
Search Results

2. Euratlas Historical Political Boundaries of Europe

3. [Acts of the Apostles].

5. [Orations].

6. [Invective against the Emperor Julian and other works].

7. [Definition and Categories of Heretics].

8. Three Islamic legal texts.

9. Letter from Clarence E. Swansten, Congress of Racial Equality, 1973 Jan. 16

10. ChapelCongregation_Feb2018Preview.pdf

11. The Rational Choice, 1973 Jan. 25

12. Cox to Cox, 1973 Jan. 25

13. After the Arusha Declaration, 1967 Oct. 16

14. ChapelCongregation_Nov2018Preview.pdf

15. Memorandum, Loretta Hobbs Taylor to Cox, 1974 Oct. 7

16. Euratlas Ancient Rome Vector Map

17. [Gospels and Apocalypse].

18. [Homilies 2 and 3 on Lazarus].

19. [Miscellaneous doctrines].

20. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

21. [Gospel of Matthew XXII, 31-XXIII, 10].

22. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

23. Fragment from Fatḥ al-bāqī bi-sharḥ Alfīyat al-ʻIrāqī.

24. [New Testament Gospels].

25. Daily News Tanzania, 1975 Nov. 12

26. ChapelCongregation_Dec2018Preview.pdf

27. Carol Louise, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, to Cox regarding South Africa and the United Nations, 1974 Nov. 29

28. Proposal for the establishment of the Tanzanian Consulting Council of the Pan-African Skills Project, 1970 Nov. 30

29. [Euchologion containing the liturgies of Saints John Chrysostum, Basil, Gregory, and other rituals and prayers].

30. [New Testament, Gospel Lectionary].

31. [New Testament, Gospels].

32. [New Testament, Gospels].

33. [New Testament, Gospels].

34. [Fragment of a Euchologion, containing five prayers for various occasions].

35. [Menologion for December 4-13 by Symeon Metaphrastes].

36. [New Testament, Gospels].

37. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

38. [Gospel lectionary fragment from Matthew Saturday-Sunday]

39. [Hymns in honor of the Theotokos, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the "Second Week."].

40. [Menaion for September 5th, 12th, 13th and October 1st, 2nd].

41. [Psalter and Odes of Moses].

42. [New Testament Gospel Lectionary].

43. [Homilies to the people of Antioch about the Statues].

44. [New Testament, Gospels].

46. [New Testament, Gospel Lectionary].

47. 1972 Pan-African Congress Structural and Programatic Clarifications, 1971 Dec. 15

48. Classroom and Auditorium Building

49. Planning Committee minutes, Sixth Pan-African Congress, 1971 Dec. 18

50. ChapelCongregation_Jan2018Preview.pdf