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1. Air Canada Giving business our best.

2. Executive Class The Business Ticket. Air Canada

3. The Fast Way to All Canada and Europe, fly Trans-Canada Air Lines

4. On your way to the top Executive Class Air Canada

5. ...a swift, comfortable flight away via Trans-Canada Air Lines

6. Tot Ronto Air Canada Votre Pret-a-partir pour le succes

7. On your way to the top

8. More Europe Daily

9. Sans pepins

10. New direct service between Duluth-Superior and Port Arthur-Fort William

11. "They're so friendly and thoughtful... that's why I fly canadian"

12. "Where do they come from? Where do they go?"

13. Fly Canadian

14. Iron two feet down

15. Fly TCA

16. NOW fly the newest "Maple Leaf Route"

17. Starting July 1 New direct service Chicago-Canada

18. Now you can fly to Canada by TCA

19. Canada

20. fast Non-Stop service to Montreal

21. TCA announces its Family Fare Plan

22. Extra Morning Flight allows whole day in Toronto

23. Ski Now in the Snowy Laurentians! Fly TCA

24. Toronto Fly T.C.A. The Direct Way

25. Direct Service Across Canada

26. Home To Canada For Christmas

27. 4 Flights Daily to Toronto

28. NOW fly the newest "Maple Leaf Route" New York-Montreal

29. TCA inaugurates the fastest service non-stop with new 4-engined "North-Star" Sky Liners

30. Three Flights Daily...

31. Fly TCA to Europe

32. Fly TCA For Longer Ontario Hunting!

33. To Meet War Needs

34. Canada's great wide West--for a Vacation Above Everything

37. New-Fast TCA Service Across Canada

38. Opportunities Unlimited for Business and Pleasure-Fly TCA To All Canada...

39. In 10 Years, 1,324 Non-Stop Flights New York to Toronto and all Canada

40. Direct Service Across Canada