
Search Results

1. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

2. [Psalter and Odes of Moses].

3. [New Testament, Gospels].

4. [New Testament, Gospels].

5. [Homilies to the people of Antioch about the Statues].

6. [New Testament, Gospel Lectionary].

7. [New Testament, Gospels].

8. [Euchologion containing the liturgies of Saints John Chrysostum, Basil, Gregory, and other rituals and prayers].

9. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

10. [Fragment of a Euchologion, containing five prayers for various occasions].

12. [Gospel lectionary fragment from Matthew Saturday-Sunday]

13. [Menologion for December 4-13 by Symeon Metaphrastes].

14. [Menaion for September 5th, 12th, 13th and October 1st, 2nd].

15. [New Testament, Gospels].

16. [Hymns in honor of the Theotokos, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the "Second Week."].

17. Euratlas Historical Political Boundaries of Europe