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302. Globally unique identifiers (guids) (Meeting)

303. Nescent teacher education program (Course)

304. Nescent retreat (Center Project)

306. Phenoscape project (Meeting)

307. Nescent town hall meetings (Center Project)

310. Duke University Aerial Photographs

314. Science advisory board meetings (Center Project)

315. Society for systematic biologists (Meeting)

318. Vertebrate network meeting (Meeting)

319. Nescent seminar series (Center Project)

320. Integrating fossil and molecular data in the study of diversification (Visiting Scholar)

327. Selfish dna and the genetic control of vector-borne diseases (Meeting)

329. Synthesizing computational resources for cis-regulatory molecular evolution. (Meeting)

332. Phanerozoic body size trends in time and space: macroevolution and macroecology (Meeting)

333. Modeling variation in gene networks (Meeting)

335. Relaxed selection and trait loss in evolution (Meeting)

347. Integrated studies of genetic networks: a new evolutionary synthesis (Meeting)

348. Biological diversification on the west indian archipelago (Meeting)

349. Phytogeography of the northern hemisphere (Meeting)

354. Primate fossil analysis (Meeting)

370. Genomic patterns and processes of introgression (Meeting)

371. Clockwork: redefining interfaces for molecular biology and paleontology (Meeting)

373. Meeting evolution across the curriculum (Working Group)

380. What role, if any, does heritable epigenetic variation play in phenotypic evolution? (Meeting)

382. Building tools for emerging model systems in development, evolution, and ecology (Meeting)

385. Computational Phyloinformatics Summer Course (Course)

386. Evolutionary ecology of primate life histories (Meeting)

387. Myelin, a new model for evolutionary innovation (Meeting)

388. Mechanistic distribution models: energetics, fitness, and population dynamics (Meeting)

389. How does cognition evolve? (Meeting)

390. Measuring evolutionary change in modern human populations using cohort data (Meeting)

391. Mathematical models, microbes & evolutionary diversification (Meeting)

393. Montane diversity in space and time: linking evolutionary biology and macroecology (Meeting)

396. Human evolution and adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia (Meeting)

398. Toward a general theory of biological invasions (Visiting Scholar)