Sexual Selection Studies: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions (Meeting)

We propose a catalyst meeting to consider progress, challenges and future directions for sexual selection studies, i.e., research topics related to mating dynamics, parent-offspring relations, and family organization. In advance of the meeting, participants will prepare a working document to be discussed and finalized during the meeting and used subsequently as the basis for submissions to international journals. Focus topics for the document and meeting break-out groups are: Sexual Selection Today, Null Hypothesis for Sexual Selection, Good Genes, Parental Investment, Social Bond, Individual Variation and Personality, Hormones, Physiology and Genetics, Economics of Mating and Family, and Sexual Selection Studies in the Humanities. Participants include science scholars from biology and psychology, as well as humanists from history, philosophy and gender studies, and from the social sciences of economics and political science. Participants span a spectrum of nationalities, ages and professional seniority.

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Sexual Selection Studies: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions (Meeting)
