Narrator: You're looking at the secret to a close shave. It's a Schick secret. And it's right here in the new Schick Powershave. It's in the shaving head in these exclusive built-in whisker combs that work three ways. Do three jobs essential to the really close shave you're looking for. First smooths skin down, next pops up each and every whisker, and then guides them right in place to be shaved off, clean and close. Let's see how it works. See the skin smoothed down. The whiskers popped up guided right to the shaving action. Then shaved off deep down where the beard begins below skin level. These exclusive whisker combs are Schick's own discovery. They guarantee you the clean close shave you want every morning. New Schick Powershave shaves closest because of Schick's exclusive built in whisker combs. Get new Schick Powershave tomorrow. Most stores offered a 14 day free home trial.