♪ Woo, woo, woo ♪ ♪ For clearer skin use Camay ♪ Announcer: Camay, the soap of beautiful women. ♪ Do shadows cloud your beauty ♪ ♪ Cloud your beauty ♪ ♪ Do shadows cloud your beauty ♪ ♪ Cloud your beauty ♪ Announcer: Are you downcast because of a dull skin? Do shadows hide your beauty? ♪ Come out of the shadows into the light ♪ ♪ Start with Camay, start tonight ♪ ♪ A lovelier skin with Camay ♪ Announcer: Camay's lather is rich and mild. Change to regular care, use Camay, and you'll have a fresher, clearer, lovelier complexion. Camay will take your skin out of the shadows, and bring your loveliness to light. This lovely girl became a Camay Bride, Mrs. John Michael King. - What an exciting change Camay helped to bring to my complexion. You try Camay and win new beauty. ♪ Ladies you'll adore to use ♪ ♪ The soap that beautiful women choose ♪ ♪ A lovelier skin with Camay ♪