
Search Results

201. KhaledShadi 2018 4 minute edit.mp3

202. Salat_Complete_Transcript_ Jan Zedin_Feb 15 2018.docx

203. Alam_and_Zymnis_3MinuteEdit_Mahmoud_Rihawi_15February.mp3

204. FarahSofia at Desk UNC.jpg

205. AdamsKlingensmithWoods_Complete Transcript_Shadi Khaled_30January2018.docx

206. Lee_complete transcript_Hadiya_Ahmed_30Jan2018.docx

207. AhmedHadiya 2018 photo.jpg

208. AlatarMohammed spoken Intro by Arielle.pdf

209. Woods_completetranscript_ShadiKhaled_30Jan2018.docx

210. AlatarMohammed complete second interview.wav

211. FarahSofia transcript 4 minute edit.docx

212. Sydney AdamsFieldnotesFirstSkype withShadi.docx

213. FarahSofia complete second interview.wav

214. AlazzaMohammad excerpts first interview 26Sept2018.mp3

215. FarahSofia fieldnotes by Real 12Oct2018.docx

216. FarahSofia transcript of excerpts from first interview Real and Allmendinger 26Sept2018.docx

217. FarahSofia transcript of first interview.docx

218. AlazzaMohammad spoken intro by Duke student interviewer Sude.docx

219. ZeitawiTala four minute edit.mp3

220. ZeitawiTala field notes by Halloran second interview.docx

221. AlazzaMohammad field notes by Majsak 26Sept2018.docx

222. Alam_Field notes_Mahmoud_Rihawi_ 15February2018_.docx

223. AhmedHadiya 2018 4 minute edit.mp3

224. Woods_FieldNotes_ShadiKhaled_30Jan2018.docx

225. Klingensmith_Field Notes_Shadi_Khalid_30Jan2018.docx

226. 3 MINUTE EDIT_ALI JAN_FEB 15 2018.mp3

227. ZedinJan 2018 4 minute Transcript.docx

228. AlatarMohammed transcript first interview 26September2018.docx

229. AlazzaMohammad introduction.docx

230. AlazzaMohammad Alazza complete second interview.wav

231. MahmoudFieldnotes 2 Sofia.docx

232. Rey_Complete_Field_Notes_Jan_Zedin_15February2018.docx

233. AlatarMohammed field notes by Natarajan.docx

234. AlazzaMohammad complete first interview.wav

235. ZedinJan 2018 photo.jpg

236. Nguyen_Wood_FullTranscript_T_15Feb2018.docx

237. Nguyen_Wood_Edited Transcript_T_15Feb2018.docx

238. Nguyen_Wood_Complete Transcript_T_30Jan2018.docx

239. Ali Jan Second Complete Interview Salat_Natali.wav

240. AhmedHadiya 2018 Student Intro.docx

241. ZeitawiTala_b.jpg

242. AlatarMohammed transcript second interview 15October2018.docx

243. FarahSofia 4 minute edit.mp3

244. ZedinJan 2018 Student intro.docx

245. Nguyen_Field notes_T_15Feb2018.docx

246. NguyenWoodComplete2ndInterviewWithT.wav

247. AhmedHadiya 2018 4 minute transcript.docx

248. AlazzaMohammad field notes by Almus 10Oct2018.pdf

249. ZeitawiTala_a.jpg

250. final fall 2018 Kalow Inventory-Media.docx

251. AlazzaMohammad excerpts second interview 10Oct2018.mp3

252. FarahSofia fieldnotes by Real 26September2018.docx

253. ZedinJan 2018 4 minute edit.mp3

254. FarahSofia fieldnotes by Allmendinger 26September2018.docx

255. SofiaFieldnotes Interview 1.docx

256. AlatarMohammed.jpg

257. Woods_FieldNotes_ShadiKhaledInt2_15Feb2018.docx

258. Nguyen_Wood_3 min Edit_T_15Feb2018.mp3

259. Mahmoud 2018 4 Minute transcript.docx

260. Nguyen_Wood_3MinEditScript_T_30January2018.docx

261. AlamZymnisCompete2ndInterviewMahmoud.wav

262. ZeitawiTala_c graduation photo.jpg

263. Lee_3MinuteEdit_Hadiya_Ahmed_15Feb2018.mp3

264. T 2018 student intro.docx

265. KhaledShadi 2018 photo.jpg

266. Lee_Fieldnotes_Hadiya_Ahmed_30Jan2018.docx

267. AlatarMohammed complete first interview.wav

268. AlatarMohammed 4 minute edit.mp3

269. Shadi Second Interview Complete Anna_Sydney_Shane.wav

270. FarahSofia complete first recording.wav

271. ZeitawiTala field notes by DeParle 10October2018.docx

272. Gagne_CompleteTranscript_Hadiya_Ahmed_15Feb2018.docx

273. Wood_Interview1Fieldnotes_T_30January2018.docx

274. AlazzaMohammad transcript second interview 10Oct2018.pdf

275. AlatarMohammed transcript 4 minute edit.docx

276. Woods_Interview1Reflection_13Feb2018.docx

277. Copy of 4_11.docx

278. [BS-2018-0919-03] The Future of Israeli Security for J Street U.docx

279. [R-2018-1114-05] Constitution (2).pdf

280. Budgetary Statute 2018-1114-04 Duke Conservation Tech Blueprint.docx

281. Budgetary Statute 2018-1114-03 Catholic Center.docx

282. [BS-2018-1107-01] DCT 12.1, 12.2.xlsx

283. CAP update short_DSG.pdf

284. [R-2018-1114-06] Duke_Platform_Tennis_Constitution.docx

285. [R-2018-1107-02] Duke_Sheroes_Constitution (1).pdf

286. [R-2018-1024-04] Recognition of Duke Gymnastics.docx

287. 17861448_10210715149329317_7468085546270801398_n.jpg

288. IMG_3784.JPG

289. 25488190_1791878487490264_4828628131207304885_o.jpg

290. Group Dance - Juniors.MOV

291. GIF.gif

292. All Girls Lighting.xlsx

293. IMG_2523.MOV

294. Rose.mp4

295. DSC02381.ARW

296. Mandance.mp3

297. omg senior dance.mp3

298. IMG_2615 2.MOV

299. Edward.mp4

300. Peter.mp4