
Search Results

2001. Copy of Merch Interest Form.docx

2002. DBDC waltz.gif

2003. Demo Partners.xlsx

2004. Draft Sport club application.docx

2005. Files that need to be created.docx

2006. Fred Astaire Master Class Times (Responses).xlsx

2007. Fred Astaire Master Classes 19-20 (Responses).xlsx

2008. Fred Astaire Master Classes 19-20 new (Responses).xlsx

2009. Furture Ideas.docx

2010. LNY Showcase Ideas.docx

2011. Meeting Notes.docx

2012. New NetIDs.xlsx

2013. Partners! (Responses).xlsx

2014. Placement Email Draft.docx

2015. Screen Shot 2019-09-01 at 8.53.31 PM.png

2016. Sports Club Application.docx

2017. Sports Club Benefits.xlsx

2018. Sports Club Calender _ Doc.pdf

2019. Sports Club Meeting Notes.docx

2020. Sports Club Presentation.pptx

2021. Sports Club Presentation.pptx

2022. Spring Audition.xlsx

2023. Transaction Log 2019-2020.xlsx

2024. UNC Mock Competition Sign Up (Responses).xlsx

2025. Viennese Waltz Choreo.docx

2026. Virtual BDD zoom.xlsx

2027. beginnerCurriculum.docx

2028. mmexport1567136150802.jpg

2029. tablingppt.pptx

2030. 1.12 Sports Club meeting.docx

2031. 2020 condition assessment for exhibit loan of Emma Goldman Papers

2032. 2020 leather reback and board reattachment for research use of Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra, vol. 2

2033. 2020 leather reback and board reattachment for research use of Plans, elevations, sections, and details of the Alhambra, vol.1

2034. 2020-2021 DBDC Leadership Positions.docx

2035. 2020-2021 Leadership Team Interest Form (Responses).xlsx

2036. 2020-2021 practice time preference.xlsx

2037. 2020_CBC_Results.pdf

2038. 4_15_2020 Agenda.docx

2039. A Decade in Review.pdf

2040. Agenda 1_15_20.docx

2041. Agenda 1_22_20.docx

2042. Agenda 1_29_20.docx

2043. Agenda 1_8_20.docx

2044. Agenda 2_12_20.docx

2045. Agenda 2_19_20.docx

2046. Agenda 2_26_20.docx

2047. Agenda 2_5_20.docx

2048. Agenda 3_4_20.docx

2049. Agenda 4_8_20.docx

2050. Amigo (اميجو)

2051. BallroomDoorDec2020.pdf

2052. CEF_Budget_Template-2 Spring 2020 Pureun.xls

2053. COVID-19 meeting.docx

2054. Cackalacky Logistics.xlsx

2055. ChapelCongregation_2020_YearInReview.pdf

2056. Chicago Flights.xlsx

2057. Covid Zoom Meetings.docx

2058. Descriptions used for YouTube Posts.docx

2059. Director_s Notes for Each Video.pdf

2060. Dream of Return (حلم العود)

2062. Email to Sport Clubs About Covid-19.docx

2063. Episode 1 - A Decade in Review.mp4

2064. Episode 2 - First Love and Other Drugs.mp4

2065. Episode 3 - Expectations vs Reality.mp4

2066. Episode 4 - Lunch Time.mp4

2067. Episode 5 - Fiery Groins.mp4

2068. Episode 6 - Trying to Try.mp4

2069. Episode 7 - My Side.mp4

2070. Episode 8 - Sorry.mp4

2071. Episode 9 - No Filter.mp4

2072. Expectation vs Reality.docx

2073. Fiery Groins.docx

2074. First Love and Other Drugs.docx

2075. Internal Memo Explaining Transition to a Virtual Show.pdf

2076. Lunch Time.docx

2078. My Side.docx

2079. NCDC Logistics.xlsx

2080. NCDC budget.xlsx

2081. NoFilter.docx

2082. Sorry.docx

2083. Sport Clubs Budget Meeting for 2020_2021 Notes.docx

2084. Spring 2020 Beginner Class Schedule.docx

2085. State of Hani Amer (دولة هاني عامر)

2086. Thank You Letter NCDC 2020.docx

2087. The Chair (الكرسي)

2088. The Hopscotch

2089. Trying to Try.docx

2090. When is the Wedding (ايمتا العرس؟)

2091. Yara (يارا)

2092. ChapelCongregation_Jan2020Preview.pdf

2093. ChapelCongregation_Feb2020Preview.pdf

2094. ChapelCongregation_Mar2020Preview.pdf

2095. ChapelCongregation_Apr2020Preview.pdf

2096. Travel Writing in the Time of Pandemic

2097. Closing Remarks

2098. ChapelCongregation_May2020Preview.pdf