objects/UA31-02-0002-SET-0001/Duke Student Government 2016-2017/Senate/Senate Meetings/Meeting 21_ March 29, 2017/A Budgetary Statute of the Duke Student Government.docx
objects/UA31-02-0002-SET-0001/Duke Student Government 2016-2017/Senate/Senate Meetings/Meeting 14_ January 25, 2017/A Budgetary Statute of the Duke Student Government.docx
objects/UA31-02-0002-SET-0001/Duke Student Government 2016-2017/Senate/Senate Meetings/Meeting 14_ January 25, 2017/A Budgetary Statute of the Duke Student Government(1).docx
objects/UA31-02-0002-SET-0001/Duke Student Government 2016-2017/Senate/Senate Meetings/Meeting 15_ February 1, 2017/Sangheet - A Budgetary Statute of the Duke Student Government.docx
objects/UA31-02-0002-SET-0001/Duke Student Government 2016-2017/Senate/Senate Meetings/Meeting 14_ January 25, 2017/University and Executive By-Law Amendments.docx