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- Title:
- Henry L. Burkitt papers and diary, 1862-1872
- Abstract:
- Diary covers 1862 and contains Burkitt's comments on the weather, crops, Union forces (which he refers to as "Volunteers for Lincoln"), Confederate forces, military operations near the Tennessee River, and personal affairs. He discusses his farming, management of his slaves and their labor, and local cases of smallpox. In an entry on 1862 May 12 Burkett calls the war "suicidal," writing "Thou art shamed, America!". The next entry reads, "Planted cotton. All hands in lower field." Collection includes a broadside, 1872, announcing that Burkitt would speak on Waynesboro "fifty years ago."
- Catalog Record:
- Identifier:
- sectiona; 000890379; duke:549398; burketthlpapers-000890379; ark:/87924/r4c24tr8b; ce138e34-834d-4e76-b638-7ab3be15eb20
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