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251. "Deals sweeter than swiped watermelons"

252. "Ders a stunt for yer."

253. "Did you ring, sir?"

254. "Dining at Bob's of course."

255. "Discover the Pacific"

256. "Do YOU ever feel like Quadruplets?"

257. "Dodge Trucks Save Money Every Mile!"

258. "Dodge Trucks Save Money Every Mile!"

259. "Don't Be A 'Fraid-Cat, Mother, There's No Danger"

260. "Don't Fuss, Mother, This Isn't So Fast"

261. "Don't follow in Dad's footsteps, Junior" W. P. Freight Claims Agent warns son

262. "Don't forget me when you get your Nash."

263. "Don't forget me when you get your Nash."

264. "Don't forget me when you get your Nash."

266. "Don't hang your head 'cause youth has fled, Renew your charm with Dutch Boy White-Lead"

267. "Don't make your face an experimental laboratory" say 250 skin specialists

272. "Dr. Livingstone, I Presume You Remember Sir Henry Stanley?"

274. "Drink Seitz Beer"

275. "Drink Seitz Beer"

277. "EVERVESS Yes, Yes!" The _finest_ Sparkling Water!

278. "EVERVESS Yes, Yes!" The _finest_ Sparkling Water!

279. "EVERVESS Yes, Yes!" The _finest_ Sparkling Water!

280. "EVERVESS Yes, Yes!" The _finest_ Sparkling Water!

281. "Earn Newark's Highest Rare on Insured Savings"; 4 14 % per annum dividends compounded quarterly

282. "Earn Newark's Highest Rate on Insured Savings"; 4 1/2 % per annum dividends compounded quarterly

283. "Economy-now you're talking" Ford V-8

284. "Economy-now you're talking" Ford V-8

285. "El Capitan... nothing like it in railroading"

286. "El Presidente"

287. "Elation"... romantic new lipstick with rare color fascination

288. "Election Night."

289. "Electronics?" Sure! We've had it in our home for twenty years

290. "Em tempos de guerra...assombroso!"

291. "Emerson is your Best Buy!"

292. "Emerson is your Best Buy!"

293. "Ere Now! What's Comin' Off? (Farnsworth television in England 10 years ago)

294. "Esther" given by the Handel and Haydn Society, at King Street Hall

295. "Estimados Compatriotas," 1995 January 20

297. "Even our little toe-headed Susan got a soft, golden tan_"

298. "Eveready" Radio Batteries eavesdrop on Jimmy Durante and Victor Moore

299. "Eveready" Radio Batteries visit Eddie Cantor and the Mad Russian

300. "Every day we make it the best we can" -Jack Daniels, 1866