
Search Results

51. Letter to Winston Wiltshire, 1972 Dec. 24

52. ChapelCongregation_2018_YearInReview.pdf

53. Flyer, Arusha Konakri Institute open house, 1973 Dec. 28

54. Alterations to Union Building

56. [New Testament Gospels].

57. [New Testament, Acts and Epistles].

58. [Liturgical prayers].

60. [New Testament].

61. al-Qurʼān.

62. al-Qurʼān.

63. [Menaion for the month of April].

64. [Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great].

65. [Gospel Lectionary for dates in June, July and August].

66. [Menaion].

67. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

68. [New Testament Gospels].

69. [New Testament, Gospel Lectionary for 5th Sunday of John and 3rd-6th Sunday of Mark].

70. [New Testament, Gospels].

71. [Psalter and Odes of Moses with liturgy for Vespers].

72. [Gospel of St. Mark].

73. [New Testament Gospels].

74. [Homilies of Saints John Chrysostum, John of Damascus and others].

75. Fragment from Tafsīr al-Māwardī.

76. [Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great].

77. [Commentary on the Song of Solomon, 1:1-6:8 by Michael Psellus].

78. [Liturgical miscellany].

79. [Theological Miscellanea, including works by Saints John of Damascus and Gregory Thaumatugus].

80. [Liturgical miscellany].

81. [Fragmentary liturgical manuscript containing special prayers and liturgies].

82. [Psalter and Odes of Moses].

83. [Euchologion].

84. [Octoechos and Triodion].

85. [Greek Prose and Verse on the Labors of Hercules].

86. Incominciano Le uite de Pontefici et imperadori Romani

87. Incominciano Le uite de Pontefici et imperadori Romani

89. Beatrice d'Este

90. A View of Venice

91. A View of Venice

92. Fragment from a copy of the Qurʼān.

93. [Liturgical miscellany and prayers].

94. [Liturgies of Saint Basil, Saint John Chrysostom, and Saint Gregory].

95. [Liturgies of Saint Basil, Saint John Chrysostom, and Saint Gregory].

96. [Liturgies of Saints Basil and John Chrysostom, the Presanctified, and Services for the General Menaia].

97. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

99. [Monk's Book, Liturgical directions and prayers].

100. 1̔η θεία λειτουργΐα του̃ ἐν ̔αγίοις π[ατ]ρ[ός] ̔ημών ̕Ιωάννου του̃ χρ[ησοσ]τομ[ου], κτλ.