- (sighs) Wasn't it great having the old gang over for dinner? (laughs) So many crazy things to remember. - Yeah, but here's one thing we just forgot. - Oh, our best glass bowl and just when I'm finishing this greasy pan. Okay. Let's have it. - Well, wait a sec. Isn't the water too greasy now? - Nope. I'm using Dawn dishwashing liquid. - So? - Dawn's plenty able to handle the grease in that water. - Well everything looks good so far, dishes, pans. But I gotta see how this comes out. Bowl doesn't feel greasy. What do you know? Announcer: Here's why. Half a cup of grease added to dishwater. Dawn breaks up grease, surrounds it, takes grease out of your way. Helps keep it from settling back on your dishes. - My hands don't feel greasy either. - Yeah. How about that? Announcer: Dawn takes grease (squeak) out of your way.