
Search Results

4054. So Much for so Little

4056. LOANS

4057. Untitled

4060. A-1 For Shortcake

4061. I wonder who's helping dad with the harvest this year....Will you help? Sign up now at the Farm Labor Office

4063. United States Television Big Picture

4064. Various Headlines from War Posters

4065. Various Headlines from War Posters

4067. August Fur Sale


4069. The Magic of the Supercharger Brought to the Lower-Price Field!

4070. Pleasure Travel?... every bit of the way!

4071. Various Headlines from War Posters

4074. Seagram's 7 Crown

4077. Essie Dozier slides: Alfred Otto Coker, Sr., wearing a military uniform, 1940s

4078. Help Him - Help yourself: Buy War Bonds - 10% Every pay Day

4080. Yes, YOU can help!

4081. Best You Can Buy!

4083. 45 Years of Sound Banking

4084. Gasoline, Butter (2 advertisements)

4085. ELECTRIC COOKING is best. "Cooks while no one looks"

4086. Eat at Manning's Coffee Cafe

4088. For Men Women and Boys

4090. Various Headlines from War Posters

4091. These Boys are giving their lives will you lend your savings? Buy W.S.S. 25(cents) starts you

4093. Untitled

4095. Larry Henderson slides: Man in uniform on a bicycle, 1940s

4097. Bread, Baked beans, Mayonnaise (3 advertisements)

4098. Mills Restaurants

4099. After All, There's Only One...