
Search Results

11. Leola Caldwell slides: Photo album page: Unidentified people, 1940s-1970s

12. Leola Caldwell slides: Photo album page: Six photos of unidentified children, 1940s-1970s

13. Leola Caldwell slides: Grady Caldwell, Jr.'s high school football picture, 1940s-1970s

14. Leola Caldwell slides: Photo album page: Nine unidentified family portraits, 1940s-1970s

15. Leola Caldwell slides: Group photo, all women, 1940s-1970s

16. Leola Caldwell slides: Collage of photos, mainly unidentified children, 1940s-1970s

17. Leola Caldwell slides: Administration graduation photo, 1940s-1970s

18. Leola Caldwell slides: Grady and Leola Caldwell, 1940s-1970s

19. Leola Caldwell slides: Photo album page: Unidentified children, 1940s-1970s

20. Leola Caldwell slides: Photo album page: Unidentified family portraits, 1940s-1970s