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24801. 2010 board reattachment and page repairs to Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques, vol. 2

24802. 2010 board reattachment and page repairs to Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques, vol. 3

24803. 2010 board reattachment and page repairs to Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques, vol. 4

24804. 2010 board reattachment and page repairs to Sinzerus, der Reformator

24806. 2010 board reinforcement and minor structural repair to Marci Tullii Ciceronis XIV

24807. 2010 case reattachment to Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences…1777

24808. 2010 case reattachment to Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences…1779

24809. 2010 case reattachment to Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences…1780

24810. 2010 case reattachment to Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences…1781

24811. 2010 case reattachment to Memoire de l'Academie des Sciences…1784

24812. 2010 case reattachment to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1762

24813. 2010 case reattachment to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1776

24814. 2010 case reattachment to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1790

24815. 2010 case reattachment with flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1802

24816. 2010 case reattachment with flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1811

24817. 2010 condition assessment and housing of Berühmte deutsche Vorkämpfer für Fortschritt, Freiheit und Friede in Nord-Amerika

24818. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints

24819. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints, Brooklyn Bridge

24820. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints, Myrtle Ave

24821. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints, Myrtle Ave

24822. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints, Myrtle Ave

24823. 2010 condition assessment for Exhibition loan of Gedney proof prints, Washington Market

24824. 2010 condition assessment for The Adventurer, vol. 1

24825. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1666-1699

24826. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1711-1720

24827. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1798-1878

24828. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1842

24829. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1877

24830. 2010 condition assessment of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1916

24831. 2010 condition assessment of Sendschreiben von den herculanischen

24832. 2010 condition assessment of Sendschreiben von den herculanischen

24833. 2010 conservation for digitization of Civil War Whitmaniana

24834. 2010 disbinding and page repairs for exhibition of The redistribution of political power ...

24836. 2010 flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1731-1740

24837. 2010 flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1798

24838. 2010 flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1813-1815

24839. 2010 flyleaf replacement to Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1831

24840. 2010 housing for Neuwe Archontologia cosmica...

24841. 2010 housing for The Scripture directory, for church-officers and people

24842. 2010 minor repair of Mémoires: Académie des sciences, 1860

24843. 2010 minor structure repair and page repairs to Johann Christoph Stockhausens Sammlung vermischter Briefe

24844. 2010 minor structure repair to Theatralische Sammlung ...

24845. 2010 new paper binding for Joannis Meursi Creta, Rhodus, Cyprus,...

24846. 2010 page and board reattachment to Enquiries touching the diversity of languages

24847. 2010 page and minor structural repair to Micromegas: a comic romance

24848. 2010 page flattening and repair to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 2

24849. 2010 page flattening and repair to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 3

24850. 2010 page reattachment and board reinforcement to Die Gräber, ein philosophisches...

24851. 2010 page reattachment and paper reback to The young lady's book

24852. 2010 page reattachment to The elements of German grammar

24853. 2010 page repair and minor structural repair to to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 4

24854. 2010 page repair and minor structural repair to to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 5

24855. 2010 page repair and minor structural repair to to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 6

24856. 2010 page repair and new paper binding for Rapport sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, t.2

24857. 2010 page repair and new paper binding for Rapport sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, t.4

24858. 2010 page repair and sewing repair for Kirchen-Geschichte, t. 1

24859. 2010 page repair, hinge repair, and case reattachment for instructional use of The Adventures of Mr. Obadiah Oldbuck

24860. 2010 page repair, sewing repair, and binding repair to Biblia, das ist...

24861. 2010 page repairs and page reattachment to Abentheuerliche Ereignisse aus dem Leben der ersten Ansiedler an den Grenzen...

24862. 2010 page repairs to Curieuse und sehr merckwürdige Leben-und Reise-Beschreibung...

24863. 2010 photo documentation of An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits

24864. 2010 prior repair removal, surface cleaning, and page repairs to Henry C. Hall papers

24865. 2010 redaction and page replacement for Interstitial Glutamate Levels

24866. 2010 sewing repair and board reinforcement to Johann Porsts, Königl.

24867. 2010 sewing repair and rebinding of The Asiatic journal, vol. 20 1836

24868. 2010 sewing repair, hinge repair, and paper reback to A collection of such sermons and treatises... by Samuel Ward

24869. 2010 sewing repair, hinge repair, and paper reback to Emilia Galotti : Tragödie

24870. 2010 spine lining and new paper case for instructional use of Rapport sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, t.1

24871. 2010 spine repair and new binding for exhibition of Dorothea Jane Stephen diary

24872. 2010 spine repair and new binding to Abraham Lincoln. Historisches Charakterbild

24873. 2010 surface cleaning and flattening to Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl.5 c. 2

24874. 2010 surface cleaning and page repair for exhibition of William Tate pardon

24875. 2010 tape removal and page repair for exhibition to Plutarch's lives, vol. 3

24876. 2010 tape removal, aqueous treatment, and new paper binding for Der Compass der Weisen

24877. 2010 textblock, sewing, and binding repair to Blaeu's Toonneel des aerdriicx, ofte nievwe atlas, dl. 1

24878. 2010.JPG

24879. 2010.JPG

24880. 2010.htm

24881. 2010.htm