
Search Results

81. Get Real Action...7Up Your Thirst Away

82. business and professional people lease from...

83. Beau...The Bourbon Man's Bourbon

84. Fluffo Shortening, 1960s


86. P&G: Crest Toothpaste, 1960s

87. P&G: Prell Concentrate Shampoo, 1960s

88. Post: Grape-Nuts Cereal, 1960s

89. Vicks: Medicated Cough Drops, 1960s

90. Turn on a White Christmas

91. P&G: Charmin Bath Tissue, 1960s

92. General Foods: Instant Maxwell House Coffee, SOS Pads, 1960s

93. The Soft Whiskey

94. You belong with Salem

95. Mountain Dew. Get that barefoot feeling.

96. Yuban Instant Coffee, 1950s

97. Still the slowest ketchup in town.

98. Use our pull.

99. Herbert Davis slides: Two women with a child, seated, oval frame, 1960s

100. Beech-Nut Gum, 1960s