
Search Results

1. Singing the Ten Commandments

2. Bonnie Bess

3. Bull In the Meadows (Run Sallie My Gal)

4. Captain I'm Driving

5. Charlie Brooks

6. Did You Ever Go A-Fishing?

7. Down Benath the Diving Bell (Pretty Maggie)

8. Faithful Friend

9. Farewell (You Are False)

10. Frankie and Johnny (Franky Barker)

11. Frog In the Meadow

12. Geordie (I'd Fight for the Life of Geordie)

13. Ginger Blue

14. Good News Chariots Comin'

15. Granny

16. Green Grows the Wild

17. Hard Times

18. How I Love the Old Black Cat

19. I Came From Alabama

20. I Have No Mother Now

21. It Ain't A Gwine Rain No More

22. It Blows and It Snows

23. James Harris (The House Carpenter)

24. Jim

25. Mississippi Lawyer [Jig No Words]

26. O When I Die Don't Bury Me Deep

27. Old Grimes (Old Grumbly is Dead)

28. Old Molly Hare

29. Old Time

30. Paper of Pins (Little Lap Dog)

31. Put the Dogs On Him

32. Roll Down Dem Bales o' Cotton

33. Run Here Doctor

34. Seven Long Years I've Been Married

35. Sweet Long Ago

36. The Blind Child (The Blind Girl's Prayer)

37. The Broken Heart

38. The Drunkard's Lone Child

39. The Fatal Wedding

40. The Letter that Never Came

41. The Lonesome Pine

42. The Lover's Lament (Little Molly)

43. The Miller (The Jolly Miller)

44. The Old Ship of Zion

45. The Poor Married Man

46. The Scolding Wife

47. The Weeping Willow (Willow Tree)

48. Three Leaves of Shamrock

49. Tom Dula

50. Uncle Bud

51. Wax Cylinder: RL00160-WC-0002

52. Wax Cylinder: RL00160-WC-0003

53. Wax Cylinder: RL00160-WC-0005

54. Went Down Town

55. What You Goin' to Do When the World's On Fire?

56. When I am Far Away Somewhere in France

57. When You Hear that Turtle Dove (If You Meet a Woman in the Morning)

58. While the Southern Boys are Fighting

59. Wreck of Old Ninety Seven

60. Yonder Come a Yaller Gal

61. unknown

62. unknown

63. unknown

64. unknown

65. unknown

66. Goin' to Heaven With a Banjo

67. Pennsylvania Boy

68. Red White and Blue

69. Sadie Ray

70. Through the Woods, Through the Bushes

71. Wax Cylinder: RL00160-WC-0004

72. Groundhog

73. Battleship Maine

74. In the Baggage Couch Ahead

75. Parting Words

76. Raven Black Hair

77. Sweetest Evelina

78. The Blue Eyed Girl

79. The Broken Heart

80. The Jealous Lovers

81. The Sweet Trinity (Golden Willow Tree)

82. Ain't Gonna Rain No More

83. Animal Song

84. As I Went Down to Simon's Mill (Railroad Dinah Gal)

85. Black Eyed Daisy (Send for the Fiddle)

86. Come All Ye Girls of Adam's Race

87. Down By the Old Mill Stream

88. Draw a Bucket of Water

89. Dublin Bay

90. Everybody Works But Father

91. Farmer In the Dell [Game]

92. Florence Ran Through the Weevily Wheat

93. Georgia Buck

94. Goodbye My Blue Bell

95. Guinea Negro Song

96. Honey In the Gun

97. I Got a Gal (or "I Got a Girl")

98. I Had a Little Ship on the Ocean (Little Sally)

99. I Wish I Was Single

100. In a Cool Shady Nook (You, You, You)