
Search Results

62. Dase Noticia a Los Fieles, Tanto Eclesiasticos, como Seculares...

63. Don Joseph Antonio Manso de Velasco, Conde de Superunda, Cavallero del Orden de Santiago...

65. Bill of sale for Bett, an enslaved girl, from Lawrence Lancaster to Thomas Cook, 1757 March 18 :autograph manuscript signed.

66. Bill of sale for Leander, an enslaved person, from N.C. Trowbridge to E.H. Simmons, 1851 April 17 :autograph manuscript signed.

67. Draft bill of sale, 1787 :autograph manuscript.

68. Henry Ellis papers

70. Prasca Arboré and Company records

71. Thomas Cook papers

72. Various cupping jars, 18th-19th centuries

73. Three-blade folding fleam with brass shield, 18th or 19th century

74. Juzʼ 13 of the Qurʼān.

75. al-Qurʼān.

76. [Apophthegmata Patrum], volume 1.

77. [Chants].

78. [Apophthegmata Patrum], volume 2.

79. 1̔ ̔Ερμογένους του̃̃ τεχνογράφου προγυμνάσματα.

80. Ecorche, 18th century