
Search Results

3801. 20191013_StrollShow_0516.jpg

3802. 20191013_StrollShow_0310.jpg

3803. 20191013_StrollShow_0244.jpg

3804. 20190918_BlackCaucus_0247.jpg

3805. [R-2019-0213-10] DUCC_Constitution(1).docx

3806. 20190918_BlackCaucus_0070.jpg

3807. [R-2019-0213-11] DUIP_Constiutition.pdf

3808. [BS-2019-0213-08] La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Noche Dorada.docx

3809. Disability in the Disciplines Poster.pptx

3810. [SP] Heterogeneity of Experience.pptx

3811. [BS-2019-0403-01] HackDuke Ideate.docx

3812. [AGENDA] 2019-03-27, Meeting #23.docx

3813. [R-2019-0213-12] Duke_PSA_Constitutution.docx

3814. [BS-2019-0213-04] Duke Catholic Center_Paige Hochschild - Christology and Lord of the Rings_.docx

3815. [BS-2019-0227-05] International Association Springternational.docx

3816. [R-2019-0306-04] DAME Constitution .docx

3817. [BS-2019-0227-01] CEF National Summit on Homelessness and Poverty.docx

3818. [BS-2019-0320-03] DCT sofc-programming-template 2019.xlsx

3819. [BS-2019-0417-02] Duke University Improv 1-26-19.xlsx

3820. [AGENDA] 2019-01-23, Meeting #16.docx

3821. [AGENDA] 2019-01-09, Meeting #14.docx

3822. [SP] D150 Bday.pptx

3823. [SP] Freedom of Expression Bridge.pptx

3824. [BS-2019-0116-06] Duke Conservation Tech-Blueprint 2019 02.01 (revised)(1) (1).xlsx

3825. [BS-2019-0227-05] International Association - Springternational 03.28.xlsx

3826. [BS-2019-0320-01] Asian American Alliance_04.15.xlsx

3827. [BL-2019-0417-04] Amendment to Affiliate By-Law, Interfaith Council.docx

3828. [BS-2019-0213-06] Devils en Pointe Showcase.docx

3829. [AGENDA] 2019-04-03, Meeting #24.docx

3830. [BS-2019-0410-01] MSA Islam and Intersectionality.docx

3831. [R-2019-0213-12] Duke Persian Students Association .pdf

3832. [BS-2019-0213-01] BDU Le Kiki Cinq.docx

3833. [BS-2019-0123-02] JSU 8th Annual B_nai Mitzvah.docx

3834. [R-2019-0213-11] Innocence Project .pdf

3835. [BS-2019-0123-08] ITAC Budgetary Statute.docx

3836. [BS-2019-0213-09] Pi Kappa Alpha 3-23-19.xlsx

3837. [R-2019-0213-10] DUCC_Constitution.docx

3838. [BS-2019-0227-03] Duke East Asia Nexus 322-24.xlsx

3839. [C-2019-0227-07] SLG Reform Caucus.docx

3840. [C-2019-0227-09] International Students_ Caucus.docx

3841. [C-2019-0227-06] Latinx Caucus.docx

3842. [BS-2019-0213-05] Only the Vision of God Can Make Someone Happy.docx

3843. [BS-2019-0327-04] Nasa 4.13.xlsx

3844. 2019 Showcase_Thousand Shapes of Love.mp3

3845. National Collegiate DanceSport Championships Interest Form (Responses).xlsx

3846. Triangle Open Interest Form (Responses).xlsx

3847. NCDC partnerships _ logistics.xlsx

3848. Important DCDI Partner Information.docx

3849. Cackalacky Transportation (tentative).xlsx

3850. DCDI Information.docx

3851. DCDI info.docx

3852. O-Show Rehearsal Schedule.pdf

3853. Agenda 11_2_19.docx

3854. DCDI Logistics.xlsx

3855. [BS-2019-0306-01] ASA AAPIHM_ The Blasian Project.docx

3856. [HR-2019-0320-07] House Rules, Laptop Amendment.docx

3857. [BS-2019-0123-05] Singapore-Students-Association-02.11.xlsx

3858. [AGENDA] 2019-01-30, Meeting #17.docx

3859. [BS-2019-0123-05] SSA Lunar New Year Festival 2019.docx

3860. [R-2019-0327-07] DCO_Constitution.pdf

3861. [BS-2019-0123-02] JSU Event 2 01-17-2019.xlsx

3862. 10484542_10205900343846571_6881881348315669459_o.jpg

3863. DSC07284.jpg

3864. 24796380_2100365850249807_7861777937894476924_n.jpg

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3872. stephm2.JPG

3873. Annual Budget 2018-2019.pptx

3874. [BS-2019-0306-01] ASA04.20(1).xlsx

3875. [BS-2019-0227-01] CEF Summit On Homelessness and Poverty Budget.xlsx

3876. [BS-2019-0226-10] DSGRU Survey Incentives.docx

3877. [BS-2019-0306-01] ASA04.20.xlsx

3878. [BS-2019-0213-06] Devils en Pointe SOFC Request.xlsx

3879. [BS-2019-0116-04] DST Fund Form.xlsx

3880. [BS-2019-0123-01] DCC01.31.xlsx

3881. [BS-2019-0320-03] Duke Chinese Theater To Live.docx

3882. [BS-2019-0123-04] Sabrosura 04.19.xlsx

3883. [BS-2019-0403-02] DUSDAC_4_19.xlsx

3884. [BS-2019-0327-02] DSG Earth Week Keynote Speaker_ Majora Carter.docx

3885. [R-2019-0123-07] DASA.pdf

3886. [BS-2019-0227-04] Duke Splash 03.31.xlsx

3887. [BS-2019-0327-05] Street Medicine Presents_ SPARK.docx

3888. [BS-2019-0410-01] DukeMSA_April15 (1).xlsx

3889. [BS-2019-0410-02] DUSDAC Food Truck Rodeo.docx

3890. [C-2019-0227-08] Asian-American Caucus.docx

3891. [BS-2019-0306-03] Program-II-Majors-Union-04.05.xlsx

3892. [BS-2019-0410-02] DUSDAC_4_19 (1).xlsx

3893. [R-2019-0213-10] DUCC -Chartered .pdf

3894. [AGENDA] 2019-04-10, Meeting #25.docx

3895. [BS-2019-0327-03] Momentum Dance Company_s 9th Annual Showcase.docx

3896. [R-2019-0320-05] Diavoli_Blu_Constitution.pdf

3897. lauren.jpg

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3899. 12011398_869435359759531_7518380910785002409_n.jpg

3900. 17814596_10154554463964499_1345882013428482188_o.jpg