
Search Results

1. Everything they want for Christmas except the polo pony

2. Breakfast on a bun, 99 cents

3. As Californians spend on therapy

4. Jack Sprat prefers Safeway meats

5. The World at your doorstep

6. Ignorance is not bliss

7. Thanks for returning the Whidbeys

8. If signs of stress persist, take Metro

9. On your way to the top

10. Cherry Coke, He didn't ask if I wanted a Cherry Coke

11. To be unleashed Friday May 2.

12. Remember... Club Med

13. New Braunfels may have the best wurst, but Dallas has the best newspaper

14. Drop in anytime

15. Look. Most nonstops to Philadelphia

16. The Great Carat Sale

17. The Supra Dynasty begins

18. Ole's the biggest name in savings

19. Jazzercise

20. Cityplace, West Tower Leasing

21. The years most Gifted Camera

22. Means business six days a week

23. Low prices are worth waiting for (watch this space)

24. Your 10.9% winter fun loan is waiting.

25. Esprit...Hudson Belk

26. 1070 WIBC AM

27. We think we're perfect

28. Your 10.9% holiday shopping loan is waiting.

29. Celebrate the San Diego Zoo's 70th birthday

30. Wine Cellar Restaurant

31. Rate's great. Less billing.

32. The Cape

33. 70 years and in the pink

34. Your 10.9% fix-up loan is waiting.

35. Strickland's

36. No Sweat

37. Franks make kids smile!

38. Real Estate's Heavy Hitter

39. Anything goes with eggs.

40. Elitch's Anything but tame

41. Hixon's Surf Shop...Suits Me

42. How to cast off your fishing rod

43. Running these appliances would cost 43% more in Chicago

44. Giggle

45. San Diegos Most Popular Watering Hole

46. Everything they want for Christmas except the Mercedes

47. Big Taste For a change.

48. Remember... Club Med

49. Tellico Village

50. WLIF-102, The beautiful place in your life