
Search Results

1. [Selections from the Philokalia :works by Maximus the Confessor and Thalassius, Bishop of Caesarea].

2. [Breviary in Greek].

4. [Homilies].

5. [Homilies of Saints Gregory and Basil for the month of October].

6. [The Alexandra, with the commentary of Isaac and John Tzetzes].

7. 1̔Οπως κύριος ̔ο θὲος ̔ημων στηρίξη̜ αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐνδυναμώσαι, κτλ.

8. [Life of Abraham the Hermit].

9. [Writings against the iconoclasts].

10. [Sermons on the Beatitudes (I-VIII)].

12. [Homilies on the Gospel of John].

13. Fragment from a sīrah.

14. Fragment of a zikr.

15. Christian saint or scholar.

16. Madonna.

17. Scultetus bow saw, late 16th or 17th century

18. [Liturgies of Saints Basil and Chrysostom and Liturgy of the Presanctified].

19. [Liturgical miscellany].

20. [New Testament, Gospel Lectionary].

21. 1̔η θεία λειτουργΐα του̃ ἐν ̔αγίοις π[ατ]ρ[ός] ̔ημών ̕Ιωάννου του̃ χρ[ησοσ]τομ[ου], κτλ.

22. Fragment from a copy of the Qurʼān.

23. [Liturgical miscellany].

24. Three Islamic legal texts.

25. Euratlas Historical Political Boundaries of Europe