Sketch maps of regions primarily in Peru. Each map is titled and the titles are as follows: PLANO DE LA PROVINCIAD JAVJA, HECHO PORSU VISTADOR ECLESIAS (1769); PLANO DE LOS CINCO PARTIDOS QUE CONTIENE EL GOVIERNO E [YNTENDENCIA?] DE LA PROVINCIA DE PUNO EN EL PERU LEVANTADO (1803); and PLANO DE LA PROVINCIA DE LOS HUAMALI ES HECHOEL (1769). Each map primarily represents provinces, villages, churches, and terrain, particularly the Andes Mountains and waterways. The ownership stamp of the Sociedad Geografica de Lima is present on two of the maps. Each map is elaborately drawn in ink and watercolors on paper reinforced with cloth. Scales included on each map. The size of the maps ranges from 27 x 44 cm. to 97 x 65 cm.