
Search Results

1941. The Ford V-8 under the hood makes the difference!

1942. Pin point the extra values and you'll pick a Ford for the years ahead.

1943. From start to finish...built for the years ahead. The '51 Ford.

1944. The Ford V-8 under the hood makes the difference!

1945. The Ford V-8 under the hood makes the difference!

1946. For the years ahead Ford has it!

1947. Pin point the extra values and you'll pick a Ford for the years ahead.

1948. Sounding out car troubles.

1949. Don't "open up" before Christmas.

1950. How's your driving I.Q.?

1951. Who's out of control?

1952. Travel tips to ease your trips.

1953. 4 out of 5 V-8's are Ford V-8's.

1954. We haul 12 million bees for 2 1/3 [cents] a mile!

1955. In tree work my 2-ton Ford hauls for only 2 3/4 [cents] a mile!

1956. My Ford delivers sausages for only 2 1/8 [cents] a mile!

1957. We haul poultry feed for only 1 4/5 [cents] a mile!

1958. My milk run costs me only 1 1/2 cents per mile!

1959. We truck milk to our cheese factory for only 3 1/4 [cents] a mile!

1960. Now! See how little it costs to run a Ford truck in your work!