
Search Results

1. 1̔ ̔Ερμογένους του̃̃ τεχνογράφου προγυμνάσματα.

2. Alexander Carson papers

3. Benjamin Rush (Princetown) letter to James McHenry (n. p.), 1778 May 17

4. Benjamin Rush (Princetown) letter to unidentified, 1778 April 20-21

5. Borland family papers

7. Charles Butler papers

8. Child under a tree - Engraving.

9. Correspondence, 1775-1869

11. Daybook: Vol. 15, 1778 March 28-1778 November 8

12. December - Engraving.

13. Diploma of the Order of the St. Sepulcher of Jerusalem

15. Dugas family papers

16. Early shareholder lists, 1764-1811

17. Ecorche, 18th century

18. Engraving of a scene in an stable.

19. Euratlas Historical Political Boundaries of Europe

20. Financial, 1763-1829