | 30:28 | |
for the development of ourselves, | 30:31 | |
then the no more is no choice, | 30:33 | |
for such a choice would dwarf, paralyze, | 30:37 | |
maybe be ultimately fatal to our human potential. | 30:42 | |
This seems so obvious it doesn't even seem | 30:48 | |
to need to be mentioned, and yet we get caught up | 30:50 | |
in wanting to live in the no more in very subtle ways, | 30:53 | |
and we can justify it to ourselves and other people, | 30:57 | |
even when the situation is destructive and dehumanizing, | 31:00 | |
we can explain why we'd rather stay | 31:03 | |
in the safe, secure present rather than risk moving out. | 31:05 | |
Now, first of all, that's a major danger we face. | 31:10 | |
There's a danger on the other side that may not be as great, | 31:14 | |
but that is of idealizing the not yet, | 31:17 | |
of imagining an unrealizable utopia | 31:21 | |
that we are trying to move into. | 31:24 | |
Such dreams can be paralyzing to us | 31:27 | |
and can be frustrating and can cause us not to contribute | 31:31 | |
to the developing humanity in this world. | 31:35 | |
So what we need to affirm is first, | 31:38 | |
we cannot live in the no mores. | 31:41 | |
And then, as a matter of fact, | 31:43 | |
we will never live in the not yets. | 31:45 | |
For what it means to be human | 31:48 | |
means that we are always in process. | 31:51 | |
We are always growing. | 31:53 | |
And as we move into our not yets, | 31:56 | |
they, in some part, become no mores. | 32:00 | |
They become a part of our culture and our society. | 32:04 | |
We benefit from 'em, but we do not take our rest in them. | 32:07 | |
We are in process, we are always growing. | 32:12 | |
There is always more of our potential that we must develop. | 32:17 | |
And that is the excitement and the challenge | 32:21 | |
of the human potential. | 32:24 | |
It is realizable, but there's always more to be realized. | 32:25 | |
Now, our celebration of Pentecost | 32:31 | |
should be helpful to us as we live our lives | 32:34 | |
between the no mores and the not yets, | 32:37 | |
for what we are celebrating is the gift | 32:40 | |
of God's presence with us and the gift of his church. | 32:43 | |
The certainty of God's sustaining, redeeming, | 32:48 | |
creating power at work in our world of uncertainty, | 32:53 | |
of ambiguity, and of giant earthquake cracks. | 32:58 | |
And as we affirm this morning, we are not alone. | 33:03 | |
We live in God's world. | 33:07 | |
Now, it would be unfortunate if our uneasiness | 33:11 | |
with some of the manifestations of the Spirit | 33:15 | |
cut us off from the Spirit. | 33:18 | |
There seems to be a renewed interest | 33:21 | |
and respectability in the more ecstatic gifts of the Spirit. | 33:23 | |
We know all, we have heard of people | 33:28 | |
who can speak in tongues. | 33:30 | |
For most of us, we don't want this gift. | 33:32 | |
In fact, if someone offered us this gift of the Spirit, | 33:36 | |
we'd turn and run the other way and say, no thanks. | 33:39 | |
That's not for me. | 33:40 | |
But there are, in the Christian | 33:42 | |
and other religious traditions, examples of people | 33:43 | |
who have been claimed by the Spirit | 33:46 | |
and who speak in tongues, and this can be authenticated. | 33:49 | |
But for our purposes today, this morning, | 33:52 | |
Paul's words seem sufficient. | 33:55 | |
He did not deny the validity of the Spirit, | 33:58 | |
as being evidenced in speaking in tongues, | 34:01 | |
but he said it was one of the least | 34:04 | |
of the gifts of the Spirit, | 34:06 | |
for it did not edify the believers, | 34:08 | |
it tended toward disorder and divisiveness, | 34:10 | |
and it could easily be counterfeited. | 34:12 | |
You know that what we called his hymn of love, | 34:18 | |
it was written in response to this phenomenon, | 34:20 | |
and it was encouraging people to work | 34:23 | |
toward the high gifts of the Spirit. | 34:26 | |
Now, it would be sad though, if our logical, | 34:29 | |
rational minds that fear such gifts | 34:31 | |
as speaking in the tongue | 34:35 | |
cut us off from the dimension of the ecstatic, | 34:36 | |
for our lives could be greatly enriched by ecstasy. | 34:39 | |
Now, there are several statements | 34:42 | |
that we need to make about the gifts of the Spirit. | 34:44 | |
First, it does not take the place of our human abilities. | 34:47 | |
So we can't count on the Spirit doing the work of our mind, | 34:52 | |
our reason, or our thinking. | 34:55 | |
Nor can we manipulate the Spirit. | 34:57 | |
We can be open and receptive, or we can reject | 35:00 | |
and refuse the gifts of the Spirit. | 35:05 | |
However, the Spirit is not a power | 35:08 | |
that we can create. | 35:11 | |
It is a power to which we can respond. | 35:13 | |
The Spirit is the power of God working with us | 35:17 | |
and in us, guiding, provoking, inspiring, | 35:21 | |
comforting, stimulating, healing, and creating | 35:26 | |
with us and through us. | 35:30 | |
The work of the Spirit can be new | 35:34 | |
and different and innovative, | 35:35 | |
but at no time would the work of the Spirit | 35:37 | |
be privatistic or in conflict with the love of God | 35:40 | |
as revealed to us in the life and death | 35:45 | |
and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. | 35:47 | |
The promise of the Spirit is the promise of God's power | 35:50 | |
and support, which will enable us to fulfill | 35:55 | |
the mission of Jesus the Christ. | 35:59 | |
And when Jesus talked about his mission, | 36:02 | |
you remember he quoted from Isaiah, saying, | 36:05 | |
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, | 36:07 | |
"for he has anointed me to heal the sick, | 36:10 | |
"to free the oppressed, to give sight to the blind." | 36:14 | |
Now this is how we must see our mission, | 36:20 | |
and if we are going to be obedient to this, | 36:24 | |
then we have to be open to the gifts of the Spirit. | 36:27 | |
Today, in some sense, we are celebrating the birth | 36:30 | |
of the church, and we are celebrating the gift | 36:33 | |
of the power that enables us to work | 36:36 | |
for human, liberated, just society. | 36:39 | |
But there's another dimension of the Spirit | 36:45 | |
that should be mentioned today. | 36:47 | |
Paul Tillich describes the working of the Spirit | 36:49 | |
in very ordinary ways, which he believes we all can claim. | 36:52 | |
He says that while spiritual power can thrust some people | 36:59 | |
into an ecstasy that most of us have never experienced, | 37:02 | |
and he says that it can drive some towards self sacrifice, | 37:07 | |
which most of us are not capable, | 37:11 | |
and it can inspire some to insights into the depths | 37:15 | |
of being that remain unapproachable for most of us, | 37:18 | |
but he says, for most of us, the Spirit works in other ways. | 37:22 | |
And then he describes the workings of the Spirit. | 37:26 | |
He says the Spirit can work in you | 37:30 | |
in a soft but insistent voice, | 37:33 | |
telling you that your life is empty and meaningless, | 37:37 | |
but that there are chances of a new life waiting | 37:41 | |
before the door of your inner self | 37:44 | |
to fill its void and to conquer its dullness. | 37:46 | |
The Spirit can work in you, awakening the desire | 37:52 | |
to strive toward the sublime against the profanity | 37:56 | |
of the average day. | 38:01 | |
The Spirit can give you the courage to say yes to life | 38:04 | |
in spite of the destructiveness you have experienced | 38:10 | |
around you and within you. | 38:13 | |
The Spirit can reveal to you | 38:18 | |
that you have hurt someone deeply, | 38:20 | |
but it can also give you the right word | 38:23 | |
which reunites you to this person. | 38:27 | |
The Spirit can conquer your sloth | 38:32 | |
toward that which you know is the aim of your life, | 38:35 | |
and it can transform your moods of aggression | 38:39 | |
and depression into stability and serenity. | 38:43 | |
The Spirit can awaken in you sudden insight | 38:48 | |
into the way you must take your world, | 38:51 | |
and it can open your eyes to a view of it | 38:54 | |
that makes everything new. | 38:58 | |
The Spirit can give you joy in the midst | 39:01 | |
of an ordinary routine, as well as in the depth of sorrow. | 39:04 | |
The Spirit can create warmth in the coldness you feel | 39:10 | |
within you and around you. | 39:15 | |
The Spirit can throw you into a hell of despair | 39:18 | |
about yourself and then give you that certainty | 39:22 | |
that life has accepted you | 39:27 | |
just when you feel totally rejected, | 39:30 | |
and when you have rejected yourself totally. | 39:33 | |
And these are the dimensions of the Spirit | 39:37 | |
that Paul Tillich says we can claim. | 39:39 | |
Now, as we move between the no mores and the not yets | 39:44 | |
of our lives, | 39:49 | |
over the crack of giant earthquake cracks | 39:51 | |
in this world, we need to be open to each other | 39:55 | |
and to this working of the Spirit, | 39:59 | |
that we and all people may develop our full potential | 40:01 | |
and may become the new creation | 40:06 | |
of loving and caring people working | 40:09 | |
for a just and righteous society. | 40:12 | |
Let us pray. | 40:16 | |
O God, pour out your Spirit upon your church, | 40:20 | |
that into all of its members may come new vision, | 40:25 | |
new life, and a new spirit. | 40:29 | |
Open our eyes that we may see the needs of your children. | 40:33 | |
Open our hearts that we may receive your power | 40:38 | |
to care for these needs. | 40:42 | |
We pray in the Spirit of the Christ | 40:44 | |
who came to offer new life to all people, amen. | 40:46 | |
(stately organ music) | 40:56 | |
♪ Come Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire ♪ | 41:21 | |
♪ Let us thine influence prove ♪ | 41:26 | |
♪ Source of the old prophetic fire ♪ | 41:32 | |
♪ Fountain of life and love ♪ | 41:38 | |
♪ Come, Holy Ghost, for moved by thee ♪ | 41:45 | |
♪ Thy prophets wrote and spoke ♪ | 41:51 | |
♪ Unlock the truth, thyself the key ♪ | 41:56 | |
♪ Unseal the sacred book ♪ | 42:02 | |
♪ Expand thy wings, celestial dove ♪ | 42:09 | |
♪ Brood o'er our nature's night ♪ | 42:15 | |
♪ On our disordered spirits move ♪ | 42:21 | |
♪ And let there now be light ♪ | 42:27 | |
♪ God, through himself, we then shall know ♪ | 42:35 | |
♪ If thou within us shine ♪ | 42:41 | |
♪ And sound, with all thy saints below ♪ | 42:48 | |
♪ The depths of love divine ♪ | 42:55 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 43:04 | |
(quiet organ music) | 43:20 | |
(gentle organ music) | 43:59 | |
♪ Shall we gather by the river ♪ | 44:07 | |
♪ Where bright angel's feet have trod ♪ | 44:16 | |
♪ With its crystal tide forever ♪ | 44:27 | |
♪ Flowing by the throne of God ♪ | 44:36 | |
♪ Throne of God ♪ | 44:45 | |
♪ Yes, we'll gather by the river ♪ | 44:54 | |
♪ By the river ♪ | 45:01 | |
♪ The beautiful ♪ | 45:05 | |
♪ By the river ♪ | 45:06 | |
♪ The beautiful river ♪ | 45:10 | |
♪ By the river ♪ | 45:14 | |
♪ Gather with the saints by the river ♪ | 45:16 | |
♪ That flows by the throne of God ♪ | 45:27 | |
♪ Soon we'll reach the shining river ♪ | 45:53 | |
♪ Shining river ♪ | 46:00 | |
♪ Soon our pilgrimage will cease ♪ | 46:03 | |
♪ Soon our happy hearts will quiver ♪ | 46:14 | |
♪ With a melody of peace ♪ | 46:23 | |
♪ Yes, we'll gather by the river ♪ | 46:42 | |
♪ By the river ♪ | 46:49 | |
♪ The beautiful ♪ | 46:51 | |
♪ The beautiful river ♪ | 46:54 | |
♪ Gather with the saints by the river ♪ | 47:03 | |
♪ That flows by the throne of God ♪ | 47:14 | |
♪ That flows by the throne of God ♪ | 47:25 | |
(stately organ music) | 47:41 | |
♪ Praise God from whom all blessings flow ♪ | 48:26 | |
♪ Praise him all creatures here below ♪ | 48:32 | |
♪ Alleluia, alleluia ♪ | 48:38 | |
♪ Praise him above, ye heavenly host ♪ | 48:47 | |
♪ Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ♪ | 48:53 | |
♪ Alleluia ♪ | 49:00 | |
♪ Alleluia ♪ | 49:03 | |
♪ Alleluia ♪ | 49:07 | |
♪ Alleluia ♪ | 49:11 | |
♪ Alleluia ♪ | 49:15 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 49:24 | |
- | O Lord, you know all things. | 49:37 |
You know we love you, | 49:41 | |
but you also know our hearts | 49:44 | |
are divided among several masters. | 49:46 | |
You know our cowardice | 49:50 | |
and know how our lives have denied you. | 49:53 | |
Forgive us, Lord. | 49:57 | |
And then grant that we may give ourselves to you anew, | 50:00 | |
humbly, resolutely, and with a wholehearted love, | 50:05 | |
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen. | 50:13 | |
(gentle organ music) | 50:21 | |
♪ Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing ♪ | 50:59 | |
♪ Fill our hearts with joy and peace ♪ | 51:05 | |
♪ Let us each, thy love possessing ♪ | 51:11 | |
♪ Triumph in redeeming grace ♪ | 51:17 | |
♪ O refresh us, O refresh us ♪ | 51:24 | |
♪ Traveling through this wilderness ♪ | 51:30 | |
♪ Thanks we give and adoration ♪ | 51:38 | |
♪ For thy gospel's joyful sound ♪ | 51:44 | |
♪ May the fruits of thy salvation ♪ | 51:50 | |
♪ In our hearts and lives abound ♪ | 51:56 | |
♪ Ever faithful, ever faithful ♪ | 52:03 | |
♪ To the truth may we be found ♪ | 52:09 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 52:16 | |
- | And now, without bowing heads or closing eyes, | 52:33 |
will you receive this blessing | 52:38 | |
from one Christian to another? | 52:40 | |
The grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, | 52:44 | |
the love of God the Father, | 52:48 | |
the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit | 52:52 | |
be with you and with those whom you love, now and forever. | 52:56 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:08 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:14 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:21 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:25 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:36 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 53:46 | |
♪ Amen ♪ | 54:00 | |
(bell ringing) | 54:14 | |
(footsteps tapping) | 54:24 | |
(triumphant organ music) | 54:27 | |
(congregation chattering) | 56:57 | |
(stately organ music) | 57:06 |
Item Info
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