
Search Results

12401. General Grant's funeral march

12402. General Grant's funeral march

12403. Good bye, my honey, I'm gone

12404. Good night, sweet dreams; Gut' Nacht, mein Lieb'

12405. Hie away old Satan; Galop; Good bye Nancy Jane

12406. I trust in God; Credo; O salutaris; O salutaris hostia

12407. Interview between Vance and Ranson.

12408. Kentucky Sam!

12411. McCormick Harvesting Machine Company

12412. Missing: Matthew H. Vetter

12413. New Shaker Illustrated Almanac

12414. New Shaker Illustrated Almanac for 1885

12415. Official Programme

12416. Old Uncle Ned with variations

12417. Old year dies tonight

12418. Order for Louisiana State Lottery tickets

12419. Our Drummer

12420. Peggy O'Moore; Shane na laun

12421. Peoples Dramatic News

12422. Phoenix Carriage Works

12423. Pinkerton's National Detective Agency

12424. Pleas against class legislation

12428. Ransom's Family Receipt Book

12429. Sale Days at the Orinoco Warehouse

12430. Sea breeze; op. 96

12431. Sparkling Catawba Springs

12432. St. Stephen's Church, Charleston, South Carolina

12434. Take Notice!

12436. The Advancement of Women

12437. The Common Sense Family Sewing Machine

12438. The New Price List of Woolen Horse Blankets...

12439. The fisherman and his child

12440. Valuable Property !

12441. Wake up Gabriel

12442. West Indies Travel diary, 1885 Feb. 2-Apr. 10

12443. Why the WCTU seeks the ballot

12444. Valuable land on the suburbs of Suffolk for sale!

12445. Smith, Ellet & Co. Commission Merchants

12446. Louisiana state lottery official drawing

12447. Investigate for yourselves, La.S.L., Louisiana State Lottery Company

12448. Dalgetty!

12449. The journal of the Christian Brotherhood, vol. 1, no. 6.

12450. Kirksville Mercantile College, Mrs. W. J. Smith's Writing Institute