
Search Results

5201. 2017-2018 Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative.docx

5202. Policy 2016-2017.docx

5203. DCD Activities Fair SIgn Up.xlsx


5205. Constitution_of_Sahaja_Meditation_Association.docx

5206. Perkins and Lilly Library Charger Program Expansion - Courtney Scoufis.docx

5207. DevilsGate.docx

5208. 2017-2018 DukeOUT.pdf

5209. Fall 2017 Events.pdf

5210. Food Truck Fair Future - J.P. Lucaci.docx

5211. 2017-2018 NSWB_bylaws.docx

5212. 2017-2018 Health education for youth med.docx

5213. 2017-2018 GCF_Constitution.docx

5214. HP 13-inch G1 Chromebook.docx

5215. Gender Neutral Bathrooms.docx

5216. IMG_0642.mp4

5217. 2017-2018 Student Association for Geospatial Analysis.docx

5218. Final inactive group list.xlsx

5219. Attendance Policy.docx

5220. Pitch a Project.docx

5221. Sexual Misconduct Policy Reform.docx

5222. 2017-2018 Hand2Hold.docx

5223. DCD 17_18 Costume Sizes.xlsx

5224. Security Camera Resolution.docx

5225. Changing Blue Zone Policies- Courtney Scoufis.docx

5226. 2017-2018 2nd priority.html

5227. AC Portable Charger.docx

5228. 2017-2018 sanford women in policy.docx

5229. 2017-2018.docx

5230. Dancer Info

5231. 2017-2018 Refugee Health Initiative.docx

5232. IMG_0791.MOV

5233. 2017-2018 The_Constitution_of_Duke_Interdisciplinary_Student_Innovators_(1).pdf

5234. imageedit_4_5380381867.png

5235. Replacing the Open Conversations Bench- Courtney Scoufis.docx

5236. Quarter Zip

5237. 2017-2018 Hand 2 Hold.docx

5238. Constitution_of_Sahaja_Meditation_Association (1).docx

5239. DSGRU Appliacation 2016.docx

5240. DCD Social Resources.docx

5241. 2017-2018 Sanford social committee.docx

5242. 17-18 DCD Showcase Co-Chairs.docx

5243. First-Year Career Services - Kristina Smith.docx

5244. GPSC Committe Contacts Sheet 2017-2018.xlsx

5245. 2017-2018 Duke Med Interfaith.docx

5246. DSG Project

5247. DukeEngage Memo.docx

5248. Budgetary Statute Template.docx

5249. PreHealth Advising Review.docx

5250. 2017-2018 Building Outdoor Leaders at Duke.docx

5251. House Fellows Program.docx

5252. Personalized Websites - Priyanka and John.docx

5253. File_000.jpeg

5254. Interest Meeting.png

5255. 17-18 DCD Choreos.docx

5256. 2017-2018 Nicholas School of the Environment.pdf

5257. DSG Constitution.docx

5258. Flipped Classroom Review.docx

5259. Living Learning Community.docx

5260. Duke_University_RPCVs.docx

5261. 2017-2018 Global Health Graduate Student Association.docx

5262. Jazz @ The CoffeeHouse.png

5263. 17-18 Exec Transition Meeting.docx

5264. ABPres2016-17(2).pptx

5265. TurboVote.docx

5266. RGAC By-Law.docx

5267. Taiwanese_Badminton_Club_Constitution.doc

5268. 2017-2018 Duke Biomedical Engineering Society Graduate Section.docx

5269. ClubSports2017(1).xlsx

5270. 2017-2018 BGPSA_Constitution_(1).pdf

5271. DTP class of 2019.pdf

5272. File_001.jpeg

5273. Durham FOCUS Program Memo.docx

5274. Student Musicians.xlsx

5275. Perkins Wellness Room - J.P. Lucaci.docx

5276. Chanticleer Memo.docx

5277. Student Organization and Finance By-Law.docx

5278. jazz_logo_inverted_transparent.png

5279. Competition Dance Registration Preference.xlsx

5280. 2017-2018 Duke Med for Social Justice.docx

5281. Smoke Free Campus.docx

5282. Review of the Disciplinary System.docx

5283. 2017-2018 Sanford School of Public Policy Student Council.docx

5284. Improving the C1_C3_C4_C5 Bus Systems - Courtney Scoufis.docx

5285. 2017-2018 Sanford Board Leadership Initiative.doc

5286. Academic Affairs.xlsx

5287. DPS2017(4).xlsx

5288. 2017-2018 NSNA_Bylaws.pdf

5289. ClubSports2017.xlsx

5290. RGAC Rubric.docx

5291. DCD Trio Agenda.docx

5292. 2017-2018 DukeGPSC_Bylaws.pdf

5293. Social Media Blasts.xlsx

5294. Bettering Campus Culture.docx

5295. Orientation Week.docx

5296. 2017-2018 Duke MBA Business in Africa Club.pdf

5297. Building Institutional Knowledge.docx

5298. GoBringIt_West Union Expansion - Dylan Gambardella.docx

5299. 17-18 DCD Publicity.docx

5300. Perfect, Besame Mucho, DJ got us fallin in love.docx