
Search Results

2471. special letters from fellow-missionaries, retirement, 1977, gilliland, p2.jpg

2472. mcgee early letters, john to doris, aug 27, 1940, p 1.jpg

2473. photo, j.s.mcgee, memorial, annuity insur. letter, p1.bmp

2474. 3000 Igede day school teachers.tif

2475. photo, j.s.mcgee, memorial, jd's hse cleaning work plans, p5.jpg

2476. Duke, Legacy, included in Outline Part IV, email epilogue by David Jester.html

2477. photo, j.s.mcgee, memorial, death certificate, asheville mortuary.jpg

2478. photo, j.s.mcgee, memorial, bulletin, erin's letter.jpg

2479. nigerian legacy, mcgee letters, 1967 thru 1969, nov 3, 1968, p2.jpg

2480. nigerian legacy, mcgee letters, 1973 to 1977, oct 10, 1974, p2.jpg